
Why Not

12/14/2023 10:52

Friend, you have heard about Jesus and The Holy Spirit; you have an understanding of Who The Father Is.

Yet you have not given any acknowledgment to Them.

Is it because you are afraid of not being able to enjoy life?

Is it because you "feel" They have not invited you to know Them?

Is it because you know you are embroiled in many sins, and would have to clean up immensely, in order to have Them acknowledge you?

Is it because you know you're too far gone in sin to even try to clean up?

Is it because you are angered that you would have to confess you are a sinner?

Is it because you think They want your money?

Is it because in your mind you are a good person, and it should be automatic that you would be accepted by Them?

Is it because you were born poor, in abject poverty, you and your family struggled; and you saw no help coming from Them?

Is it because you called out for help to Them and received no answer?

Do you want this Holy God to do something unique, miraculous, over the top for you personally before you "might" listen?

There are so many reasons peole give. These few hardly touch the surface of reasons for not acknowledgeing God; Father, Son and Spirit.

Friend, this website may help you to understand the many things that you do not know about God. We are all full of misconceptions about Him.

We want things to be our way. We want God to be how we think He should be. We want Him to overlook certain things about us that we inwardly know are sinful, and accept us as we are.

Reading through some of the blog entries on this website; you will find that God is inherently Good and Just, and our lives are lived under this Holy Lawful Concept.

We come to know and understand that His Way, His Will and His Law are all Good and Just.

We begin to "see" how evil is disgusting, and how evil beings hate us, because God loves us.

We come to understand that we are not above Him, in anything; thought, ability, love, wisdom, knowledge in any given subject.

God is not a fool!

He is God, Above All. King over all kings. Lord over all lords. 

There is none above Him now and there never will be a time when there is.

We need to establish where we sit in the grand scheme of God's creation of all things.

Look at the heavens; they go on and on forever. Earth is smaller than a pinhead; and there are billions of people on that pinhead!

We're like fine sand on the seashore.

All those angry negative thoughts about Him, He knows them all in each one of us; for He looks at the heart of man, continually searching anew all the time to find the heart that is ready to surrender to His Complete Sovereignty over all things.

That is the soul He has set out a Holy Lawful Plan for, to be reconciled to Himself. He wants that soul which He created and owns, to be redeemed away from evil, and back to Himself. He desires it for all souls but knows some will never come to Him.

But all are welcome. He will renew the thinking. He is astoudingly capable of changing hearts and minds from the most evil to the most holy.

Because of the circumstances surrounding evil beings, and this planet with it's human occupants, He has made a way for humans to choose to follow evil; or choose to follow Him. Many evil ones have already made their choice to follow evil.

God's Redemption Plan is unique, amazing, powerful, visual for all who can't hear or read, and His Holy Bible is the completion of The Holy  Work for those who can't see visually in the natural realm; and it is for those unable to discern spiritually, what they see visually; as in, THE CROSS. 

The Cross is a Sign for all time of God's Love, Mercy and Grace to mankind; in that while we are sinners, we can be redeemed by The Blood  shed at Calvary by The Son, Jesus Who Is God.

God is calling us to Himself by The Holy Spirit who came to earth once Jesus sat at the right hand of The Father in Heaven; when He returned from earth in His resurrection body; having accomplished the fulfillment of God's Holy Lawful Plan to redeem His created beings on the earth from the clutches of Satan. 

This Great Holy Sight of The Son of God tortured and blasphemed on The simple wood Cross stands as a Holy Victory of God against Satan.

The souls of mankind now no longer under The Law which is where satan operates; but having a New Covenant bought with The Blood of God.

Those of us who understand and accept this New Covenant, will no longer be judged under the Law; for we are so saturated with sin that we cannot obey it for one moment and would be found guilty under The Law, but believers will be judged for what we have done under The Blood which satisfies The Law and found "not guilty."

Today, right now is an accepted time for anyone who desires to acknowledge what Jesus has done for them. They can thank Him and give praise to God for His Incomparable Plan of Redemption that gains the soul everlasting life with Jesus as it's Saviour King.

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Be Ye Transformed

12/07/2023 13:19

Friend, those of us who are born again by The Spirit of God in our lives, after accepting Jesus's death and resurrection; as the means by which He paid for our sins; enter into a transforming experience for the rest of our lives, by The Spirit of God.

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, Will of God." Romans 12:2 KJV 

God's Word is for the edifying of our mind. It is for setting things straight. The world has had full reign over us since birth, if we have not been raised up in the Holy Scriptures.

