
Grace Abounds

03/11/2024 12:32

Friend, we must examine our life from the point of view of our Creator.

Using no bias for oneself, we must be truthful and conscientiously judge our self; from the moral and Holy Scriptural stance; for that is our Law given to us by God.

If we are honest and harsh with self, we will find that we fall short of every expectation that a Good and Lawful Creator would expect of us.

Some questions to ask self are: 

Am I a believer in One God ruling over all things with perfect Justice?

If this God exists and He created me, am I a fallen from His Grace creature because of my thoughts, actions and words?

If He exists, would I need someone to cover for me in a Court of Holy Justice? An Attorney, an Advocate, a Saviour Mouthpiece, a Brother, a Friend?

Or could I advocate for myself, debating with the One Who knows all things?

Is there such a person?

In Psalm 130:3-4 King David questions The Lord, from the point of strong faith and belief in Him "If Thou, Lord, should'st mark iniquities, O Lord, who should stand?" 

Then David replies to himself and to The Lord, " But there is Forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared."

In the centuries before Christ came to pay for The Punishment of sin, humans had no guarantee that they were Forgiven because they knew that the minute they received Forgiveness, they were immediately sinning again in thought, word, or deed.

They couldn't walk clean before The Law; sin was ingrained in them.

What if they died before they asked again for Forgiveness of that latest sin; perhaps they fell asleep and died having no warning for last minute prayers? 

They lived in fear of what would become of them in the afterlife.

Now, since Christ came to save us; we have a guarantee when we accept His Sacrifice for us, and believe that He came as God in the flesh to make a New Covenant with mankind, that His One Time Payment would suffice for all of our sins, past, present and even future. We may live in continual repentance but we have the Assurance from God The Father; that He will accept us with the Blood of His Son covering us.

And by His Spirit He convicts us into repentance so that we are continually cleansed and renewed in that one drop that was shed for our soul.

The Spirit is our Teacher and Guide, our Counsellor and Comforter. He presents our prayers to Jesus in the Heavenly Language. He protects us from stumbling on the Righteous Path where Grace abounds.

There is Forgiveness in The Blood of God's Sinless Lamb who died on The Cross, and was Resurrected into Glory with The Father.


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There Is A Way

03/10/2024 09:21

Friend, many of us are unhappy, brought down by the world, abandoned by family and friends.

But the things of this world are nothing compared to the things of The Kingdom of God.

There, all is Perfectly Good and harmonious.

There, all is Heavenly Light with no darkness anywhere.

There, is no sickness of mind or body.

How can man enter? We're so polluted with evil in everything we think and do!

But, God has made a Way.

It's the Only Way accepted by Him, for any earthly soul to enter into His Perfect Existence, after it's death in the flesh.

Because we want things our way, we cannot see the Way that He has made for us.

We're blinded by our own egos; our self.

We would like it to be through our own good works; works that we can excel in above our brothers and sisters. Works that will not only gain us acess to Him; but that will give us standing above others, in Heaven.

After all, isn't this how it works on earth. We recognise the highly skilled, educated, knowledgable, smart, brainiacs; the wealthy, the gathered worldly goods, the ostentatious homes, the bullet proof limousines, the named buildings, parks, and monuments.

God looks past those things. We can have them, He just doesn't accept them as proof of our love for, and acceptance of Him.

He is the Discerner most extraordinaire of the workings of our heart and mind.

Just as Jesus was when He walked upon the earth. He knew the hearts and minds of all the people. He spoke with Authority to the Pharisees and those who came asking for favour, about their inward thoughts and their outward words to Him.

Every Word in Scripture He spoke has great meaning. When God speaks, it cannot contain error so that man can play lawyer and twist it around to please his current state at any given time.

No, God speaks and it is for eternity and it stands infallible.

God is never wrong.

When we read His Word, and we have a question, we should start from that fact; God is never wrong.

We can be wrong and frequently are but never God. 

He is Trustworthy; Unchanging, Perfect, Full of Truth.

There is no other like Him.

On the other hand, Satan is a liar, a cheat, a robber of souls, a destroyer of mind and body, a vicious serial killer of humans.

