
Shield Of Faith

06/21/2023 11:11

Friend, every believer must continually deploy their shield of faith.

If we do not, we are in danger of that which is emanating from the darkness in the world. The devils and demons who ply their scientific findings like a gigantic nugget of pure gold; have only discovered the tiniest flake of powdered gold in the Big Design of God's Intricate Creation of every thing that exists; but they spead their half truth and sometimes distorted knowledge around, like fairy dust for us to dance under, unaware of the terrible trap they have set for our soul.

As much as we believe in Almighty God; they do not believe; and even though the unbeliever says it does not care what we believe, they go to great lengths to get us to believe what they believe, to destroy our faith. 

They hate that we believe in God; because if there is a God then they are sinfilled, and unforgiven, with no Hope.

The weakest of them think that we are fools. They are not a difficult foe. We know the Scriptures call them the fools!

But many of the unbelievers, actively cast spells against us, and come against our belief in such a way, that they hope to steal our very soul for the dark kingdom, run by their master, satan, who they don't admit is their controller; because they havent "seen" him.

Satan has them under his spell. They believe that their own intelligence has shown them that God does not exist; but it is satan who has deceived them. 

They are the ones who go to great lengths to prove that there is no God. The demons in them, know that if they can entangle us in some kind of lustful, addictive sin, they have a very good chance of destroying our faith; for God will not walk with us in the sin. He stands to the side because that's been our choice. 

The demonic world know this. They use human bodies  as a means to live in the flesh world and to take from God what is rightfully His; our soul..

And in that sin, we walk far from Him; and we will run into a roadblock some day, and will suffer the consequences of our choices; because it is up to each of us individually to seek God; to enquire of Him; to find His Truth and Law.

The shield of Faith is the one thing we cannot afford to lose as believers. 

It is our shelter in the storms of life because He is with us there.

God protects us and nurtures us behind the shield.

Proverbs 30:5 Every Word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him

But many people who have called themselves believers, do walk away. Those were never believers. They didn't hear the sermon's message. They pedantically stuck with the words and didn''t hear The Inspired Word; because they chose not to. They judged everyone else in the church and had their own motives as to why they came there. Silently they're saying, "Prove it, come on, prove God exists to me!"

Satan will also come to believers and say, "Okay, yes, God said that, but what you think it means is not correct. Let me tell you about science. See God didn't say that. Some illiterate shepherd made it up."

But a believer should have His Shield of Faith surrounding him on every side, and those barbs will just deflect off the shield.

Never put the shield down or allow any cracks to show because the demonic kingdom of satan is surrounding you; ready to pounce.

Friend, they are the lost sheep of The Great Shepherd, Jesus, who has given them the free will to roam about the hills of life; or choose Him as their Good Shepherd who will keep them close and safe. 

They are worth something to Father God. He wants them to know His Son.

He has great things in store for all the lost sheep roaming far away in the sciences, under the control of the dark kingdom. He wants to go on a journey with them and show them amazing things from the scientific aspect. Great discoveries and inspiring Truths await them.

God is not afraid of what they will discover. He knows they will discover Him and know Him; in a way many Christians cannot because they lack the desire to know about science. 

1Peter 5:8-9 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist Him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.

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Cluttered Minds

06/16/2023 17:31

Friend, the world is busy filling our minds with sights, sounds, feelings, causing lust, sloth, anxiety, worry, depression, mental illness, physical ailments, of mind, body, soul and spirit.

To alleviate the overwhelming thoughts, the addictions, the cravings that all come from a disordered life, we fill our bodies and minds with the world's offerings.

We love to research, to discover new information, to seek out goods and services we think will occupy our time wisely and in ways that fulfil our desires.

Yet, still after years we are not satisfied, and we are not fulfilled, even in the slightest ways; we need to continue to hoard, to drink to excess, to increasingly delve into deeper and darker secret ways to satisfy our lust; for whatever it is we have chosen.

