

04/05/2016 11:05

Friend, are you desiring a full spiritual life?

Withdrawing from the physical life whenever you have the chance is the answer.

We have to provide for ourselves and loved ones by going to work everyday, yes. But whenever we can, we need to be fully facing God with a heart full of reverence, a soul that's filled with humility and a spirit willing to be taught great knowledge.

When we have this attitude towards growing spiritually, God is drawn to that soul and cannot help Himself from filling us with all we need to grow in Kingdom Grace.

You will find answers to your problems and issues in this life. It will seemingly be by osmosis. The air around us changes, we seem to be on a different spiritual plane than unbelievers, yet we see that they too, can easily ascend to that plane.

Faith and belief is everything to God. That's what He requires for us to move fluidly through life with Him at the helm.

It doesn't matter where you are in your journey, age-wise, health-wise, belief-wise.

He will meet you where you are. Young or old, infirm or healthy, unbelieving or believing.

He has all you need and want and He is Willing to give to you according to His Will for your life.

He knows all the paths you have taken. He has heard all you have had to say about Him. He knows the Way forward.

Make the time to withdraw from the physical and allow your spirit to behold the Holy Spirit who waits for your acquiesence.

May God bless you as you make time for Him.  


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Psalm 69:5 Meditation Verse

04/04/2016 10:08
Meditation Verse     
Scripture.  O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee.  Psalm  69:5
King David  cries to God of his foolishness.  He admits to God that He is a sinner.
This is the attitude that David comes to the Lord with.  He acknowledges his own frailty, even though he is a king himself and rules the people of God. 
David has access to God, he is sure of it. He speaks (prays), knowing he is heard, loved and cared for.
He has been appointed by God to rule on earth.  God chose human vessels with all their inherent weaknesses, when the people asked for an earthly king to rule over them. It was not time for the return of Jesus.
God gave His ruling on evil and it's time was not up when the Israelites asked for a king.
David knows that God is aware of all the foolish and sinful things he has done.  But he is not afraid of God.  He speaks to God respectfully but also as a friend, an intimate.
A humble heart, one who knows that God is greater, can bow down and say, "Oh God, You know how foolish and sinful I am, forgive me."
Lord, thank You for showing me this scripture.  Guide me into a relationship with You that is like the one You had with king David.  I want to be an intimate of Yours. Amen.


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The Holy Spirit

04/04/2016 09:49

Friend, many wonder what the Holy Spirit does.

Well, He does many things but they always have to do with the Will of God.

What is the Will of God for you?

It is for you to know God!

So you can be sure that the Holy Spirit is the One who is convicting you of sin. He is the one who confirms to your spirit that God exists. He leads you into the Truth so you can know God is Truth. He teaches you about Jesus. He reveals Jesus to you by using other people, the Bible, nature, the cosmos, the Cross, the Resurrection.

He is God and therefore He is everywhere and in all things.

He has come to be with us until Jesus comes again. He is tireless in His work to gather us to the Son. He is God in the form of the Holy Ghost. He is Beautiful and Trustworthy. Never will He lead you astray, in fact it is He who rescues us and shows us who Jesus is.

Romans 8:27

He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is because He intercedes for the saints according to the Will of God.

Friend, search your heart and you will find the Holy Spirt waiting for you.

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Begin a Prayer Life

04/02/2016 21:54

Friend, have you begun to pray?

God desires you speak to Him. It is called prayer.

The world snickers when Christians pray but don't be disturbed by that. The Lord has placed a knowledge in us - that says He hears our prayers and that things will change, when we pray.

The unbeliever is just biding his or her time. They are not ready for the changes that they inwardly know will come.They want to live life on their own terms and turn to God at the very last moment and grab the free Gift just in time to slide into Heaven.

I have actually been told, " Don't pray for me."

Why? I gave that much thought and realized with the help of the Holy Spirit, that this person knew that God would require changes in his attitudes and he just wasn't ready yet to make those committments to God.

In other words, He hadn't hit rock bottom yet. He was on drugs that were ruining his life but at the same time, he thought he was living the "life!" Praying would change that and He didn't think that what he was doing was all that bad even though those around him, especially his family saw the ravages of his drug dependency and the damage it was doing to the family as a whole. 

Basically unbelievers go about their lives with their back continualIy turned to God. As He moves trying to get them to face Him, they keep side-stepping and doing a two-step so they can keep their backs to Him.

It's quite funny, if it wasn't such a sad dance. The evil puppetmaster deceiving his puppet, who looks up to satan and his demonic forces through glazed eyes of adoration, not seeing through the haze of addiction. .

Maybe tonight their soul will be required to answer the call of death which cannot be avoided once God says "cooked." Our days are numbered and ordained by God and we know not when our last breath will be.

Immediately they are in the spiritual domain they will lament their choices. One, will be they will wish they had prayed for at the very least, forgiveness.

So friend, if this rings as a truth in your heart, please do not put off any longer, the spiritual aspect of prayer.

Prayer helps to change things in your life. It helps to change you into the person God intends. You will finally understand God's Will and see that it is reasonable and Good. 

