
Holy Spirit Power

03/25/2016 21:46

Friend, believers have Holy Spirit power living in them.

Romans 8:1 (King James Version) But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.

Paul wrote to the church in Rome, believers, reminding them that they were not to consider themselves of the flesh anymore, but of the Spirit of God because He should be dwelling in them.

Jesus told the disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit of God to be with them after He rose again.  They did not fully understand this, but they believed Him.

In Acts Chapter 2, it is recorded as follows:-

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. (The disciples.)

And suddenly there came a great sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The disciples were filled with Holy Spirit Power and were able to go into the world to speak of Jesus and heal and teach.

If we are willing to receive in this measure, we too can have a full measure.

But friend, make sure you have some!


Lord Jesus, thank You for the Cross and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I want to have faith like the disciples. I ask Your Forgiveness for all my sins and thank you for your Mercy and the Grace that I have for each new day. I yield my "self" to You. Teach and guide me into a deeper relationship with You so that I see and hear as You do. Cleanse me and make me clean before you. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen

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God's Heart

03/25/2016 21:15

Friend, God's Heart is Merciful.

The depths of His Mercy are endless for us, the sinners He came to save.

His Law governs His actions and while we journey through this life on earth we have Mercy.

At our death, we step into Law where if we responded to God's Mercy we will have a place at the Supper of the Lamb.

While here on earth, we have all been invited to the Supper the Bible says. And there is a beautiful robe awaiting us.

Will you wear the robe? Have you identified His Mercy in your life? Are you sure of His Great Love for you?

Or have you been deceived and do not believe, preferring to show up at death's door in your own finery, with all your attendants and finery dangling around your neck and hands?

Will it be "Ta da, here I am Lord! Receive Your wayward soul who made people laugh, and entertained them royally. I was a big shot on earth!"

Or perhaps you will say "Lord, I suffered greatly and was humiliated and walked all over! Where were you? But, I am here now and ready to receive all you have for me."

The third option is "Lord, thank You for your Love and Mercy and Grace and Forgiveness. Your Blood has saved me, a sinner."

Friend, fix your heart and mind on the Lord Jesus. Find out Who He is. Decide to be a follower, a believer in Him and you will be assured of eternal Life in the Light and Love that is God, safe from the clutches of evil, who seeks to destroy your soul.

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Times Of Trial

03/24/2016 09:47

Friend, the true condition of our soul is revealed to us during times of trial.

In one way, trials are a gift.

We find that our own efforts are futile.

Many of us turn to God during trials and we ask "Why."

If we quiet our minds and are genuinely ready to listen, we will hear Him.

Because we are all individuals in God's eyes, you will hear the answers for you.

Maybe, it will be, "I am with you, do not be afraid." Or, "My Strength and Comfort are yours."

"Believe in the Son." "I will never leave you, walk on in My Love." "Jesus died for that sin and what the world can do is nothing when you have faith in Jesus." "This trial is necessary for your spiritual growth. Stay the course with Me." "You will overcome according to My Will, let Me lead."

Friend, He knows us, inside and out. He knows the number of hairs on our head, and every thing we have ever said or done is recorded. Everything. There is nothing hid from Him.

So, He knows the trial you are going through. He knows why you are in the trial and He has made a Way out for you. But, friend, if you do not want His help, what can He do?

The trial will only get worse as satan and his demonic army blast you with all they have, laughing at  your struggle, sorrow and pain.

It's different for the believer.

Jesus gives us the tools to endure the suffering while He makes the Way clear for us.

His Word, the Holy Bible, tells us that he loves us so much He was willing to go through the mock trial, the beatings and abuse and the crucifixion, for our sin. He was sinless, condemned by spite and hate, jealousy, anger and revenge by the Wicked One.

But, God allowed it and called for it to be so. At any time God could have rescued the Son and said, "No more suffering for My Son, the world and it's inhabitants are not worth it."  None in Heaven would have disagreed.

But, because the Word, Jesus, created this world and man and loves His creation, the Father made a Way, through the Crucifixion - Blood shed Sacrifice - and Resurrection, for there to "be a time" when man would have the opportunity ( last one) to be able to have a Way back to Heaven from where their spirits originated; to be reunited with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, cleansed and renewed.

Today I was out and about, Good Friday and heard so many derogatory remarks about this day only for being set aside for "religious" people.

No, friend, it is a Day of Remembrance, for reflection, for all men, even those who will never come to the realization that God Himself died for them on the Cross.

It  was done for all. The Law says we must choose between being a follower of Goodness, or of Evil.

We are born into the evil world ruled by the Evil One, satan, who is ruled by God and has no power except that given to him by God from times past, and according to God's Law.

The trial you go through is from the world; evil in nature. Even when our lives are turned over to Christ, we will have trials, however, we then have Help through them and are taught Ways to overcome and avoid some we may not have to experience because we are walking in Faith. 

This is the Miracle of God area and is so beautiful to experience.

God doesn't bring out the marching band and have his subjects wave flags etc. He simply performs the miracle and leaves us in awe.

It's never what we expect or even done in the way we could imagine.


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Barriers Of The Soul

03/23/2016 09:30

Friend, we all erect barriers to our soul's spiritual growth, through the sin we allow in our lives.

Pride, independence, selfishness, are the building blocks to the walls we erect that satan uses to keep us from the Light and Eternal Life.