We hide behind all these activities saying to ourselves that we are very busy; we're occupied in this thing that has a stranglehold on us, and we have no time to share ourselves with others; like family.

We find fault with them and others, but not ourselves.

They're the ones. They have in many ways caused this ugly thing we are engrossed with; we believe!

No! It is a choice we made all by ourself. 

There may have been encouragement but we, ultimately knowing, it wasn't going to be good; for we do know our self; chose to do such and such!

Now, at our wit's end, we find our mind so full; so cluttered that we are glued to a spot and can't get unstuck.

We got our self to this point by choosing, and the only one who can help us is Jesus, Who died for that sinful situation we chose, to be conquered in us.

He went to the Cross knowing we would have this episode in our life; before we were even born. 

He sees all the possibilities of what the future may be for every soul He agrees may come into the earth realm; and what the future can be for us as well, if we allow Him to lead the Way out.

In Him we can overcome and have great victory and triumph over every sinful choice we have previously made.

We don't have to be trapped, anchored down, drowning in our sins.

He will give us clarity of mind. He will get rid of all the sins by His Holy Spirit conviction to our mind and heart; that the vice is wrong and needs to go, if we will allow Him to do so.

We must choose Him because He first chose us; and on The Cross, He proves that.

It is a necessary thing for us to forgo sinful behaviours when we receive His Forgiveness; for He is not coming back to pay for them again. In His Second Coming to the earth, He is coming as a Conquering King to take charge of the earth.

Satan's time will be up for this section of his sentencing.

Fill your mind with His Word, so that His Spirit can use Holy Words when speaking to you. This is how you will know it is of God when in your inner heart you hear His Word to you.

It could be as simple as, "My Grace is sufficient for you," when you are faced with a dilemma. 2 Corithians 12:9a

Don't worry, your mind will not be empty because all the clutter is swept away. No you will have room for beautiful Truth and Wisdom to fill all those spaces.

You will be a happier person in your soul and spirit no matter if the circumstances/consequences of a sinfilled existence in your flesh remain.  

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06/08/2023 11:17

Friend, humans have trust issues.

Our whole lives are overwhelmed by them.

If a litttle child or an elder; we are leery, and wary, of others.

We like to be sure before we jump into activities, jobs, relationships; and we are very distrustful of any claims made about the God of The Bible.

But we easily slip into beliefs that are contrary to The Christian God's Truths.

Oh Buddah, yes no problem, we'll believe everything he has written, all the stories; yes no problem. They're true.

Oh the spirit of the river, has dragon spirits living in it, that will eat you, if you do not first do a smoking ceremony at the river's edge to be cleansed of impurities; or dance around like an animal with feathers in your hair, or rattle some old bones, and shout to the spirit; before entering the water, or before fishing for food. 

Oh yes we say, "I believe in that, I will participate in that!"

Oh, Mohammad is divine, and wise and we must follow and trust everything he has written. 

No problem. Great is Mohammad!

Every region, tribe, culture, has their own spirits, that people trust but that One God over all the idol gods; stay away!

It's so obvious to a believer in the One True God, that all those other gods and beliefs, are not trustworthy. 

They're fake!

But not to the unbeliever, they'll believe those ideas, quickly acepting.

Yet those same unbelievers are so frightened to even hear one word of Scripture; of Holy Truth!

"For the law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ." John 1:17 KJV

The demons within do not want to give up their host; they won't listen or let the unbeliever hear Truth, for they know they will lose that soul to Jesus. They like living in that person, controlling the mind, messing with the heart. They have "evil fun" to give themselves pleasure. So they're trying to destroy the spirit of that unbeliever, with depression  and other fears, that will help the heart to kill the body, which releases the soul from the flesh earlier than it has a right to leave eventually going into Hell. 

If God Himself comes to dwell by invitation into that person, the demon has to flee. This the demon knows, but unless the soul is a believer they do not know this is a reality.

