The Prompting Of The Spirit

04/14/2023 10:32

Friend, we are born into this life in a sinful state brought about by the sinful disobedience of Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden.

That one sinful act caused sin to be present in our lives. For this is how the Original Design was. For every choice there is a consequence. Good choices have good consequences and evil choices have a consequence we would not choose.

God knew, this was a consequence of disobedience, and this is why He warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of The Garden; which held knowledge of evil.

God also knew, that by giving to them a Free will, that they could choose to eat the fruit, and He had a Plan should that happen. He was going to have to Lawfully deal with His creation of earth and all the inhabitants thereof.

Once Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit, that act caused the whole earth and everything in it; the flora and fauna to be infected with evil. 

The man and woman had unlocked the doors of a contained evil, and today we see that evil reigns with a prolific hand all the affairs of man. We unleashed it upon ourselves; so must live with the consequences and learn how utterly demonic it is.

But God in His Infinite Mercy, also had a Plan to check evil, and eventually carry out the sentence He had pronounced when He banned them from Heaven, and allowed those evil Law-breakers a domain or realm over the earth. They were cast out of His Kingdom to the earth.

That Plan, was that He would come to earth at an appointed time. 

He sees at once, all past and future thoughts, actions, manoeuvres, and cunning designs of evil and mankind.

There is nothing that He does not know in all His creation far and wide; from eternity to eternity unending at all times.

Knowing all things about evil and mankind, God knows what we need to bring us back to Him; for He is our Creator. 

He would offer a choice to be Holy Forgiven by Himself because we were not the instigators of evil, satan was.

Evil, run by Satan even though Satan was created by Him, will not bow the knee to God; thinking one day, with numbers (mankind's souls) it will defeat God, and rule as it wants, with ugly despicable despotic unlawfulness.

God made a Way through the Death and Resurrection of Himself in the Form of His Son, God.

This is The Only Way. It is The Key to Forgiveness and Everlasting Life. It is the nemisis of satan.

The Cross. A Saviour and Redeemer. 

In plain sight of man, God Himself was crucified for our sins to pay the Holy Price required by God to get us back from the clutches of evil.

God knows that satan makes it difficult for us, but the gain of Life, Truth, Love, Joy in Him is far greater than what evil offers.

To follow evil is to land in the depths of darkness, full of fear and loathing of oneself.

Fear (evil) accuses; and Love (God) is full of Grace and Mercy, yet stands Powerful, as Goodness, Truth and Love, shored up by Holy Law.

God is Good and full of Love and cannot allow evil to continue forever. 

We see from reading through The Bible which He has left as His Word to us all, a personal Revelation of many of His Aspects of Character; that He is in a Great Confrontation with evil.

If He thought it best to do away with evil in one fell swoop, He could and would. But from His Perspective, His Knowledge, His Law, and His Holiness, He must Himself be Lawful; not choose easy ways.

We can rest in the Knowledge, that God loves us because He allowed His Own Son to suffer and die for human souls to be reunited with Him.

He rules in Holy Justice always.

We can know His Word is True.

He is Trustworthy in all He has said in His Word.

We find in The Bible that He is desirous of every soul He has created for mankind, to be drawn back to Him for Forgiveness.

The Third Godhead of The Trinity of God is The Holy Spirit.  (Father, Son and Spirit.)

By His Spirit, He draws men to Him.

As we go through life, we have many encounters with The Holy Spirit. We see things with our eyes in glimpses of Goodness through Him. All our senses are being bombarded with Godly streams of Love and care by His Spirit every second of every day and night. 

The Spirit has one Purpose, and that is to draw the souls of men to The Son; Who is The Only Way to be in The Kingdom after this life.

We mom cannot get back to The Father unless we recognise The Son and what He did for us at Calvary on The Cross.

He is The Way.

The Spirit's Purpose is to reveal Jesus to us through other humans, through seeing The Cross everywhere, through hearing about Jesus through the airwaves, through reading of His Story, through drawing us to prayerful communication when our hearts are tired and worn; every opportunity is taken to draw us to Jesus.

To reject Jesus is to sin the one unforgiveable sin

For He died for all including you and me.

To reject Him is to choose evil. 

There is no in between with God.

Friend, do not reject Jesus.