Many of us reach adulthood not knowing there is a God; not knowing He left His Word for us; not knowing He is Loving and Just. Most have heard the Name of Jesus, but do not understand He paid their debt, of unbelief in God, that caused sin in their lives to flourish.

Once we are saved, it is much easier for us to not be conformed to the world.

We become convicted of the sins we are committing. Jesus is in us, and the Spirit without surrounds us, with Holy angels to guard us in our ways, throughout our lives.

We understand the sinful ways we are embroiled in, are against God primarily; and to continue will hurt us in body, mind and soul/spirit.

We begin to hate the sin and desire to know more about God.

We find peace in Him. We find the strength to overcome everything the Spirit shows us in our mind's eye, is displeasing to God, and keeping us from having more of His Blessings.

We begin to hear and read His Word and recognise the Truth it is. Our soul cries for Joy when it begins to know Him.

However, the school systems have taught us to not believe The Holy Bible of the Christian faith. They set out to prove that it cannot be truth to young minds, with what they call scientific facts. 

Yet all science comes from God. He designed by the Laws of Science all things everywhere. He owns science; math, language, music, colour, electricity, all emanated from Him. He told the stars and planets where to stay and so forth.

Once we begin to read His Word after Salvation, we see the error in what we have been taught. A whole new scientific thinking process is exposed to those who are interested in those ways and means.

Satan hates that! He will do everything he can, assigning more and more demonic entities to us, to entrap us once again.

And Jesus, by His Spirit, leads us forward in Himself, and The Truth, if we are willing.

It is a wonderful spiritual experience in the flesh on the earth!

By our self will, we can tell satan and his minion/demons; "I am now a child of God, and I have the Righteousness of The Son in me. Be ye gone from me. I reject everything you stand for. It was because of you that my Saviour God came to rescue me. I am His and want nothing to do with you forevermore. Jesus is my God, and I will follow Him all my days, for He has Wholly Forgiven me."

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Self - We Love It

11/30/2023 10:15

Oh how we love ourselves, our "self" our ego.

And many of us love our body, our beautiful features, our hair; preening endlessly by a mirror.

We spend all our hard earned money of preening items; even those who have more disposable monies, spend endlessly on "things" that bring self esteem, pleasures for the mind and body; cars, homes, clothes, jewelry.

Everything is allowable by God. He wants us to enjoy these things.

But when they become more important to us, our self, than Him then He knows we have a problem; because He knows that satan has entered in, and is setting up home within the body, mind and spirit.

When we put Jesus first always, we will be convicted and see that what we are doing is too much; we will be given the opportunity to correct the course and praise Him for helping us "see" the Righteous Path.

There is another path that we often fall into as well and that is to do good works solely for the purpose of promoting "self."

A believer at it's redemption by Christ gives itself to Him for the Refining of the soul.

He will do a Good Work in us. We give Him the Holy Right to cleanse and refine us.

He immediately Justifies us to Himself. We are "marked" as His.

Soon we are able to say, "Not my will, but Thine be done in me, Lord." 

We surrender to His Authority.

We know that He will not harm us; even though at times we may feel overwhelmed. During those times we must remain faithful to Him and continue to be surrendered to Him.

Some of us fight against it, but if the self was surrendered to Him fully at conversion, He will fight for that soul.

His adversary is not you, it is Satan in you.

Until we give Him the power to fight for us, He cannot override our free will.

He knows the Righteous Path by His Holy Law to remove satan from his stronghold of evil thoughts, actions and desires.

We must trust Him. We get up every morning and face the new day knowing He is on our side, and we let Him go before us, wherever we go. 

He will convict us of places we should not go, people we should not see, things we should not say and do.

We should respond to Him in the positive whenever we are convicted, "Yes, Lord."

The soul who obeys Him every time, is the soul who will have an easy journey into the Pure Light of life. It is the soul able to sing and pray and enjoy His Lord and Saviour because the road of submission leads to peace in the soul.

Bucking against the light yoke is not a good choice, but many of us do this. Eventually we will get tired, or hurt ourselves, and in some cases because we want to have our own will back, we fall along the wayside; where satan comes and scoops us up to inflict his evil ways upon us once more; but even worse this time because he knows eventually we will want to go back to Jesus. He must get us so far into evil that we are "drugged" in our minds and flesh by his continual injections of venom, keeping us so consumed with lusts, that we are not able to think clearly.

