Saved And Unsaved

12/16/2023 14:45

Friend, most people do not realise that God has a Way to show all creation which souls are His.

On earth we guess. 

Maybe someone is wearing a cross necklace; but is that just decoration sometimes used by unbelievers, to confuse, deceive, delude other humans.

Maybe someone goes to church every week and we consider them staunch Christians; but is their heart with God; or do they have doubts about God?

Maybe they sing praises in the church choir; or are they just getting choral training to further a career?

Maybe they send their children to Sunday School; but do they just want some peace on Sundays away from the children?

Many are the reasons we give to say this or that person is a saved soul.

But we do not know for sure.

We can only know whether our own soul has been redeemed.

Only God truly knows.

This world houses two types of souls that ultimately belong to God; all souls being His to Judge.

We could say the world is in a state of preparation for God's Ultimate Redemption of souls; taking back those souls which desire to be with Him.

When the Courts of Heaven are ready for The Great Judgment all of The Kingdom's occupants will be witness to the Judgment of earth souls; and all will see that The Judge is Righteous before The Law which is our God.

The two types of souls which have lived on the earth; saved and unsaved.

Believer and unbeliever.

Lover of God and hater/denier of God.

All creation is aware of the situation; the angels of God, the fallen angel demons; satan himself, all the inhabitants of The Kingdom of God!

God's Word says that the angels in Heaven rejoice for God whenever a soul accepts Jesus as Saviour.

They are immediately welcoming and have a new soul to minister to by The Spirit's leading.

When we accept Jesus as our Saviour King, we please The Father and The Law aspect of Himself.

We are then made Whole before The Holy Throne of Grace and Mercy.

The Blood of His Son, Jesus our Saviour, is The Holy Covering for our soul; that makes us identifiable as Redeemed, Saved by The Holy Sacrifice of Jesus at The Cross.

The Blood of Jesus is the "one thing" that we must have to be accepted into The Holy Kingdom and not have to stand before The Judge at The Judgment of sinners.

We all get a chance to know The Truth. This may be your chance. 

Do not take it lightly. 

Today, you are alive for another minute; you have a choice to make.

Accept The Spiritual Truth or stay with the earth's frivolity and foolishness taught to you by the satanic army which has no power, no truth.

Satan is under Judgement. His sentence and punishment has been proclaimed thoughout God's creation of all things: and in God's Perfect Timing of His Law, we will all see his end, and that of his die hard followers, while the saved will join Jesus and rejoice.

God has spoken and it will come to pass for He has All The Power over all things He has created. He created none higher than Himself so satan definetly loses.