Trample Those Serpents

03/05/2023 21:16

Bible Verses Against Snakes In The Dream - Evangelist Joshua

Friend, what are those things in your life that you would call a serpent; sinful, those things that are against God's Pure Holiness and Law.

Maybe it's as simple as not being able to shut the mouth from speaking words of hurt. 

Maybe you've committed the sin of taking a human's life.

And all those other sins spoken of in the Bible that are inbetween those two examples; what about those?

Take some time to be alone and think on your thoughts and actions during your lifetime; especially since you left the family home; where a guardian adult was responsible for your welfare, for your were under the household of an adult, who God says was your spiritual elder.

Be honest and examine your soul deeply, to find out what you are doing that causes you, not to have a good relationship with your Father God.

Have you rejected The Son of God?

Do you know Who He Is? 

His Name is Jesus.

Ask yourself why, if so.

What are your reasonings to those beliefs you have formed?

Are you now putting your faith in another world faith system that does not make Jesus and The Cross He bore as Saviour, Redeemer God Almighty, the One and Only God?

If you have left and are on your own, you are now responsible to God for your own actions and thoughts.

How do you think He likes what you have been doing, and how things are going with you?

In His Word, The Holy Bible He tells us that to reach Him we must go through His Son, Jesus, for He is our Creator and He is the One who died so we may be saved and be reunited with God.

There is no other Way to God, to Heaven, to Everlasting Life, Light and Truth.

Here on earth those who have given their soul, spirit, and flesh, over to Him will experience Everlasting Life with Him when they exit this body.

We have a big choice to make during our sojourn on earth in the flesh. 

Too many souls have gone off on tangents to look for another God.

Many choose their own self as god.

But God desires all of us to come to Him. He will Holy Forgive us anything; when we make that decision to believe in Him, and serve and love only Him.

That human will have realised they are a sinner and in need of a Saviour for they can do nothing good themselves.

They are ready to stop the world spinning and repent of their evil ways.

They can say out loud to God, "Forgive me I am a sinner most grevious; I believe in Your Son Jesus, and what He accomplished at The Cross for me. Thank You, Merciful and Gracious God."

He will give you the Power, as He walks with you through the rest of your life, to trample on "serpents;" the demonic devils who have tormented you and caused your downfall.

Walk so closely with Him that when you awake in the morning, the demons will tremble at the Good Work you are going to do; because they will see Jesus there at the side of your bed, with hand outstretched to lead you through the day again and again.

Begin your day in quiet communion with Him who has all the Power to help you slay the serpents in your life.

Start with yourself.

Bible Verses Against Snakes In The Dream - Evangelist Joshua