
What Must I Do

02/17/2024 13:24

Friend, our unbelieving souls cannot escape Judgment in the afterlife!

We condemn our soul/self when we don't acknowledge The One Who gave it life.

The One Who has created everything by His Law; plural; every known and unknown law, all in ONE, Himself/Law.

God is Law. 

Every law that man has discovered in the sciences, belongs to Him. Have you encountered the laws of nature? Do you not see the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens above which move in perfect symmetry?  

They move by His Preordained Word, His Holy Law.

The tides of the great oceans obey His Word, The Law, Himself, and He has designed the orbits of the planets to obey Him.

If He thought for a nanosecond, "something," it will happen; and it will have and be a Holy, Pure and Perfect, Purpose.

Like mankind. We all have a Holy, Pure and Perfect Purpose. Our soul is linked to Him by His Law.

Our flesh returns to the earth as ashes and dust, but the soul is eternal and eternally His; with which to do His Holy and Perfect Will.

Every soul will not be able to stand in His Presence. Some of us are terribly corrupted. When God looks upon an unbeliever's soul, it's covered in boils, it has leprosy of the soul. Instead of light, He sees darkness, blackened souls.

Can a Perfect Holy God accept back to Himself, these souls?

He is Perfect Law, and He cannot.

His Perfection resists having imperfection; as a Law.

As hard as that soul tries it will never be able to be reconciled to Him in the afterlife.

It will face The Great White Throne Judgement where all entities of God will see the Perfection of God, and fall on their knees in His Awesome Presence; knowing He Is Almighty Perfection in every way.

All that blackness, our imperfect souls, connected to evil, is going to be cut away from Himself, and given over to the Punishment due by His Law.

Ask your self today, if you could you stand at the Judgment, and be saved from punishment for the sins you have committed; that you know you have committed?

What about the sins against The Law; that you are not aware of?

Those are the ones against the God you now stand before, but Whose existence you denied. Denial of God's Existence being the biggest sin a soul could have; denying it's own Maker and giver of life.

While on earth, you were against His Law; which you would have none of.

Oh yes, you are aware others disobeyed those Laws, pointing them out continually to others; but you, never, because for you, those Laws; which God says He has left written on your heart; you were not aware of. 

In other words, you are saying to God, "I'm innocent, because I was ignorant."

Friend, do you wish to know Jesus; have Salvation, be Forgiven of all sins, past, present and future, Redeemed back to The Father, have Peace in your heart and mind?

Just ask yourself, "What do I have to do?"

The Spirit of God has been waiting for you to ask.

Talk to your First Father in Heaven, and read His Word, which He has gathered together for mankind in The Holy Bible. It will show you that Father sent His Beloved Son to make a Way for you to be reconciled to Him.

The Blood of His Child was shed to pay for your punishment.

This is The Only Perfect Way to satisfy His Law.

This time we have on earth is for us to come into fellowship with Father, Son and Spirit; to learn about Them and to tell others.

This is how God is saving us, one soul at a time; redeeming us back to Himself; out of the claws of evil; the blackness, and into The Light of The Kingdom of God.

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Who Is Equal To God

02/12/2024 10:56

Friend, so many of us intend to meet God on our own terms. 

And many do to their disadvantage and to the detriment of their soul.

There is no equal to God.

He is Almighty in every aspect of His Being and Existence.

He creates none higher than Himself.

Man was not made equal to God.

We were planned to fit into His Existence in the "slot" He designed; the earth, on the ground, with a body.

He accomplished this and called it "Good."

Man doesn't want to hear about someone dying for us. 

We don't think we need that. We think God should accept us just the way we are; grevious sinners against Him, His Word, His Plan, His Ways and Will.

We don't believe we're that bad.

We think that God will "hear us out."

After all, any sins we have committed are not that bad. Everybody is doing "that."

Besides, God is Love and has forgiven everything; we're all going to heaven.


Do you not know Who God Is?

His thoughts are so much higher than mankind.

We're not created equal to God. We can never be equal to God.

If you're having these thoughts; you have been compromised by the evil dominion workers (demons) of the prince over the power of the earth; once named Lucifer, now named Satan, both names given by God.

Mankind, created by God as Good, Pure and Lovely; made a decision; a choice to listen to Satan, in The Garden of Eden, and that decision broke our Perfection before God, causing us to know evil, for we were already created good; and since then we have grown to be sinners denying the Power and Majesty of God; because we love sin more.

Consider that the Holy Gift of Free Will, Pure and Good, could not conatin evil in it.

Evil has entered the whole world, since the fall of mankind through Adam and Eve's choice to know evil.