The soul: God wants it, for it is His, and satan wants it, for it is God's!

There is a choice to make for all of us. It is our right. But we must make it in a moment of clarity, willfully ignoring satan; ready to receive Forgiveness for our past.

We can be so drunk or drugged that others would say we have lost our mind, but God is able to give us that moment of clarity in the depths of addiction, to draw us to Him. 

Our whole purpose on this earth since the Fall in The Garden is to be reconciled to The Father and He has made a Way that fooled Satan and that is through the birth, death and resurrection of His Son.

It is our one and only chance to have Eternal Life. Yes we will die of the flesh, but after that, there are two realms we could go. One is with God and one is without God.

"With God," means a fruitful, peaceful, meaningful existence filled with great joy, experiencing beauty in all it's forms, helping in the Kingdom. 

Without God means left to the devices of a very evil being. Sorrow, regret, pain, thirst, nothing good or desirable for even the most evil soul. 

Satan trumps the most evil human who has ever lived in pure savagery, whoever you would imagine that one to be, by extremes of measurement. 

Even the most evil human would say, that's going too far but they themselves, will be tortured day and night never-ending; for satan hates every soul made by God for the earth. 

While we're alive on earth we can in a split second, choose to repent and ask God for Forgiveness through His Son, Jesus.

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Divine Union

11/26/2023 12:48

Friend, man can have Divine Union with God.

It is what God desires and why He has created man.

He has given us a free will, and from the beginning we were made for His Good Pleasure.

He was present with Adam and later Adam's helpmate, Eve and loved to communicate with them, enjoying their experiences of life in The Garden as they spoke of wonder and awe at what He had made for them.

He was their Father and He was their God. 

They had Divine Union with Him in Holy Perfection.

Yet because of the wonderful free will Holy Gift He gave to them, they became proud of their own ability to think, and work things out for themselves; determining themselves to be in no need of their Great Mentor Father God.

In her free will mindset, Eve listened to the serpent who made itself known to her and Adam.

She made a decision of her own free will to eat after being told by her Father God to never eat that fruit.

Then she convinced Adam to eat also.

Both sinned against God in unbelief of His Word, (spoken directly to them when in His Presence.)

Since that time all children born to them the first pair of humankind, have been born with a sin nature; inherited from Adam and Eve.

That's when the sin nature entered mankind! We were created Perfect with no sin or knowledge of evil; given a beautiful garden paradise to make our home. God found it sufficient for our needs or He would not have put us there. We were never meant to fall away from Him, yet He lovingly placed us there, knowing that by giving us free will we could be tempted. 

This is why He gave one command only.

The sin nature is a curse that was built into the fruit of which they partook. If they ate of the forbidden fruit, the curse woud be released into all the earth, the ground, the plants, the animals. 

After a time, God's Compassion was stirred to implement His Preconceived Plan to reclaim and reconcile all souls who loved Him, back to Himself, cleansed and in full good-standing with The Law.

He came to earth Himself, God as The Son, to pay the full price of the punishment required by Holy Law to absolve those who would come forward to be cleansed by their free will admission, repentance of their sins; and acceptance of Jesus, The One Who, paid with Holy Blood the punishment required by The Law.

Have you done this?

The Father says that His Son Jesus, is the Only Holy Way, to be Redeemed, from the Punishment of The Law for the sin against His Word.

The Punishment is Eternal separation from God after the flesh death; where there is no Holy (Perfect & Good) Life.

As for me, I want Eternal Life and the Only Way is through Jesus's Blood so I have accepted His Gift to me that cost Him great suffering and loss of His Life.

Jesus is God The Son,and He could have left us here; after visiting for a while in the flesh; and could have rose without experiencing death, to The Father to say, "None are Good, no not one so I have left them to the full punishment required by The Law." And the Father could have accepted that.

But Jesus didn't.

He went to The Cross for you, for me, for all those who will bend the knee to His Sovereignty; and have Divine Union with Him here on earth and in the Life Eternal.

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A Christian's Heart Song

11/22/2023 10:40

Friend, when we have abandoned our soul, flesh, and spirit, to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus; for what He has done for us at The Cross, (wholly redeem our soul from the punishment we deserve, because of our breaking of the Holy Law of God, which is God Himself,) our soul is able to sing every morning.

Because of this abandonment, we may wake up singing or humming in our minds; the songs of praise, or affirmation to Him, every morning.

