
06/04/2023 11:55

Friend, so many peope are doubters of Christ Jesus, God Almighty and His Holy Spirit.

They have not had an encounter with Him that they recognise.

If in the future they do become born again by The Spirit of God into fellowship with Jesus our King and Spiritual Brother Saviour God; they will look back after a few years of walking closely with Him, to reflect on His Goodness towards them, and discover that many times His Hand stayed some terrible evil, that was hovering around seeking to destroy the body; tarnish the spirit, and kill the beautiful soul that God has given to each human.

At that time of reflection of the past, a wonderful and amazing realisation will come upon us, that we have always been set aside for Him, to come into fellowship with The Son, The Word, The Creator.

The born again experience is a fully personal one. No two experiences are exactly the same, yet they are the same in many ways.

The personal experience we have with God Himself through His Son and Spirit is; Fully Holy and Spiritual. 

We become changed in the mind as we grow in Holy Spiritual Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom.

The heart no longer listens to everything the brain wants to do. 

The heart where Jesus now resides as Friend, Confidant and Saviour God, gets stronger and begins to take over the mind, which is easily controlled by evil forces; but because of the Presence of God in us, evil no longer has the authority it once had; which drove us to commit every sin it could. Evil has free reign before we are saved by God Himself; Jesus The Christ.

This new Spiritual Experience is the most difficult thing to explain in words to an unbeliever. 

But is our deepest need; that heretofore we had not recognised what it was. 

And now we feel satisfied with a longing to know more about Jesus, The Father and The Spirit.

He meets us at our deepest need from the Deepest Reaches of His Heart to ours; speaking Love to us that is all consuming; whole, Holy, Pure and full of Truth.

We may have felt an incompleteness, or a lack that we covered with our sinful pleasures; but we did not know what it was; because we mostly live by the flesh, before we come into personal relationship with Him.

It's the Spiritual Connection with The Father, Son and Spirit that our soul desires.