This is a result of breaking intimate fellowship with The Creator of all things. When God speaks it will be so. It is a Lawful edict. When mankind, subject to Him (Law) breaks that thread, we are subject to the requirements of the Law in order for God to be Pure, Good and Lawful to all.

Mankind, since The Fall, is under the requirements of breaking the Law.

Our forefather and mother did this. They broke the connection of their soul to God in Purity. They became sinners of a very grevious sort.

There was plenty for Adam and Eve to do and be in The Garden. God is Good and all He provided for them; and the future for them, was only for Goodness. There was no need to even speak to the evil one; especially since they knew how Good their Creator was. 

Of course, God had a provision for that in Law because by His Law He had Given Free Will so there was always the possibility that man would fall; and we are living in the consequences of that fall, today. 

He had to because He is Perfect in all He does, and all Law does have conseuences written should It be broken. 

All souls born into the earth are going to face the same choice; Good or evil; God or Satan.

God must get rid of the evil of the whole world, and in His Timing and according to His Law, He will.

At one time in The Beginning, The Garden of Eden was contained in Holy Purity, away from the rest of the world which already had the prince of the evil of the power of the air over it causing all kinds of evil ways to infect the earth.  But after the fall into evil knowledge of Adam and Eve the Garden was no longer needed. The fallen couple were banished into the world to be subject to evil's master.

They lost the ability to walk with God spirit to spirit.

They must have surely regretted their choice but were now subject to having to look after themselves; this being the consequence of wanting to know evil things.

But still be subject to The Almighty One; Who had to give them over into evil's hands because they had broken the Covenant He had with them. 

His Law is Pure and has no loopholes. 

This is why He also had  a New Covenant ready to execute when He created man.

It would be only by Holy Blood that mankind could be pardoned from their sin, and made whole in The Law.

This Holy Blood was supplied by Jesus.

It's on offer; since the Resurrection where Jesus was sat at the Right Hand of The Father; to anyone who will brave the rigors of evil, and step away into The Holy Light, by The Blood of The Lamb of God, Who came to save the world.

We must accept Jesus if we want to be in the New Covenant; and by doing this we must be humbled in spirit to repent before the One Who took on our Punishment.

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Jeremiah 9:23-24

02/06/2024 12:12

Friend, mankind individually thinks of itself as correct in all it's computations of what life is all about.

Many cannot bring themselves to believe in God or His Son, because they have formed the opinion that it is weak to believe in something that cannot be seen nor fully explained.

Others have been hurt by "spiritually minded" individuals, and place the blame squarely on a God they do not believe in.

Some choose to worship in one or some, of the many religions of the world that are demonically inspiried to fool us; to keep us tangled in cults and beliefs in many gods, or self, and ways of working our way to Nirvana, or reincarnation. 

By our own self wisdom and through learning about systems on peacefully inspired living, like Buddhisim, we are enticed into stepping on the wheel of neverending "must do" rituals, designed to fool us into working our way to God.

By engaging in these other religious activities and beliefs we separate ourselves from God Almighty creator of our souls.

We are allowing our soul to be deceived. We want God to see how good we are; we're peaceful, we're considerate, we eat no meat, we never swear and we do all the prayer rituals, we honor the spiritual elders, bowing to them as if they are deity.

This is The Truth; God knows the author of those ritualistic religions, and he does not approve of them, or give us any credit for following them.

This is what God says to us in Jeremiah 9:23-24 in the Old Testament

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM The Lord who practises steadfast Love, Justice, and Righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, says The Lord. 

We must embrace fully, His call on our life; let Him show us how to forgive those who have misled us, those who have hurt us, those who have angered us.

We're all in the same condition before God. 

Either we're Blood Covered by believing in His Son, or we're not. That's the only difference that God sees.

Choose Jesus and He will Forgive past, present and future sins and renew your heart and mind into Perfect Holy Alignment with Him, as you walk through this life.

You'll have a Helper and Counsellor of Infinite Knowledge and Intelligence; The Knower of All Things.

He will be your Friend, Confidant, Healer, Teacher; anything you need; He is pre- knowing all things concerning you.

We can speak to Him as if He is right beside us, because He has given to us His Holy Spirit as an immediate First Responder, who takes our needs before the throne of Grace and Mercy, and pleads our case to receive the resolution for our personal life here on earth.  

He is our Advocate Most Supreme and Perfect Whom The Father welcomes, and from Whom receives all requests.

Why wouldn't any human want this One of Power and Holy Love as their God?

He conquered the satanic realm at The Cross. They're just using up their alloted probationary time until the day of sentencing; according to the Will of God.