If God has been invited, and is welcomed, evil cannot dwell in His Dwelling Place; the heart of man. In this Way, God saves that soul by the soul's choice to believe, and trust in God's Son for Forgiveness and Everlasting Life.

But do these false religions offer Life (of the soul,) Everlasting?

"He that speaketh Truth sheweth forth Righteousness: but a false witness, deceit." Proverbs 12:17 KJV

They cannot. They use pretend ways that make sense. Reincarnation is the big one many use. Others tell of life everlasting without being born back into the world. Like Pharoahs believed they would have life being a pharoah in some other world, after they die; that's why they need all the paraphenalia that is buried with them.

What Christians know after studying God's Word, is that the lies in this world all come from the fallen angel; once called Lucifer, now known as Satan. God gives names to us all. We see this Truth throughout the Bible.

Satan the devil has devised his own stories, plans, based on God's Truth. Satan deviates from it and makes it more palatable. 

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44 KJV

Everything is roses; the devil and his demons tell us, but in reality; it stinks of putrid hellfire because it is not True. It has no Truth in it. 

It is satan's plan that when he overthrows God (won't happen) he will institute reincarnation, and unknown to man; it will be tortuous. There will be no progression into kingly status, there will be no greatness acheived in the kingdom of satan. It's all lies. 

God is in charge of where satan is going. Satan's just the bully in the jailhouse, gathering followers. One day he will be sat in court at The Great Judgement, and all will see his sentencing carried out.

But God is not a liar. Jesus actually called Satan, "The Father of Liars."

God can be trusted. He states Who He Is, and then He gives us a choice.

He does not sugarcoat anything. It is the unadulterated Truth and it is confronting.

And we are free to choose or deny Him.

Satan on the other hand, is a deceiver who traps us and holds our flesh and mind captive. We have to continually fight Him when we do not believe in God The Father and His Son and Holy Spirit.

"And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." John 8:32 KJV

"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He (Holy Spirit) will guide you into ALL Truth: for He (Holy Spirit) shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He (Holy Spirit) shall hear, that shall He (Holy Spirit) speak: and He (Holy Spirit) will shew you things to come." John 16:13 KJV

God is TRUSTWORTHY in ALL His Ways.

Just believe that is WHO He must be to be GOD; and seek that one True God only.

The Bible shows The Way to God and God in the Holy Bible says that The Way, is through His Son. That is the One Way that God will accept; because through Jesus's death and Resurrection, He paid for our sins so we could stand clean (with His Blood Sacrifice Cleansing,) before The Father.

Then we are acceptable in His Sight otherwise all He sees is the ragged sinfilled soul, which is not acceeptable to His Holiness of Purity and Truth. 

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Jesus Our Hope

06/05/2023 13:27

Friend, the Holy Scriptures were written for our edification. God wants us to have Holy Truth Knowledge of Who He Is.

Below are just a few Scripture Verses about Jesus, and some of the things He said while on earth to the humans He interacted with, as both God and man; understanding our humanity.

Jesus is our HOPE for Life Eternal.

"Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our Hope;" 1 Timothy 1:1 KJV

Jesus is The Son of God. Here a demon speaks to Him.

"When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before Him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with Thee, Jesus, Thou Son of God Most High? I beseech Thee, torment me not." Luke 8:28 KJV

Jesus says we are unbelievers in Him unless He performs miracles before our eyes. This is wicked thinking.

"Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe." John 4:48 KJV

Jesus is The Son of man (and God,) and Judas wasn't a true believer; only believing in mankind or self, so Jesus in essence said to him," you betray a good man, for money?"

"But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?" Luke 22:48 KJV

Faith in Him is what saves us from damnation.

"And Jesus said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee." Luke 18:42 KJV

By faith, all things are possible.

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23 KJV

The Scriptures hold The Power of God and we hurt ourselves by not knowing them.

"Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of God." Matthew 22:29 KJV

Faith in His Ability to Heal, is what heals us.