Find some alone time when you will be uninterrupted and quietly tame your mind and focus on Who God Is. A place where your body will be comfortable. Laying on your bed is fine or in the pose for meditation. Sitting in your favourite chair...

Let your breath slow down the thought processes so they can focus on spiritual matters alone with no outside influences.

Call on Him by a favourite Name.

Jesus, Lord, Father, God, Saviour, Redeemer, Precious Lamb, Holy God.

Forgive my sins. Help my to be more like You.

Remind me Father before I sin and help me to contain myself to be sinless in the situations that come up.

Thank you for the Cross and I am grateful for Your Forgiveness and Sacrifice for my sinful behaviour.

Tell Him what you hope to learn and what you have learned. Ask for more clarity of spiritual meanings and matters.

Ask for the Holy Spirit and the angels of Heaven to help you so you do not stumble in your daily walk with Jesus.

Speak to Him of your past failures, foolishness and mayhem you caused and explain how mortified you are by it.

If you have recognized his Handiwork in your recent or past life thank Him profusely!

End by listening quietly for any small ideas or voices or feelings that come after praying in this way.

God will respond to a contrite and repentant heart.

Sing songs of love to Him.

End by saying, "In Jesus; Holy Name,"

When you have established with Him that you are a child of God, then you can ask aything according to His Will and you will have His answer,

Your life will be so much richer by having this daily prayer time alone with Jesus God,






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Galations 6:8

04/01/2016 13:23
Meditation Verse
Scripture.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:8  KJV
The previous verse reminds us not to mock God by thinking that we can sow to the flesh and reap of the Spirit. 
This verse assures us that according to God's Holy Law, we will receive a death sentence from Him if we sow to benefit the flesh only.  Corruption here means death of the spirit in our soul, not the death of the body. It is a given that we all die and the flesh decays in the ground or fire.  The Bible is concerned with our soul and spirit.
God's Spirit will not be with us in Hell.  There will be no goodness there, no life affirming anything, only all things evil to a degree we didn’t know existed, and there will be no escape or let up, because by not choosing Jesus, we have chosen evil as our master.
Choose Jesus and have eternal Life with the Lifegiver.  The things He has planned for us will be so amazing and magnificent.  Evil cannot offer anything like God Almighty does.
Lord, thank You for being who You are, a Loving and Just God.  Help me to be a witness for You so others will come to know You as King.  Amen.


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Peace Within

04/01/2016 10:40

Friend, while the world around us is warring and tearing us down on all sides, we can have the Peace that passes understanding, within our soul.

We can go to the Fountain of Peace any time we desire more.

Jesus gives us access through His Sacrifical shedding of the Blood from the Most Precious Lamb of God, Himself.

Do you have a full understanding of the Sacrifice for all?

This is an important and crucial work that our Lord Jesus carried out for us.

He knows what the world does to us and He knew that we needed Peace.

It was not time to bring Peace to the earth in the terms we humans long for, but He gave us something bigger and better, the gift of Peace within each of us, that will see us through our dark days here on earth, when we believe.

The peace within allows us to see the world from the perspective of God.

We can forgive our brothers and sisters because they are lost and do not know of the Path that leads to Forgiveness and Eternal Life.

We can forgive ourselves because when we ask God to forgive us, we know that through our faith in Him, we have it.

Forgiveness brings Peace within.

Peace within begins to drive out sin, negativity, fear, and all the feelings and thoughts that keep us from knowing God.

We embark on a path of renewal of the mind. All the jarring ideas and opinions get exposed as untruths when we willingly allow God to teach and guide us into a personal relationship with Him.

This Peace that resides within us is the foundation that all the other beautiful aspects of Christian life spring from. Joy, Gladness, Thankfulness. We become forgivers of others. We learn to love as Jesus loves. We begin to understand Truth. We gain Wisdom and Discernment from a Godly perspective.

Without Jesus as the Head, the peace we experience is not full. The peace of the world always has to be worked at. It's a continual striving, whereas the Peace from God is a Free Gift and comes from having a deep relationship with him. Trusting Him as Holy God in our lives.

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To Forgive

03/31/2016 10:47

Friend, are you finding it hard to forgive yourself, now that you know you are a sinner; even if saved by Grace and Mercy?

Allow the Joy of the Lord to invade your soul. He died so you might be saved from eternal death.

His Blood shed at Calvary on the Cross, was shed for your sins as a payment for them. What He endured is sufficient for your sins to be forgiven.

He is the Forgiver, and you are, or can be the receiver of Forgiveness.

Holy God sees you as Forgiven. He sees the Blood of His Son Jesus, covering you, and He knows you are Forgiven.

Those without the Holy Blood Covering will not enter the Kingdom of God.

Holy Law has a Plan for them.

The Bible says we sin against God even when we sin against our fellow man.

All sin is against God.

To not forgive is to sin.

God asks us to forgive as He does.

It gets tricky when one person is walking in Godliness and the other is not.

Forgive and move on. We don't have to associate with the ungodly. Especiaflly if they demonstrate in their behaviour or words that they will continue to offend you. Generally this can be evil baiting you.

Learn your lesson, pray about the situation, listen to the Spirit, forgive and move on.

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