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Honor Parents

01/24/2024 10:02

Friend, so many of us have severe schisms in our families caused by a myriad of troubles.

Many of us have been not wanted as children; others abused emotionally and physically.

The causes are often from involvement in mind and mood altering substances.

Parents who made a committment before God to care for each other til death, now are at odds and even hate is in the air.

There are so many scenarios; each individual to family dynamics, and previous generational choices from both parents, and their parents and so on.

But yet knowing these things would come about, God has told us in His Word to "love and honour your parents."

Friend, it cannot be done with a settled heart on the matter without the intervention of Jesus into the heart and mind.

Because we are so hurt. We carry, anger even hate, bitterness, we hold onto the bad memories because we don't want them to be exposed and in many cases it's the only way we know to cope with our circumstances.

By doing this we will not forgive, but God says, "Honor parents." 

They gave us life. Even if life is hard, here we are. We're on earth and we can make choices for each day and the future.

At some point we leave parents and strike out on our own but God says to remember to "Honor parents."

When we've had good parents who gave and sacrificed for us, it is easy to honor our parents, but even then we should be sure to not abandon them in their aged years as a form on honor.

Always at all times, "Honor parents." That's the Command, The Word, from our Maker.

And that Word points to Him as well; for He is our Father in Heaven.

"That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him." John 5:23 KJV

Yes, we must honor God at all times, and in all ways.

When we understand that Jesus was a Holy God Ordained Sacrifice for each and every one of them (those parents,) as well as ourselves, while we were all sinners; to make a New Way - out of the evil bondages into the arms of The Father for safekeeping in His Kingdom; we are able to forgive also.

Jesus paid the Price for us, so we could forgive others, and we should; because we are Forgiven.

If He can do what He did at The Cross, to pay a Price for Forgiveness to be ours, there is not one reason that Father God will accept from us; ignorance, abuse, disabilities, lack, for our own sins, if we cannot forgive others; even parents. who have been less than.

"Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord." Colossians 3:20 KJV

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Leap Of Faith

01/23/2024 11:11

Friend, God's Word likens humans to captives which are in need of being set free.

If God by His Holy Spirit is telling us this; then we must realise that we are not His captives.

By His Perfect Knowledge of all things He says we are captives.

In His Word He says that we are captives of evil; which is owned by satan.

Some of us are willing participators in evil works with satan, so do not see ourselves as captive; but captive we are, for our soul's ultimate Owner is the Creator of it, Almighty God and He is telling us we are held captive by something other than Himself.

However at any time whilst we are still alive in the flesh, we have the Holy Right; because of Jesus's Death and Resurrection, to make a leap of faith, and choose to follow Him when we come to realise The Holy Truth.

This one choice, will free us from the chains that hold us captive.

That choice for Jesus is life changing when it is a heart decision.

Perhaps you've been dabbling in the evil ways; perhaps you have a certain power over others because of your evil ways, perhaps you have found camraderie with other like minded searching souls.

Perhaps you have an itch in your heart that you actively cover with the lusts of the evil realm to soothe yourself; but you know deep in your heart that you're on a slippery slope, and it seems unlikely you will be able to get off, and so, you go whole hog at the evil delights.

Some indulge so much that they use others terribly; secretly abusing them in every way yet living "normally" to the outside world; hiding in plain sight!

Well, God knows it all.

It's on your account.

Nothing is hid.

Yet He places some blame on satan and his dominion; the fallen angels, and has made a Holy Lawful Way for you to extricate yourself from satan.

At any moment, you can say, I've had enough. 

Jump ship so to speak.

From The Cross at Calvary, Jesus has His hand out to you. 

He's saying, "I Am willingly paying the Price required by The Holy Law of My Father, for you to be Redeemed.

You can be with Me in Paradise after this life.

I Am The Word Who created you, gave you life. I love what I have created.

All your sins are being nailed to the Cross and I am paying for them by your own hand that helped weild the hammer.

Through God's Grace and Mercy My Blood will cleanse you from your sins, and they will be remembered no more, if you by your free will choose Me. 

You are on the other side of a Great Chasm that separates Good from evil. I have laid my body down, paid The Price, for you to walk over from the evil side, to God's Glorious Kingdom.


I have completed the Divine Purpose, and The Law has been satisfied, and you have a choice."

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Messages From Jesus To You

01/17/2024 11:47

Friend, our Father knows us deeply; in our innermost hiding places, He is able to read our thoughts.

There is nothing hid from Him.

He knows the why and wherefores of every choice we make.

He had a Plan for us before we were born; according to His preknowledge of our soul.

