The Journey To Inner Joy

01/01/2020 21:40

Friend, aren't we all after inner joy?

Don't we all wish that war did not exist?

Doesn't it hurt your heart when there are disagreements; when we can't get along with others?

Why does everything have to be turned upside down and taken in a way something was not intended?

We just want peace; agreeableness, no wrangling, clashing and banging about. 

Just calm.

But we also know the world is a divider of persons.

Whether it's neighbours divided, countries and nations divided, belief system divided, racial divided or whatever, we are divided people.

A person can move to another state in the country they are born in and feel closed off (divided) from others because of a minor accent difference.

When we're young in our twenties we think if only everyone would love this music and wear these clothes and have these interests then we'd have no problems anywhere in the world.

As we grow older we begin to realize that everyone being the same is never going to happen.

So then, we must accept our differences knowing that many will not; because we are constantly birthing new people who themselves will go through similar thinking patterns to ourselves, as we grow older.

There's always going to be people at different stages of life.

So what is the answer to having joy and happiness in our world?

It finally comes down to each individual to have their own joy and happiness, not dependent on another human being.

But we are created to have personal relationships.

We hunger after them.

Christianity offers us this personal relationship with a Good living being.

No other belief system does.

The Son of God is willing to be a Friend to each of us. 

He offers us Love, Grace and Mercy. He is a Forgiver of sins, past, present and future. 

He is our Mediator in Heaven with The Father. 

He calls us collectively brothers and sisters when we accept Him as Saviour. 

His Death and Resurrection brought us kinship with Him; We are Grafted into the Royal Vine of Life.

He is the Joygiver.

Inner Happiness can be ours when we walk with our Saviour; when we accept His Sacrifice for our sins and follow Him.

He wants to lead us into a close personal relationship with Him.

He will cleanse and renew our heart and mind so that we can have Joy within.

He shows us how to repent of past ways and control our will.

He teaches us His Law and Ways.

Following His Way and Will brings better consequences than those we experienced before, when we followed after the wiles of satan.

The journey to inner joy can be hard or easy. It is up to us; how quickly we discard our ways and will and how quickly we humble ourselves before our Lord and agree that His Way is best for us.

Will you follow Jesus today?