This is the ultimate good feeling! Our soul is totally free from the heavy guilt and shame we were carrying around before God's Presence. We forced ourselves to hide in caves, behind rocks and crevices, in fancy mansions, locked in dungeons of our own making, high on drugs and alcohol, sleeping as much as possible, pretending to be what we are not.

Now we can sing! We can truly breathe! We see Creation is beautiful and that God loves us.

To begin the day in singing His praises for all He has done for us, is to start each day "on the right foot," which in turn helps the day be one where the heart is happy from the outset, even when the demonic world is attacking us with disgusting ridiculousness, sorrow, and horror. 

Those early mornings are when The Spirit is calling us to meet with Jesus.

We do that by reading His Word, prayer, and song, knowing that His Holy Spirit will bring conviction, inspiration, tender love, and forgiveness to us, through our Lord's Words.

When we do this, every morning we learn and grow to find ourselves; one day having grown into deeper and deeper levels of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

We begin to be settled in the faith. We come to know that we are so loved by Him that it is immeasurable.

We are thankful and grateful for Him.

We begin to desire more of Him. 

Our soul becomes addicted to His Word and Presence. 

This is the addiction we have craved.

It's one where we can abandon ourselves to His Person, be totally free, speak what's on our mind, ask for our needs to be met, tell Him of our problems.

He is totally present with us. He holds none of Himself back. He's fully available.

We place all our praises and troubles at the foot of The Throne from where He rules with the Father; from where He ministers to us and presents our petitions to the Father.

Finally we have found the One we have been searching for. Finally we understand Who He Is. 

And we understand who we are. We are not above Him; we're the chidren who went astray, the lost lambs of the Kingdom of God.

He is our All in All.

There is no other like Jesus.

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When Christ Came To Earth

11/17/2023 10:21

Friend, as the Christmas Season comes upon us, let's have hearts of wonder and awe for what God has done for us in His Way and in His Name.

Man has chosen this time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

It's a celebration and remembrance of a Holy Day when The Christ of God (annointed of God,) was born into the world.

We celebrate that God loved us so much; that He made a Way, that could not be taken from us, by the evil forces in the world; unless by our own soul's consent; mankind, having a Lawful Free Will.

And that was through His Son, the only One who was Holy Pure; who could pay the enormous price (the punishment set forth in The Law,) for all sinners, past, present, future; and for all their sins, past, present and future.  

The Law; which God controls perfectly and righteously within Himself; Him being Law Itself; was broken by mankind; initially in The Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve; which caused all future humans to be born into a world of sin, because the world and all in it were now made sinful. The understandnig of good and evil was now evident to them. Jealousy, hatred and every evil way were now part of the human experience.

God had claimed in Genesis that He had created good things; and it is necessary to His Word, that we are to be made Good again in His sight/Law.  By His Law He came to earth to redeem us, from the bondages and chains of evil; to REDEEM those who believed in Him; to fulfill His Declaration, "It is Good," made at the beginning.

This was to be a once and for all New Covenant He would make with us. God knows the hearts of all humans. In His Perfect Timing, His Son came, and in His Perfect Timing all will be made Righteous in God's Sight, again. 

In a Holy Lawful Way; hidden from the eyes of the evil realm; Jesus was born to Mary. The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied centuries before He came.  (All pre ordained by God from time eternal.)

Evil were expecting an earthly king to be born, when God checkmated them with Mary, the simple virginal peasant girl who was devoted to God and knew about The Messiah to come.

Had The Trinity been preparing her? Most assuredly. Guarding her ways and protecting her from evil. She being submitted to Him by her own choosing throughout her life.

At Easter, another celebration Holy Day that man has chosen, we remember His Death and celebrate His Resurrection that proved He was God.

He told the Disciples who He was. The Way, The Truth and The Life. He taught them many things that they needed to know, so they could have full conviction that He was God come to earth to save and redeem the Jews. 

In His sermons to them, He left nothing out that they needed to know to sustain their faith.

Many of them have written, or had scribes to write, their words. These have become our Bible.

Believers call The Bible; The Word of God. By His Spirit, He has revealed great things to His chosen, and that includes mankind today, who have access to His Holy Words of Truth and Wisdom.

The Bible is Trustworthy and True. God has manipulated it finally into our hands for our edification, and speaks to us through it, in a variety of ways.

