The Holy Spirit

01/07/2024 11:14

Friend, we believers have a Comforter for our soul's journey on this earth.

He is able to calm the raging seas of doubt and confusion; He surrounds us in the fires as a shield, we will not be singed though we find ourselves in a fire for a season.

When we focus on our Lord, The Comforter is ours to hold onto. He is present here on earth at our Lord's Good Pleasure as a Helper of mankind to show The Way, to reveal Jesus The Christ of God to us individually in our spirit.

Holy Spirit to mankind's individual spirit man. 

He works in the supernatural realm. He is knowable to us by our soul's heart.

He works to break the hardened shell, the brick walls we have put up to keep out harm.

He sees supernaturally the darkness within us and has the Answers we need. 

First is to shine God's Holy Light into the cracks He makes. That Light drives out darkness.

In the Light, we experience God's Love for us.

In the Light, many things are revealed to us.

We find Truth. We desire to know what He has to say; we begin to read His Word.

All these things come from The Holy Spirit who loves us and is gentle and all knowing.

He will run to anyone who is curious about who Jesus is; anyone who desires to know God's Truth; anyone who is totally spent and has no willpower to move into Heavenly thinking.

The Spirit says "come all ye who are weary and I will give you rest."