
Bitter Fruit

08/09/2014 19:30

Can you hate and cast aside the bitter fruit of your life?

The consequences of our actions in many instances bring bitter fruit.  We rail against God or others thinking He or "they" have brought this bitter fruit upon us.  But friend, stop, and think - for every action there is a reaction or consequence. 

If you continually do  and say something that brings bitter fruit into your life then, you must begin to change something.  Will a kinder word or action help the situation?  Will it bring a more welcome result?  Then take it. What does it matter if you don't get the upper hand or control the situation every time? 

If Jesus can forgive you your sins, who are you to deny someone? 

This is something we have to work at.  God will not remove it from our life supernaturally. He desires we become seasoned and strong in many areas of our carnal life so that spiritually we can grow.

Hate and greed and unkindness and all the carnal areas of life are strongholds that need to be broken, because they bring bitter fruit.

Psalm 27:14  Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; yea, wait for the Lord.

When we tire of the worlds goods and desire spiritual food to quench our thirst then we will be ready to humbly pay the price and let Jesus fill us with His Presence.

Guard your heart and mind, do not let them be divided or led astray. Think only of Jesus and feed on His Word.  The reward is great!



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2 Timothy 4:3-4

08/09/2014 08:47

(NIV) People will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the Truth and wander into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 New Testament

The Lord tells us not to worry about the other teachings we hear that many follow.  Satan and his demonic army are capable of fooling us with the multitude of "other than Christ Jesus" teachings and religions.

If Jesus is not taught as God the Son in the Triune God - Father, Son & Holy Spirit, then my friend, you have been fooled.

Hard to believe, but use some time to ask God to show you if you have made a mistake.

Perhaps you have wanted to know more than is allowed and have wandered into the territory of Satan who has lured you with his "humanity."  Lulled you into a sense of belonging with some other religion. Fired you up with a sense of righteousness  calling you to eliminate those who do not believe with you.  He has many ways and is able to appear as an angel of light.

But Satan is the Great Deceiver!  He is a Liar!  He is full of Revenge and will gather you to him and then despitefully use you and accuse you.

Be careful.  Hold onto the knowledge that there is a Good God who loves you and seek Him.  Accept His free Gift of Love.  You don't have to know anything.  If He desires to raise you up into a place of great service, He will.  There is nothing you can do of your own accord that will please Him.  It has to be His Will, not yours.

Think on these things, my friend.



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Idol Worship

08/08/2014 15:42

We serve a living God.

He is not a statue.  There is no grave. 

We can bow down to  a Christian cross and say "Thank you for the Cross, Lord.  For the Plan of redemption which the Father had and You fulfilled, thereby defeating Satan."  It is a symbol, not anything more.

Satan thought he had defeated God by bringing Jesus the Heir to the cross.  But God had a bigger Plan of which Satan could not know because he is not God. 

In sacrificing Himself, He would show by His Resurrection that Jesus was God the Son indeed.

When the disciples saw Jesus alive after the Resurrection, they understood that He truly was God the Son just as He had told them.  It was then their job to be the Disciples He had taught them to be and spread the Good News to those who were called to be God's children - brothers and sisters to Christ.

Satan was actually defeated at the Cross.  He is now on what we would call "probation". And he is violating his probation. So it won't be good for him and his followers when God calls "time". 

The Great Judge will sentence Satan to his true sentence when the time is right.

Will you be sentenced with Satan? Or will you be in the court of the Judges?

We do not know the hour when God will say that time is over and the Judgement is at hand.

You or I will never outthink God.  He invites you now to join Him and give your allegiance and love to His Son, Jesus.

My friend, will you do it?


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Elijah the Prophet of Almighty God

08/08/2014 10:21

In First Kings in the Old Testament Chapter 18:21b,c  Elijah addresses the people in the following way....

"How long will you go limping with two different opinions?  If the Lord is God, follow Him."

For Elijah it was simple. He had already chosen God and found Him to be Good.  He had a heart for his people and wanted them to understand that they must choose between God and the things of the world.