Satan runs a cruel and violent army of demons who seek our souls before we can come to know Jesus died for us; to free us from his grip.

Every day should be a day of great rejoicing for every human. Jesus came to save us. He wants to redeem us back to The Kingdom where His Father and He with The Holy Spirit reign in Power and Majesty over all they have created.

Satan and all his minions, are subject to Them. Evil has been defeated at The Cross. The Holy Blood shed by The Son has paid The Price, The Punishment has been meted out and Jesus steppd forward to obtain our release. After His death and before His resurrection, He received the Keys to Hell and Hades and went to Hell (owned by God) and released the captives from their Punishment, for He had just paid for it.

Today, we have a Saviour to believe in. He set us free too; we just have to accept it and honor Him as our Kinsman Redeemer.

He bought you and me with His Blood.

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God Is A Big God

03/01/2024 11:42

Many people think God should be ignored; and many wish He didn't exist at all, but without Him, there would be no real God of Goodness, Life, Truth and Light at all, and nothing would exist including mankind. He holds all things together by His Law and Will to do so.

People think that if He didn't exist, we'd go on and have our Buddah type man made gods.

We should be thankful He does exist; if only for the fact that we exist. 

Friend, God is a Big God and He has made things very easy for our collective understanding. 

He, in the complexity of Himself, has given us a small slice of Truth to come into contact with, at some point of time in our lives; to begin the journey to understanding Him; to come into relisation by His Spirit, that He is Good and has a Plan and Purpose for each of us, as we live out our lives with minds to think in complex ways; given to us by Him - designed and created so.

The history of The Son, is an easy to understand view, but yet because of the enormity of Who He Is, just a tiny piece of data.

But it is enough to reveal our need for Jesus as Saviour and Redeemer of mankind. 

If He revealed everything about Himself and what He has, and is creating, we'd never get to the point of what He desires us to know; because we no longer have lives of hundreds of years as in the past; for which to meander down into valleys and wander up into hills, dallying in daydreams to find the Truth.

It is more urgent now. His Son has shed His Blood for us - there's no excuse for not coming to God via The Son's Sacrifice; via The Cross, but God Himself has said; it is The Only Way He will accept a sinner into His Presence for Eternity with Him.

And let's not forget. We have fallen from man's colective state of Perfection; which He called Good in the beginning of mankind's creation, which was our God designed entry into this world for our souls and for His Purposes; Perfection. 

The fall from Good required Holy Justice, because we had gravely broken The Law; having been created by Law, and therefore subject to His Law, which rules everythig He has created. 

Yet we know this fact, that there is evil in the world. It is not Holy Good in the slightest.

Before we come to know Him through His Son, we have many ways of understanding our existence, we experience the evil in our fellow humans, and in the earth and all things pertaining to the earth; but we do not understand how we can extricate ourselves from evil.

All our deductions are based off our parentages. We believe we are perfect; but our parents, and their parents, all our ancestors, caused our present state of being and if not our parents, then society itself is pushing back at us. 

We blindly forget what we are presently doing, to ruin future generation's (our children) existences.

Rarely do we think that we are the problem. If this or that would change, then we could change accordingly; is a popular thought process among humans.

But, GOD IS THE ONLY BIG GOD; the One True God above all. And He is Good, and only operates in Truth. He is Light; there is no darkness in Him.

He has given this informatin about Himself to us in His Word, The Holy Bible, through His Holy Spirit, and His Son; Who is The Word of God.

When this Great fact settles into our understanding, we can begin to sort out where we sit below Him.

Mankind is never above Him; nor equal to Him.

There is no accusatory question we can put to Him about how He creates, governs and exists; for He is Pure. (Holy.)

His Word has all the answers we need. He has said it is so, through His Spirit, to prophets and disciples who write the given from Spirit,  knowledge.

Does He love mankind?

Answer: He sent His Son to suffer the Holy Decreed Punishment for sin, on the Cross; so we could be redeemed back to Him, sinless, covered in Holy Blood which cancels out our sins.

Why weren't we created good in the first place?

