The Good Of God - Live Peaceably

03/23/2024 10:40

Friend, all believers are called to do work in the Kingdom of Heaven while on earth.

God likens the earth to His Garden. He needs workers! His plants are the whole of the human race. We need tending and care to help us grow and mature to bear good fruit, ready for harvest.

The ground must be weeded, and the clods broken up, the stones removed, the earth turned over and watered; prepared for the seeds to fall into good soil.

God uses the believers talents and gifts from Him as a means for them to express their knowledge of Him; to help their fellow man, to instruct in Righteousness and teach about the adversary of their faith.

We are the gardeners, the workers in the fields; the tenders of the vines.

We are expected to be  diligent, not lazy, have Godly fervour towards others in God Love, kind and compassionate, enduring afflictions, prayerful and having abundant praise towards God.

Always abounding in the spirit of love within us, to theirs, even though exhortation may need to be used.

We must care for souls as Christ has shown us by His Work of Redemptuion at The Cross; where He made a Way for our souls to be saved from the fires of Hell if we so choose.

In Romans 12:14 we are told to bless them that persecute us and not curse anyone.

We see that our Lord Jesus Christ, stripped and beaten, and nailed to The Cross, never cursed anyone, but asked the Father to forgive all.

We must hold that picture of Him in our minds and let it come to the fore when faced with situations when we want to curse, belittle and lash out to others whom have hurt us.

Recommended reading is Romans Chapter 12 for instruction from God by His Holy Spirit, leading Apostle Paul to teach His Word to early Christian believers.