"When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee." Mark 2:5 KJV

Jesus is God, The Great I Am.

"Jesus said unto her, I Am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:" John 11:25 KJV

Belief, faith in Jesus has the ability to save a whole household, even the servants, whilst they are under the roof of a believer.

"And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:31 KJV

Jesus advising His Disciples to believe in Him because He was sent by their (the Israelites), God.

"Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the Work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent." John 6:29 KJV

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Seeker, Follower, Disciple

06/04/2023 15:44

Friend, the believer's life is one of Holy Joy that rises up and from the inside to permeate the whole body in fullness. 

It's a Holy Spiritual connection with our Saviour; for the faithful believers; who study and desire to know His Word for mankind. It's like nothing we have ever experienced in the flesh.

Spiritually, believers have discerning "eyes" that relate to the heart and mind of faithful believers; all Godly Wisdom. 

We see the world and all the goings on with a heart that understands how God sees through His Love, His Law and Will, His Wisdom, His Word.

We put our own human sight aside, and allow The Holy Spirit to show our heart what just happened; the meanings behind the happening; the Law that was broken; the toll/consequence it will take on the participants, and sometimes the outcome. 

We have a connection to The One Who truly loves with the greatest Love, a bond of deep human Holy Spiritual connection.

This is the wonder of God. He desires for us to have this connection. But we have to be a seeker, a believer, a follower of The Son, and eventually a disciple.

We must be willing to listen to Him, follow His Wisdom found in The Holy Bible, and be His worker in this world among the lost and with the believers.

We're a conduit.

By The Holy Spirit, God will guide every believer. From the new born-again experience, to the most devoted disciple of many years learning, God has a place in His Kingdom Rule on the earth, for each of us.

He prepares us; by teaching us; and He prepares the paths we will go on to do His Will, so that others will be blessed by our love, truth and knowlege of Him; that comes to us through The Holy Spirit.

In His Perfect Timing and by His Perfect Will, He makes a Way into the wildreness to find the lost sheep. Some at their wit's end hiding under rocks because of the torment heaped on them by evil, in body, mind and spirit. Left dejected and alone, not sure of anything anymore.

And He uses human beings sometimes to connect with all unbelievers. 

We must be followers of Him, and not fight with Him, so we can be the leader. 

He will never follow us. He cannot.

Stepping out to do His Work, before we have the right connection with Him, the Knowledge of His Word written in our hearts; will never bring the desired result; but may hurt the Work of God. We probably will not be able to answer questions with Perfect Truth; our Knowledge of The Word will be limited because we are not fully versed in Scripture; and It's Holy Message.

Stay humbly repentant, and continue to study His Word; pray and praise Him, to stay close to Him. He will teach and guide each of us. It is His Delight to do so. 

God calls it being "ready in season and out of season" to preach His Word, to those whom He places within our sphere of influence.




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Jesus's Message

06/04/2023 12:52

Friend, Jesus is calling all men (includes women; all humankind,) to Himself!

It is a continual call since The Cross at Calvary's Hill in Jerusalem.

He came for such a time as then and now.

All men (humans) need a Saviour. 

God says before we are saved that we have inherited a sin nature from our parents, going right back to our first human relative, Adam.

He sees the whole picture of all our ancestors lives; how they did or did not love Him, right up to now. Every Good and Righteous thing and every sin filled thought or action.

In His Perfect Holy, Lawful, Wisdom and Timing, He sent His Son to die on the Cross as a Sacrifice to fulfil His Law; that said for us to sin was death, for only Purity; as that of His First man was created; Adam. 

Adam was created simpatico with Himself before Adam sinned against God's Command to refrain from eating of The Tree in the midst of The Garden..

When Adam sinned; it was so grevious to God, that it caused a break in relationship between Adam and God. Adam was now impure and God was still Holy Pure.

And so all since Adam have sinned against God because the sin nature entered Adam, and Eve, and all who would be born thereafter were born with a sin nature.