Answer: We were. Adam and Eve were without sin and given instructions as to what they could and couldn't do; and what the punishment would be if they disobeyed God's command, "Do not eat of the fruit from the tree in the middle of the Garden."

Why did He give us free will; we could have been robots?

Answer: He created us according to His Will, and that was to make us perfect; with the ability to make perfect choices; and according to His Law of all He creates.

Through The Bible we can find Him. We can get to know His Character.

But we shouldn't read one passage and judge Him from our perspective on that one interaction with a human or humans.

The Bible as a whole gives us an understanding that resonates with our heart and mind. We begin to see Truth and Love from a Father who loves His wayward children; yet because of Who He Is, both Law and Love, Truth and Good, a Father who must let His children find their way in the evil infested world they wished to join when He gave them everything they needed in The Garden.

We're so corrupted that every thought is an idol of sorts, keeping us tied to evil.

Yet, The Father has made a Way which is easy to understand; The Cross and His Son, Jesus.

The Bible, simplified for those who say, "get to the point."

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What Must I Do

02/17/2024 13:24

Friend, our unbelieving souls cannot escape Judgment in the afterlife!

We condemn our soul/self when we don't acknowledge The One Who gave it life.

The One Who has created everything by His Law; plural; every known and unknown law, all in ONE, Himself/Law.

God is Law. 

Every law that man has discovered in the sciences, belongs to Him. Have you encountered the laws of nature? Do you not see the sun, moon, and stars in the heavens above which move in perfect symmetry?  

They move by His Preordained Word, His Holy Law.

The tides of the great oceans obey His Word, The Law, Himself, and He has designed the orbits of the planets to obey Him.

If He thought for a nanosecond, "something," it will happen; and it will have and be a Holy, Pure and Perfect, Purpose.

Like mankind. We all have a Holy, Pure and Perfect Purpose. Our soul is linked to Him by His Law.

Our flesh returns to the earth as ashes and dust, but the soul is eternal and eternally His; with which to do His Holy and Perfect Will.

Every soul will not be able to stand in His Presence. Some of us are terribly corrupted. When God looks upon an unbeliever's soul, it's covered in boils, it has leprosy of the soul. Instead of light, He sees darkness, blackened souls.

Can a Perfect Holy God accept back to Himself, these souls?

He is Perfect Law, and He cannot.

His Perfection resists having imperfection; as a Law.

As hard as that soul tries it will never be able to be reconciled to Him in the afterlife.

It will face The Great White Throne Judgement where all entities of God will see the Perfection of God, and fall on their knees in His Awesome Presence; knowing He Is Almighty Perfection in every way.

All that blackness, our imperfect souls, connected to evil, is going to be cut away from Himself, and given over to the Punishment due by His Law.

Ask your self today, if you could you stand at the Judgment, and be saved from punishment for the sins you have committed; that you know you have committed?

What about the sins against The Law; that you are not aware of?

Those are the ones against the God you now stand before, but Whose existence you denied. Denial of God's Existence being the biggest sin a soul could have; denying it's own Maker and giver of life.

While on earth, you were against His Law; which you would have none of.

Oh yes, you are aware others disobeyed those Laws, pointing them out continually to others; but you, never, because for you, those Laws; which God says He has left written on your heart; you were not aware of. 

In other words, you are saying to God, "I'm innocent, because I was ignorant."

Friend, do you wish to know Jesus; have Salvation, be Forgiven of all sins, past, present and future, Redeemed back to The Father, have Peace in your heart and mind?

Just ask yourself, "What do I have to do?"

The Spirit of God has been waiting for you to ask.

Talk to your First Father in Heaven, and read His Word, which He has gathered together for mankind in The Holy Bible. It will show you that Father sent His Beloved Son to make a Way for you to be reconciled to Him.

The Blood of His Child was shed to pay for your punishment.

This is The Only Perfect Way to satisfy His Law.

This time we have on earth is for us to come into fellowship with Father, Son and Spirit; to learn about Them and to tell others.

This is how God is saving us, one soul at a time; redeeming us back to Himself; out of the claws of evil; the blackness, and into The Light of The Kingdom of God.