If satan can keep us from knowing Godly things, he can claim our soul for his evil purposes both here on earth and in the afterlife.

But, the Lord has made a Way for our soul to be with Him in Eternity. We get to make the choice.

He died for all, but all will not accept his Gift.

Today you can let the Light shine in on your soul and illuminate all the dark recesses. You will see the sin for what it is if you prayerfully ask Jesus for help to extricate yourself from evil.

Break down the barriers! Step out from the shadows! Embrace the Light! Accept the One Who died for you to be FREE!

His name is Jesus!

We are coming up to the days of Christian celebration of our Lord's Death and Resurrection.

Let this time, "Easter 2016" be the date you give for your conversion into the born again life.

The sense of separation from spiritual things is only an illusion perpetrated on you by the evil one who has deceived you through your life. But, today you can say "No" to that life and begin the new journey as a born-again Christian who believes in the most Amazing and Holy God, Jesus the Son of Almighty God.

So friend, I ask you, " Have you heard enough and is your heart and mind enquiring after a Redeemer? Are you yearning to come out of isolation and into the Light and Love of God? Do you believe in Jesus your Saviour God? Will you join the Great Army of Believers as a born-again child of God?"

If yes, I pray the Lord heal your heart and mind, and sweep you into His Mighty arms and hold you so you know without a doubt He loves you.

Bless you, friend!

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The Inner Beauty Of Jesus

03/21/2016 14:09

Friend, the Bible tells us that Jesus was not a man of great beauty. To look upon Him was not to see a handsome man.

He did not come to earth, to be admired for His good looks.

He was no movie star.

No, His Beauty was inside and that was what those who knew Him and heard of His teachings and healings were drawn to.

This was purposeful on the Father's part.

Man has always looked up to, admired and followed those who had "beauty."

We follow their careers and hang on their every word, believing they have answers and special attributes.

Jesus, was not one of the "Beautiful people!"

In fact, He was despised by most! People who should have known Who He was plotted to kill Him.

One who walked with Him closely and supped at the same table, heard His teachings, saw the healings - Judas; was led astray by the devil and used as a pawn by satan!

However, eleven other disciples did see the Inner Beauty of the Lord Jesus and remained faithful. It is they who spread the Good News, guided by the Holy Spirit so that we today have the New Testament and can easily understand and see with spiritual eyes, the Beauty of Jesus.

This is something to pray for if you have not come to the conclusion that He is Beautiful.

The Holy Spirit will have pleasure in revealing the Beauty of Jesus to you.  

It is not as man sees, but it is amazing and glorious and utterly profound.


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Sitting By

03/20/2016 13:38

Friend, are you one who would be described by Holy God as one who "sits by" and hears the Word, but never acts upon the knowledge as it sinks into the heart and mind?

It's good to "sit by" and listen. Some who "sit by" will have questions, and some will say in their hearts that what they hear or read of God's Word is "not for me."

But, God loves those who hear and decide to not "sit by" anymore; but to activately participate in the Kingdom.

The first step is to accept that God's Word is Truth and that God sent His Son Jesus as a Sacrifice for your sins.

There is a payment to be made for sin, and God is the Judge.

He will not have His Son suffer as He did and not have that payment made. Jesus died for us and we either accept it or we don't.

I know that I am undeserving but I accept that He offers to me Forgiveness for my sins, past, present and future when I walk with Him; always obeying Him.

It's actually very easy.

I know if I falter or even fail, so long as I am truly in all Truth trying, He is gracious and merciful and will forgive me.

Habitual and continual same sin is a dark and dangerous thing that cannot be allowed to flourish and God will work with you in this area if you allow Him, and you will overcome.

Friend, don't continue to "sit by."  Join the Victorious Army of Christ who has all the Power, far above the evil world can ever gather.

Satan is the Loser. Why are you on his team?

We have been given the winner! Jesus!  God is Gracious and Merciful! 

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Pleasant Illusions

03/20/2016 12:40

Friend, the Holy Scriptures say that we humans love "pleasant illusions;" preferring them to God's Truth.

The Great Deceiver is able to captivate us with these "pleasant illusions" and we fall into the depths - many to become masters in our own captivity, not understanding that what we believe is a fabrication foisted on our inquiring minds at a time when we were vulnerable; not having the Word of God in our soul.

God tells us plainly, in very simple terms, that the Way to Heaven is through acceptance of His Son, Whom He sent to be a Saviour Redeemer; through the forgiveness of our sins. That forgiveness, enables us to come boldly before the Throne of Grace and Mercy.

The unforgiven may not do this - there is a great spiritual gulf between them and God.

A "pleasant illusion" can be as simple as believing that all men are good.

We should examine what we believe with the Holy Spirit's help; asking Spirit to reveal to us our "pleasant illusions" that are not in keeping with God's Word.

Open the Holy Bible and read the Truth, straight from the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, Jesus.

His Word will convict of many things that need to be readdressed in our life.

Be strong and determined to make the changes in your spirit that will eternally benefit your soul, and those pleasant illusions will be sent back to where they belong, Hell.

God will help you when you depend on Him for strength, taking it one day at a time, staying within His Will as if it is a great umbrella, never stepping out from under it, but receiving all the Light and Life you need under the umbrella. You can walk anywhere on earth, inside buildings, on mountaintops, under the sea, even when you sleep; but always under the umbrella of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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