That's us.

The sin nature rules in the unsaved life.

When we come to Jesus; God recognises The Blood of His Son on us, that saves all who will come to The Son.

God no longer remembers those sins that were repented of and it is imputed to us; Righteousness through Jesus on The Cross.

That is The Message of The Cross; that Jesus died for us while we are sinners. 

Our sin nature has been given a Way to regain intimacy and personal relationship with God Himself through Jesus.

We cannot cleanse ourselves enough in order to please Him. After we accept by faith that He has cleansed us from unrighteousness by Jesus's  Death on the Cross, we must continue to repent of new sins, and by His Strength and Holy Spirit, overcome all habititual sins that we engage in.

Simply put; immediately we recognise we have sinned after receiving Forgiveness, we know sin is against Him, and we must repent of it, and ask for His help to overcome.

This is The Path of keeping Righteous before God; some call it progressive sanctification occuring throughout our life for we are sinfully inclined; needing Him daily to guide and help us stay on The Righteous Path of Salvation for our soul. 

He is faithful to do this for us, and we find after a time that by His Strength, we have totally overcome those sins.

We must trust in what Jesus accomplished for The Law, His Father, when He went to the Cross as a Sacrifice to please The Father, and The Law.

That is our Greatest Gift; that He died for us to be reunited with The Father and be heirs of Salvation, with Him in The Kingdom.

The only requirement is to repent. To be sick of our sinful lifestyle. To want and need to be Forgiven. To recognise we are a sinner through and through in need of a Saviour.

After this Holy Forgiveness we will have a desire to know Him more and more. A whole new world of discovery is there for us. Each journey is  unique but similar in that Jesus by His Spirit teaches, guides, directs, advises, helps, provides, cares and loves us unconditionlly because we have found we love Him.

And He responds to that. It's what He wants; you to recognise Him, that He holds all the Keys for you to have a spiritually fulfilling life with Him; trusting that He will do all things for you that is necessary for your physical journey through this world of time.


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06/04/2023 11:55

Friend, so many peope are doubters of Christ Jesus, God Almighty and His Holy Spirit.

They have not had an encounter with Him that they recognise.

If in the future they do become born again by The Spirit of God into fellowship with Jesus our King and Spiritual Brother Saviour God; they will look back after a few years of walking closely with Him, to reflect on His Goodness towards them, and discover that many times His Hand stayed some terrible evil, that was hovering around seeking to destroy the body; tarnish the spirit, and kill the beautiful soul that God has given to each human.

At that time of reflection of the past, a wonderful and amazing realisation will come upon us, that we have always been set aside for Him, to come into fellowship with The Son, The Word, The Creator.

The born again experience is a fully personal one. No two experiences are exactly the same, yet they are the same in many ways.

The personal experience we have with God Himself through His Son and Spirit is; Fully Holy and Spiritual. 

We become changed in the mind as we grow in Holy Spiritual Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom.

The heart no longer listens to everything the brain wants to do. 

The heart where Jesus now resides as Friend, Confidant and Saviour God, gets stronger and begins to take over the mind, which is easily controlled by evil forces; but because of the Presence of God in us, evil no longer has the authority it once had; which drove us to commit every sin it could. Evil has free reign before we are saved by God Himself; Jesus The Christ.

This new Spiritual Experience is the most difficult thing to explain in words to an unbeliever. 

But is our deepest need; that heretofore we had not recognised what it was. 

And now we feel satisfied with a longing to know more about Jesus, The Father and The Spirit.

He meets us at our deepest need from the Deepest Reaches of His Heart to ours; speaking Love to us that is all consuming; whole, Holy, Pure and full of Truth.

We may have felt an incompleteness, or a lack that we covered with our sinful pleasures; but we did not know what it was; because we mostly live by the flesh, before we come into personal relationship with Him.

It's the Spiritual Connection with The Father, Son and Spirit that our soul desires.

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