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Who Is Equal To God

02/12/2024 10:56

Friend, so many of us intend to meet God on our own terms. 

And many do to their disadvantage and to the detriment of their soul.

There is no equal to God.

He is Almighty in every aspect of His Being and Existence.

He creates none higher than Himself.

Man was not made equal to God.

We were planned to fit into His Existence in the "slot" He designed; the earth, on the ground, with a body.

He accomplished this and called it "Good."

Man doesn't want to hear about someone dying for us. 

We don't think we need that. We think God should accept us just the way we are; grevious sinners against Him, His Word, His Plan, His Ways and Will.

We don't believe we're that bad.

We think that God will "hear us out."

After all, any sins we have committed are not that bad. Everybody is doing "that."

Besides, God is Love and has forgiven everything; we're all going to heaven.


Do you not know Who God Is?

His thoughts are so much higher than mankind.

We're not created equal to God. We can never be equal to God.

If you're having these thoughts; you have been compromised by the evil dominion workers (demons) of the prince over the power of the earth; once named Lucifer, now named Satan, both names given by God.

Mankind, created by God as Good, Pure and Lovely; made a decision; a choice to listen to Satan, in The Garden of Eden, and that decision broke our Perfection before God, causing us to know evil, for we were already created good; and since then we have grown to be sinners denying the Power and Majesty of God; because we love sin more.

Consider that the Holy Gift of Free Will, Pure and Good, could not conatin evil in it.

Evil has entered the whole world, since the fall of mankind through Adam and Eve's choice to know evil.

This is a result of breaking intimate fellowship with The Creator of all things. When God speaks it will be so. It is a Lawful edict. When mankind, subject to Him (Law) breaks that thread, we are subject to the requirements of the Law in order for God to be Pure, Good and Lawful to all.

Mankind, since The Fall, is under the requirements of breaking the Law.

Our forefather and mother did this. They broke the connection of their soul to God in Purity. They became sinners of a very grevious sort.

There was plenty for Adam and Eve to do and be in The Garden. God is Good and all He provided for them; and the future for them, was only for Goodness. There was no need to even speak to the evil one; especially since they knew how Good their Creator was. 

Of course, God had a provision for that in Law because by His Law He had Given Free Will so there was always the possibility that man would fall; and we are living in the consequences of that fall, today. 

He had to because He is Perfect in all He does, and all Law does have conseuences written should It be broken. 

All souls born into the earth are going to face the same choice; Good or evil; God or Satan.

God must get rid of the evil of the whole world, and in His Timing and according to His Law, He will.

At one time in The Beginning, The Garden of Eden was contained in Holy Purity, away from the rest of the world which already had the prince of the evil of the power of the air over it causing all kinds of evil ways to infect the earth.  But after the fall into evil knowledge of Adam and Eve the Garden was no longer needed. The fallen couple were banished into the world to be subject to evil's master.

They lost the ability to walk with God spirit to spirit.

They must have surely regretted their choice but were now subject to having to look after themselves; this being the consequence of wanting to know evil things.

But still be subject to The Almighty One; Who had to give them over into evil's hands because they had broken the Covenant He had with them. 

His Law is Pure and has no loopholes. 

This is why He also had  a New Covenant ready to execute when He created man.

It would be only by Holy Blood that mankind could be pardoned from their sin, and made whole in The Law.

This Holy Blood was supplied by Jesus.

It's on offer; since the Resurrection where Jesus was sat at the Right Hand of The Father; to anyone who will brave the rigors of evil, and step away into The Holy Light, by The Blood of The Lamb of God, Who came to save the world.

We must accept Jesus if we want to be in the New Covenant; and by doing this we must be humbled in spirit to repent before the One Who took on our Punishment.

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Jeremiah 9:23-24

02/06/2024 12:12

Friend, mankind individually thinks of itself as correct in all it's computations of what life is all about.

Many cannot bring themselves to believe in God or His Son, because they have formed the opinion that it is weak to believe in something that cannot be seen nor fully explained.

Others have been hurt by "spiritually minded" individuals, and place the blame squarely on a God they do not believe in.