We see in the writings of Paul the Apostle that Jesus met him on the road to Damascus; (where he was going to hunt and arrest Christians;) that Jesus told him many things, which God, The Word, wanted brought into His Teachings for the world; eventually in God's Timing, to become writings in The Bible.

He wanted the Apostle (not a Disciple) to talk to the leader of the Disciples; known as Peter; and prove to him that Christ came for all men not only the Jews. 

Our Lord corrected some of the mistakes that the Disciples had fallen into. They were beginning to use the teachings they had learned at the synagogue before their conversion to Chrstianity; and apply them to the New Covenant, and that was wrong.

Teachings about what to eat, and who to be friends with, and the exclusivity of the Jews to God.

God wants it known to every man that He is interested in having a close personal spiritual relationship with him or her, no matter the age, religious beliefs or infirmity.

The Christmas Season is a time to consider, celebrate, thank, and speak intimately with our Saviour. 


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We Want Proof

11/10/2023 11:28

Friend are you one of those humans who will not believe unless you have the proof you require?

So many of us know nothing about Supernatural things.

But from birth we live in what we call the natural world.

We love to see things; and our mind is continually calculating and discerning what we see in front of us day to day. We use our eyes, noses, ears and our fingers to discover and prove.

In childhood the natural world is proven to us very quickly and we go on to discover throughout our lives.

We take for granted that we have a brain with a mind, capable of decoding and creatively designing, among all the other myriad of things it does for us to continue on in life.

Some of us learn about the spiritual world from an early age, and find it very easy to coexist with the spiritual world of the mind, and the natural world, of the flesh.

If we have not had that beginning, the road to spiritual understanding is very difficult. By the time we are aware that other people believe something other than what we believe, we are entrenched in the natural world, most of us shutting out the spiritual.

Some of us have delved even deeper into many of the sciences and study of all the signs of life even the water, air and geology of the earth.

We're searching for proof that answers our questions about the natural world; hoping to discover something man has not considered.

There is nothing wrong in that search in itself; but the spiritual realm is left undiscovered and it has many answers for enquiring minds as well.

Not considering the "why" of our discoveries but only looking at the what, how and when, keeps us earthbound in our thinking.

It's as if we are starting our search in the middle; having seen something, now looking at what it is made of and how it works but never the "why."

Why is it here?

The search in the "how and what" area can take up a whole lifetime, and not be fully answered because of the intricacy of the design for each field of study we enter into.

Yes, great discoveries are made, good and true answers are found, sometimes we find a small "why" in part, but never the full Holy Truth; because we have shut our mind to the existence of a Great Designer/Architect.

We deny Him His rightful place in our questioning - how will we ever get the Full Truth?

Yet God Himself has made us to have relationship with Him. Yes, we are His Creation and we live in His Creation. Our days are numbered and we will face death like the plants, and animals; we have an end date.

Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27So God created man in His Own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.

28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

31And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Friend, we study surface things and although we find answers those answers always provide more questions.

Our life is so short that we don't have time to investigae every type of discovery found from centuries of man's contributions to sciences.

That is a trap if our searches and experiements do not lead us to the realisation that a Great and Perfect Being has mindfully designed us and everything around us, for we will use up our whole lifetime in the search for man's meaning.

But if we devote our time to studying the Word of God as He has instructed us to; He will reveal more and more about Himself, to each of us; meeting us at the level of understanding we are at, and satisfying our thirst and hunger of the mind; because He wants us to know Him.

From this knowing of God we are still able to study the chosen area of study in any science if we so desire but with God being placed in His Rightful Position as The Designer and Creator, we will quickly see much that has been hidden heretofore.

But to search God's Word to find the WHY of our own existence and the WHAT of who we are, and the HOW of what God intended for us and the WHO of God; is a lifelong undertaking as well, that produces much inner satisfaction, Hope and Joy, and a close relationship with the Greatest Supernatural Person of God, something the Bible tells us is for mankind, who were created in His Image; having an essence of Him within our flesh body; our soul and spirit. 

We actually get proof that fills us with Truth, that cannot be denied because we have an actual spiritual relationship with Him, and find Him to be Loving and Kind to those who love Him.

Friend, there is proof out there for the finding. He is calling to you everyday by His Holy Spirit who works tirelessly with every soul, to come into relationship with The Son of God, Who came to earth to make a Holy Lawful Way for every person, not just the Jews.

God is Whole and holds all Laws of every type discovered and more, within Himself. 

He is Law so the laws we study are Himself; God Who cannot separate Himself from Them.


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