The Little Things

03/28/2015 21:31

Friend, every day, make it a practise to be thankful for the little things and the bigger things will gradually begin to become those that you will be thankful for also.

It is in the little things that God meets us.  There is no valid reason to shower us with the big things and spoil us.  It is in our nature to say a small thanks and be off on our own again when we receive the big things.  He knows that without us first being thankful for the little thing, we cannot be trusted to be true to Him after we receive the bigger things we desire.

So discipline your heart and mind to be thankful.  Count your blessings everyday!

Make sure that your thanks are directed towards Jesus, the One who supplies all your needs.

Do not desire anything unless your Saviour gives it to you then treasure it and thank Him.

Satan has his demonic army at the ready and will try to make your blessings sour and bitter but know; that Jesus will draw close to you and defend you as you bless Him and thank Him for all you have; for all He has given you; for all He has done and all He is going to do for you.

Bless you friends from many countries around the world who stop in on your search for love, meaning and wholeness.  I pray for you all to find your Saviour and be filled with wisdom, not of this world, but from Heaven above.