Some choose to worship in one or some, of the many religions of the world that are demonically inspiried to fool us; to keep us tangled in cults and beliefs in many gods, or self, and ways of working our way to Nirvana, or reincarnation. 

By our own self wisdom and through learning about systems on peacefully inspired living, like Buddhisim, we are enticed into stepping on the wheel of neverending "must do" rituals, designed to fool us into working our way to God.

By engaging in these other religious activities and beliefs we separate ourselves from God Almighty creator of our souls.

We are allowing our soul to be deceived. We want God to see how good we are; we're peaceful, we're considerate, we eat no meat, we never swear and we do all the prayer rituals, we honor the spiritual elders, bowing to them as if they are deity.

This is The Truth; God knows the author of those ritualistic religions, and he does not approve of them, or give us any credit for following them.

This is what God says to us in Jeremiah 9:23-24 in the Old Testament

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I AM The Lord who practises steadfast Love, Justice, and Righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, says The Lord. 

We must embrace fully, His call on our life; let Him show us how to forgive those who have misled us, those who have hurt us, those who have angered us.

We're all in the same condition before God. 

Either we're Blood Covered by believing in His Son, or we're not. That's the only difference that God sees.

Choose Jesus and He will Forgive past, present and future sins and renew your heart and mind into Perfect Holy Alignment with Him, as you walk through this life.

You'll have a Helper and Counsellor of Infinite Knowledge and Intelligence; The Knower of All Things.

He will be your Friend, Confidant, Healer, Teacher; anything you need; He is pre- knowing all things concerning you.

We can speak to Him as if He is right beside us, because He has given to us His Holy Spirit as an immediate First Responder, who takes our needs before the throne of Grace and Mercy, and pleads our case to receive the resolution for our personal life here on earth.  

He is our Advocate Most Supreme and Perfect Whom The Father welcomes, and from Whom receives all requests.

Why wouldn't any human want this One of Power and Holy Love as their God?

He conquered the satanic realm at The Cross. They're just using up their alloted probationary time until the day of sentencing; according to the Will of God.

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Honor Parents

01/24/2024 10:02

Friend, so many of us have severe schisms in our families caused by a myriad of troubles.

Many of us have been not wanted as children; others abused emotionally and physically.

The causes are often from involvement in mind and mood altering substances.

Parents who made a committment before God to care for each other til death, now are at odds and even hate is in the air.

There are so many scenarios; each individual to family dynamics, and previous generational choices from both parents, and their parents and so on.

But yet knowing these things would come about, God has told us in His Word to "love and honour your parents."

Friend, it cannot be done with a settled heart on the matter without the intervention of Jesus into the heart and mind.

Because we are so hurt. We carry, anger even hate, bitterness, we hold onto the bad memories because we don't want them to be exposed and in many cases it's the only way we know to cope with our circumstances.

By doing this we will not forgive, but God says, "Honor parents." 

They gave us life. Even if life is hard, here we are. We're on earth and we can make choices for each day and the future.

At some point we leave parents and strike out on our own but God says to remember to "Honor parents."

When we've had good parents who gave and sacrificed for us, it is easy to honor our parents, but even then we should be sure to not abandon them in their aged years as a form on honor.

Always at all times, "Honor parents." That's the Command, The Word, from our Maker.

And that Word points to Him as well; for He is our Father in Heaven.

"That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him." John 5:23 KJV

Yes, we must honor God at all times, and in all ways.

When we understand that Jesus was a Holy God Ordained Sacrifice for each and every one of them (those parents,) as well as ourselves, while we were all sinners; to make a New Way - out of the evil bondages into the arms of The Father for safekeeping in His Kingdom; we are able to forgive also.

Jesus paid the Price for us, so we could forgive others, and we should; because we are Forgiven.

If He can do what He did at The Cross, to pay a Price for Forgiveness to be ours, there is not one reason that Father God will accept from us; ignorance, abuse, disabilities, lack, for our own sins, if we cannot forgive others; even parents. who have been less than.

"Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord." Colossians 3:20 KJV

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