Set Your Mind

03/22/2024 12:05

Friend, as believers we are exhorted in Colossians 3:1-2; to set our hearts and minds on the things above, not earthly woes, pursuits, and indulgences.

This is because, ultimately we all leave this earth, and the things of earth become not necessary, and have no meaning to us after death.

After our death, the soul is separated from the flesh, and the flesh decays or is burnt to ashes. But the soul is eternal and lives on.

And, the life on earth was used to separate believers from unbelievers, we find.

The devil likes to keep our mind occupied with the things of earth, guiding us into bad choices so we will suddenly be taken, and he will be waiting to claim our soul. This is the deceit of satan. This is what he does to the souls of men. God has allowed him access to us and He has given us a soul from Himself that ultimately does know He exists and is Good.

Why do we refuse Him? This is the real question we must ask ourself.

He will protect us as we journey through life when we give our allegiance to Him. The darts will be thrown but they will not wound us to death. They may hurt a little until we lean to strengthen ourself in Him and give the battle to Him. 

Let all Glory be His so others may see He did the Good Work in us, not ourselves. Satan wants us to fight him hard and rely on our own strrength but that will not get us the soul victory! 

God is warning us here to think on the things above. The spiritual, supernatural realm.

How do we get into The Kingdom of God to enjoy our new existence; after a life of living in the flesh?

We set our mind on the things above!

We set out on a new path.

We decide to find Truth.

We reject all deceiving paths, the luring of wealth, beauty, fame, fun, gifts and games designed to keep us occupied from pursuing our new goal.

We say "NO!" firmly, and stick with it, to all the things offered that go against God's Word in His Holy Bible.

We decide to read The Bible.

We decide to hear God out.

We decide to talk to God.

We decide to believe Him only.

We follow all His Fatherly Advice; knowing it is for our Good to do so. 

For our Eternal soul's good.

We receive His Love and Care and grow in spiritual knowledge.

We become mature over the years in Godliness of character and being.

We accept His Son as our Saviour Redeemer.

We're thankful and full of praise for Father, Son and Spirit.

We help others to know The Path to Righteousness in God Almighty so they too, may be Redeemed back to Him.