Yet He also gave to each soul the Holy Gift of free will to make it's own choices. In those choices, He will weave our story according to His Holy Law; into His Great Plan for All Things; gently proving His Goodness and Soverignty; but if at the time of our death, we haven't chosen His Way and Will for us, thereby showing Love and Respect for Him, we, having self willed our own existence, we will be of no use to His Kingdom anymore. 

For self will, ego is the domain of satan and he will claim our soul and God will allow that for it is our choice.

Our soul will have chosen with full knowledge of what they have done, (even though professing something different to the world,) the path to death; the path away from the Presence and Love of God; Father, Son and Spirit.

God calls that "foolishness."

We're not playing our own game here on earth. We're not the champion of the world. 

We're actually in God's creation. He's not in ours. 

We're subject to the Laws of Who He Is.

And, He is Good. Above all in thought, ability, knowledge.

He is the Maker of every Law. Law which upholds all good things.

There would be no Light without Him. Only darkness and chaotic wilfulness would remain.

Every scientific fact we find is a very tiny of a part of the Whole; of Who He Is. 

When we can agree with these facts; that God has to be these things in order to have the Highest Place of Power and Knowledge; we should desire to know more about Him.

In His Word we find many things about Him which could and will keep us spiritually entertained for many lifetimes!

In His Word He speaks to us, and because He is Pure; every Word is a Truth; a Holy Promise.

Jesus having taken on the human form and lived among us has a complete understanding of all of our needs from shelter, food, water, clothing, family bonds, friends, and the ability to be free of oppression, disease and corruption.

Having been tempted by satan in the wildreness He also knows the full ugliness of evil. He understands fully our human condition yet He also understands the reason we are here, and this is why He so willingly came to save us; because we were so lost from our first condition in the Garden, where we knew God intimately.

Psalms 23:1-6 - (A Psalm of David.) The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.  

 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of Peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 

 - For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 15:7-8 - If ye abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 

 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His Purpose.

 - For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

Philippians 4:6-9 - Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  

 - But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

 - Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the Divine Nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

The Bible when read, is found to be full of perfect answers to our problems.

In it we find Words that convict us in our soul, of the wrong path we are on; Words of comfort; advice for daily living; how to have peace in our homes, encouragement for providing for our families; prayers to say to God.  

And in The Holy Bible, Jesus by The Spirit speaks, to our hearts and minds, in a supernatural spiritual way, to encourage us to continue seeking Him, to continue having a personal communication with Himself.

He tells us there is a place for us in His Kingdom, but we must be cleansed from all unrighteousness, (sin.)

He shows us that He made a Way that is approved of by The Father, for us to be cleansed from sin. 

He demonstrates that He is Trustworthy; not a liar, and points out who the liar is. (satan.)  

He proves His Love for our soul, which He tells us, is created by Him, and given specifically to each of us individually. 

We're not random blobs. We have a Divine Purpose to fulfill.

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Choose Jesus

01/08/2024 09:41
We know that tribulations are with us throughout our lives here on earth. 
It becomes obvious at an early age that death, lack/poverty, abuse in many forms, and general society mayhem are part of life.
Life may be sweet and lovely for a while but suddenly anger, loud voices, people physically fighting each other are revealed before our childlike eyes.
At school we hear about wars, people killing each other for reasons not understood.
Fire and flood are every present to drive us from our homes.
Many are the dangers we learn from an early age.
These tribulations have entered God's perfect creation by the free will of man who chose to not believe in God's ability to keep them entertained.
Man sought to find out what the animal in the Garden had to say about the God they walked and talked with in the evenings; who showed them complete Love and Trust.
God did not tell them to stay away from the animal in the Garden that would deceive them; He had given the two newly created humans free will to choose Him; so He told them "DO NOT EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GARDEN."
That's it. He didn't badmouth the devil. He just said, "Don't eat that fruit."
They were perfect the way they were.
They had all they needed to make a good decision. They actually KNEW God, personally. 
Many were the conversations they had with Him.
We do this with our own earthly fathers. They warn us of dangers and types of people to avoid, but no, we run to the evil things and get hurt, burnt and abused!
Today we are subliminally bombarded with messages from the evil workers in this world; many of whom do not know they are being used. The money is flowing in, and they have their gain, so why worry about God and His Law!
But God's Holy Spirit is calling every soul to Jesus.
He says to us, "Jesus loves you and offers Salvation, Forgiveness, Redemption. Talk to Him. Eat no more of the offerings that evil parades before your eyes! Turn from your wicked ways. Receive Jesus into your life and all things will be made new for you."

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