Elijah knew that the path of God was the more fulfilling but the people's daily needs dictated their choices - so they followed the path of scrambling for enough money to eat and clothe themselves and live under shelter.

The Word of God (Jesus) tells us that the question is not "Will you serve?" but "Whom shall you serve."

If we do not choose Jesus then we automatically have chosen to serve the world which is evil.

There are ideas and opinions abounding in the world but the Bible has a purity which shows there is a Strong and Mighty God who is awesome in Power and who creates by thinking something into being.  It is His Law of all that is which underpins everything we can imagine.

Not a hair falls from a baby's head or a feather from a sparrow or a speck of sand moves that He is not aware of and has given permission to move.

We live in the world that He allows and His Will, will prevail.  Evil may have it's day and gather many to it's army but when the Lord God sounds the trumpets, evil will only be able to react and fall.  It will not win.

God will win.  He is the winner.  He is in control.  We are just using up our alloted time.  He says redeem the time we have left.

Truth is Truth, and He is the Source of ALL Knowledge and Understanding.

He welcomes you.  Receive Him.

Bless you


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The Master knows All

08/07/2014 14:31

My friend, fear not - the Master knows all - and yet He loves and cares for you.

He wants to meet up with you where you stand right now. He is waiting for you to acknowledge Him.  He never trips or falls as you push Him away whilst trying to out-manoeuver and outfox Him.  He knows what you are doing. Ignoring Him. 

He is patient.  He knows of the undreamed of heights of happiness you can have yet you shun Him as if He will not help you.  It is true He will not help you on the path that leads to destruction.  He cannot - He is Goodness. Almighty God.  He cannot break His own Pure and Holy Law.

He sets a new task for every one of us each and every day.  Each morning brings new mercy from Him. We can go forward in His Strength.  

What an adventure it could be! Trusting in Him to lead the Way. Seeing people we meet through His eyes. Forgiving those who hurt us as He has forgiven us.

All we need to do is keep our eyes on Him.  If we get in front of Him we will not see Him.  Always it must be Him in front to lead.

He is the Good Shepherd.

Make the leap of faith and trust that He is there for you.  Let Him prove to you in the small everyday things and later He will show you more of His Glory and provision in the bigger things. 

That leap is yours alone to make.  He cannot, being a Holy God, force you to make the leap.

Don't hesitate.

Bless you!


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Be still

07/30/2014 16:10


The Lord says to us, "Be still, and know that I Am God."

In stillness, meditation, call it what you wish, we will find Him.  Emptying our thoughts of all the worldly noise we leave a space for the Holy Spirit to minister to us.

The more we discover about Him as Creator, the more beauty we see in the world and beyond. We also will notice a force that resists the created beauty.

These are the only two forces.  Christians call them Good and evil.

Psalm 145:18  The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in Truth.

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What Do you Need to Leave Behind?

07/30/2014 11:26

Dearest one, 

In order to move forward you may have to leave something behind!

Oh no, we say! I need all my stuff.  It is who I am. 

How funny we must seem to the heavenly spirits who encompass us - carrying our stuff everywhere, dragging it even, when we plainly have too much.

Most of the time we are not aware of the baggage it is so much a part of our being, but when a change comes on the horizon, we immediately start to guard our stuff so it doesn't get left behind or taken from us.

Yet if we were to be making a physical move with all our baggage and we found that it was going to be costly to get it to the next location we would agonize over things but eventually realize that many items had to be left behind.  Most of us would make those hard decisions in order to make the move.

We would find that we could live without those things that we thought we could not live without.

So it is the same with our interior life of the soul and spirit.

We can leave things behind and fill the space with new knowledge just as we have done all our life from childhood to now.  We found it easy to leave childhood behind and move on to teenage interests and beliefs. 

Later it gets harder to let things go but when we move on to the right spiritual path, it is glorious.  

The Holy Spirit is asking you to leave something behind and He wants to fill that space with His Presence so you can look out on the world with new spiritual eyes.

What is it that He asks you to leave behind? 

That first thought - that's the thing to leave behind.




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