
05/04/2023 11:31

Satan needs to be exposed!

He's the great deceiver of mankind and he steathily sneaks around seeking souls to claim as fodder for his evil domain.

He is having his biggest grab of souls at this moment in time.

Too many people are oblivious of God.

This is satan's doing. Satan's plans to overtake mankind are in full bloom.

He has dogged us for centuries and now we're so in love with all he has to offer in the way of entertainment; movies, tv, songs, sports, novels, even many of our churches, temples and places of worship; it's all infected with evil; we are enslaved by satan though the messages in them.

He titillates the mind and flesh and we willingly follow; when we do not know any better.

God's Word says we have "itching ears" and want to hear these things that stand against Him.

Satan has done a good job of maligning the Name of God; of putting down people who believe, of making God look weak, a liar, to the point that he even says there's no God; because God doesn't act the way satan has convinced us He should.

Satan has put scales over our eyes so we can't see God's hands at work in the world. 

In this way he has hardened our hearts towards Godly things. 

He has attacked our flesh causing us to be angry at God. He continues to fill the mind with thoughts that cause us harm to ourselves and others. He pulls our spirit down and tramples all over it trying to destroy it. He interferes with the blessings God sends to us; takes them for himself. He lures our children into vices. He sets himself up as head of families and rules with violence and acrimony.

There's no end to the evil he displays in full sight in our world; wars, tensions, bitter rivalry, corruption, bribery, false doctrines, slavery and on and on.

And he has convinced many; that all those evil doings and carrying-ons; are the work of God.

But God is not going to be goaded by satan, and when we choose to walk into satan's trap, we're really in a sticky situation as far as our soul is concerned; not to mention what satan is capable of doing to our flesh once we align ourselves with him.

Believers cannot be touched by satan without the approval of God; but he can willy-nilly, mess with a non believer; for that one has decided there is no God; so how can they receive anything from Him; if they do not believe?

As believers we must respond to any suffering with never blaming God; but kowing that He will be with us, and lead the Way out. We must trust and obey Him in order to be led out of the difficulties we find ourselves in.

We will be stronger in our faith for doing so; for there is discipline and victory; from the Lord for the believer when we stay the course, and get the Victory of overcoming a deepseated sin that has plagued us. 

God by His Spirit, trains us up into spiritual maturity, like a parent trains the child they love, to be a good person.

Satan has many strategies to destroy us.

But the good news is; satan can be overcome; resisted, and put under our feet.

First we need to detect his influences.

By The Holy Spirit we are convicted of sin. (Allow the heart to be convinced when sin is present.)

If we don't give the Spirit permission to be our Guide and Confidant, He will not interfere, and that will be our loss.

We must use our Free Will Gift from God very wisely.

First is to realise God is not a liar. 

In the battle of Good and evil who do you think is going to win?

It is God. 

Satan is going to be defeated and all will see his end. 

God intends we all know what the end result is of evil; that is why everyone will see satan's demise.

You and I will be there on that day in the Court of God's Law.