We're All Sinners

09/16/2020 21:25

Friend, God has addressed us in His Word; in that He says we have all gone astray from the Perfection in which He created us.

God calls it sinning.

To us, in these times when we have made all things immoral; unlawful to be lawful and acceptable socially, we find it hard to accept that sin is sin.

We want God to "allow" our special quirk/sin to be accepted because we have fooled the world into thinking that it is ok and therefore; God must get in line with our "new normal."

Our sinful nature gained from generational sinful thinking, behaviours and wanton dereliction of our duty to God, have become second nature and the once unjustifiable has become accepted as justifiable - (to many).

We basically have allowed the evil army to deceive us.

We haven't stood in agreement with God, His Law or His Will for us.

We have been willing to test Him to the limits of Who He Is and what He represents.

Has He forseen this happening? 

Yes, He has.

He tells us throughout His Word that these times we live in now, were coming. He warned us.

He also devised a Way that satan was not aware of, so that any of mankind could return to Him, in the dirty rags of a misspent life if need be, and receive Forgiveness and the Fullness of His Love.

The Cross had to come to be because of mankind's sinful ways.

His Son had to be accused while being wholly innocent; beaten, bloodied, nailed to the Cross to pay for the sins of humankind. Once the debt was paid in full; He, Jesus, God Himself,  was Resurrected in full humanity and Godliness; walked among men and women whole in body again, to show the Power of God. 

He then ascended to Heaven in full view of many people who were chosen to share their Truth of what they had seen; to prove the Majesty of God.

We are sinners, friend. Many of us could say that we are not because they truly live Godly lives, but God says, "ALL have come short of the Glory of God's Law, so it behooves us to say we are a sinner, because He says we are; knowing the innermost thoughts of a man.

Many do not realize they are a sinner thinking they have done nothing like murdering someone, but it's not the degree of sin, because the smallest sin to us is the same as the biggest sin to us in God's Law.

He kindly says we are The Lost because we have lost our way and are turned around and moving away from Him.

But, the "lost" signifies that we can be "found."

Jesus has found, you! He sees you! He offers His hand to you, one of His sheep in the Heavenly Fold.

Why do you leap away and hide behind the rocks, grazing, frolicking while the wolves close in around you?

Run to The Great Shepherd and receive a safe haven, love and encouragement, food for your soul and a contented life!