
06/08/2023 11:17

Friend, humans have trust issues.

Our whole lives are overwhelmed by them.

If a litttle child or an elder; we are leery, and wary, of others.

We like to be sure before we jump into activities, jobs, relationships; and we are very distrustful of any claims made about the God of The Bible.

But we easily slip into beliefs that are contrary to The Christian God's Truths.

Oh Buddah, yes no problem, we'll believe everything he has written, all the stories; yes no problem. They're true.

Oh the spirit of the river, has dragon spirits living in it, that will eat you, if you do not first do a smoking ceremony at the river's edge to be cleansed of impurities; or dance around like an animal with feathers in your hair, or rattle some old bones, and shout to the spirit; before entering the water, or before fishing for food. 

Oh yes we say, "I believe in that, I will participate in that!"

Oh, Mohammad is divine, and wise and we must follow and trust everything he has written. 

No problem. Great is Mohammad!

Every region, tribe, culture, has their own spirits, that people trust but that One God over all the idol gods; stay away!

It's so obvious to a believer in the One True God, that all those other gods and beliefs, are not trustworthy. 

They're fake!

But not to the unbeliever, they'll believe those ideas, quickly acepting.

Yet those same unbelievers are so frightened to even hear one word of Scripture; of Holy Truth!

"For the law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ." John 1:17 KJV

The demons within do not want to give up their host; they won't listen or let the unbeliever hear Truth, for they know they will lose that soul to Jesus. They like living in that person, controlling the mind, messing with the heart. They have "evil fun" to give themselves pleasure. So they're trying to destroy the spirit of that unbeliever, with depression  and other fears, that will help the heart to kill the body, which releases the soul from the flesh earlier than it has a right to leave eventually going into Hell. 

If God Himself comes to dwell by invitation into that person, the demon has to flee. This the demon knows, but unless the soul is a believer they do not know this is a reality.

If God has been invited, and is welcomed, evil cannot dwell in His Dwelling Place; the heart of man. In this Way, God saves that soul by the soul's choice to believe, and trust in God's Son for Forgiveness and Everlasting Life.

But do these false religions offer Life (of the soul,) Everlasting?

"He that speaketh Truth sheweth forth Righteousness: but a false witness, deceit." Proverbs 12:17 KJV

They cannot. They use pretend ways that make sense. Reincarnation is the big one many use. Others tell of life everlasting without being born back into the world. Like Pharoahs believed they would have life being a pharoah in some other world, after they die; that's why they need all the paraphenalia that is buried with them.

What Christians know after studying God's Word, is that the lies in this world all come from the fallen angel; once called Lucifer, now known as Satan. God gives names to us all. We see this Truth throughout the Bible.

Satan the devil has devised his own stories, plans, based on God's Truth. Satan deviates from it and makes it more palatable. 

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44 KJV

Everything is roses; the devil and his demons tell us, but in reality; it stinks of putrid hellfire because it is not True. It has no Truth in it. 

It is satan's plan that when he overthrows God (won't happen) he will institute reincarnation, and unknown to man; it will be tortuous. There will be no progression into kingly status, there will be no greatness acheived in the kingdom of satan. It's all lies. 

God is in charge of where satan is going. Satan's just the bully in the jailhouse, gathering followers. One day he will be sat in court at The Great Judgement, and all will see his sentencing carried out.

But God is not a liar. Jesus actually called Satan, "The Father of Liars."

God can be trusted. He states Who He Is, and then He gives us a choice.

He does not sugarcoat anything. It is the unadulterated Truth and it is confronting.

And we are free to choose or deny Him.

Satan on the other hand, is a deceiver who traps us and holds our flesh and mind captive. We have to continually fight Him when we do not believe in God The Father and His Son and Holy Spirit.

"And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." John 8:32 KJV

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He (Holy Spirit) will guide you into ALL Truth: for He (Holy Spirit) shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He (Holy Spirit) shall hear, that shall He (Holy Spirit) speak: and He (Holy Spirit) will shew you things to come." John 16:13 KJV

God is TRUSTWORTHY in ALL His Ways.

Just believe that is WHO He must be to be GOD; and seek that one True God only.

The Bible shows The Way to God and God in the Holy Bible says that The Way, is through His Son. That is the One Way that God will accept; because through Jesus's death and Resurrection, He paid for our sins so we could stand clean (with His Blood Sacrifice Cleansing,) before The Father.

Then we are acceptable in His Sight otherwise all He sees is the ragged sinfilled soul, which is not acceeptable to His Holiness of Purity and Truth.