
Jesus Comforts The Broken

09/12/2015 05:40

Friend, are you seeking comfort for the loneliness, the brokenness, sadness, grief, emptiness,?

Do you feel unloved, uncared for, bullied, shunned?

People can be so mean and unkind!

In these times everybody is looking out for themselves. The spirit of selfishness is rife in this world. We are indoctrinated into this mindset from early ages.

Parents no longer discipline selfish behaviour; mainly because they do not see that it is selfish.

Yes, we should bring out the best in a child but that child has been given to us for care and nurture by the Lord and we have a responsibility to be a Godly parent; not an indulger or encourager in selfishness.

Without rules and boundaries our children's minds do not get aligned properly into Godliness and they can easily be taken over by the forces of darkness that lurk about seeking to kill and destroy.

Be ever mindful of the God who is the creator of their soul and spirit who seeks to have a relationship with you. He will fill you with power and wisdom to help you guide and direct your children onto the path of Righteousness.

Otherwise your children will go into the world and cause themselves much harm spiritually; and cause you, the parent, much anguish.

Be a good shepherd to them as He is the Good Shepherd to you and when they grow to leave the nest they will recognize His Voice. They will hear when He warns them of danger and be able to  know the Way of escape.

But friend, if you are at this stage already, and are experiencing pain, depression, brokenness, then Jesus is here for you. He will comfort you. Turn to Him and ask for forgiveness for all your wrong choices, for not looking to Him sooner, and receive Forgiveness, Comfort, Mercy and Grace for the future.

Become the strong wise and loving parent who is committed to the Word of God, who teaches through example and love the way to eternal life.

This life is truly a fleeting time when measured against eternity. But God says it is enough time for us to see His Glory and turn to Him as the Master of our Soul.

Do not waste another second, but turn to Him now and accept the Free Gift of Salvation that the Saviour is handing you in His outstretched arms that were nailed to the Cross for your sins.

Can you see that it is a Sacrificial offering that is unmerited by you? Do you see the Great Love that He must have for your soul? 

But, friend, God will not be mocked. Deny Him to your own peril. This is offered now in this world and will not be offered to you again. This is the end of the line. Choose soon.


Father God, Holy is Your Name. Thank You for the Gift of Salvation. I accept the Sacrifice of Your Son, Yeshua Jesus and ask Him to reside in my heart to show me the Way out of the mirey mud I am stuck in. I freely give to You, my soul and spirit, and only desire to have You as my guide. Please surround me with Your Holy angels to protect me from stumbling on the Godly Path of Righteousness. Fill me with Your Love as I go about my daily chores and comfort my soul. Remove from me the chains that bind me to the sinful ways I have fallen into and free me to be able to absorb Your Word and understand Your Ways. In Jesus's Holy Name. Amen

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Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim

09/09/2015 10:09

Friend, today remember these three names of God.

Jehovah. Yahweh. Elohim.

The Always Existing Creator of All Things.

"I always have been, I always am, I always will be, Jehovah," says the Lord God.

He spoke and the universe was created. He is The Creator, The Great Designer and Architect of All Things.

Before anything was created, He was existent.

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Acknowledging Jesus As Lord

09/09/2015 09:33

Friend, it is true that many will not acknowledge Jesus as Lord.

Sadly, they have a rebellious heart and mind.

They are unable to humble themselves and they see their own mind as the one thing they have that is above all things.

They will not accept that the great mind they have is owned by One even greater than themselves.

Their mind has been deluded by the evil one; who sees their ego and grasps hold of it to subtly reveal "other" ideas that will keep that ego trapped in another "world" for their entire lifetime; thereby being able to claim it for evil's purposes after death.

God allows this because He also has shown His great Power, Grace and Mercy in the world to all who enter it. He has left a space in the heart of all that only He can enter. And the Holy Spirit has been assigned to the earth since the Resurrection, to work with everyone of us; to draw us closer to the Saviour.

None will have an excuse when they die, and find themselves in a place where they think they should not be. 

God will show them all the ways He revealed Himself and they will see they chose to be blind and not hear.

Is this you?

Today we have the chance to change that. Today you can change that. Today you can decide to listen to the Spirit of God. Today you can choose to believe that Jesus died for your sins and you can call Him Saviour.

You can be FORGIVEN for turning your back to Him.  He understands. He loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you that is bigger than anything you could ever want that is available on this earth.

Some people want to meet their favourite television or movie star and think that will bring them such happiness that their life will be changed forever.  The memory will always be there.

But will that personality ever call you or take your calls?

Jesus will call you and speak with you every day, all day if necessary.  You can call on Him and be assured He hears you.

All you have to do is acknowledge Him as Lord of your life.

Prayer.  Jesus I acknowledge you as Lord and ask you to live in me and guide and direct me. Thank You, Holy Spirit for bringing me to this point and dying for my sins. Help me to have a relationship with You that will please You. Amen.

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Meditation Verse Revelation 3:5

09/09/2015 08:45

Today's Meditation Verse

Scripture.  He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of Life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels.  Rev.3:5 KJV

These are words from the Word Himself, Jesus.  Therefore let us take them seriously.

Jesus speaks to us of overcoming and tells of our reward for succeeding.  He knows the sin that besets us, from His days here when He walked among our ancestors - He experienced the sin that beset us and the ravages of it in us, as a human.  He is saying that we can overcome sin in our lives.

When I first heard these words, I thought it could not be done.  As the years go on, I realize that it is a process. 

Yes, some things, petty bad habits we can just discipline ourselves not to do.  Others are deeply ingrained and sometimes are what could be considered, generational in nature, due to being brought up a certain way within the family dynamics.

These need our Lord's help in order for us to overcome.  Evil will buffet us as we try to overcome, and release forces where only God can find a way through, to the other side.  If we follow Him closely, it is His good pleasure to make a way for us and to help us overcome. 

He will sustain us if we release the problem to Him and allow Him access into our life.

And it helps when we read His Word and know His sayings so that when we pray He can speak to us in that language.

The Bible is our Guide for daily living.


Lord, thank You for Your Word that reveals Truth.  Help me to hold onto the gains we have made together and help me to release to You all the deep seated sin that is offensive to You.  In Jesus's Name.  Amen.

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The Cross- A Reason

09/05/2015 12:14

Friend, when you look at the Cross that Jesus was crucified upon, now empty, do you see the reason behind it's significance?

God had a purpose when He sent His own Son to be brutally beaten and nailed to the criminal's cross.

Did God want His Son to suffer? The answer is "no."

God has choices, but He always chooses for the Good of Who He Is.

He created our souls. He created our world.

He cleansed it one time in the Flood. He could choose to do so again and all Heaven would see the wisdom in doing so.

Not a one of us is really worth saving. This is how the citizens of Heaven see us. We're so corrupt, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, accusing, lovers of self and not God.

The reason behind God's purpose is that Jesus, The Word of God, is our Creator and He stepped forward when God The Father was looking for "someone" to pay the price - be a sacrifice for the sins of all humanity.

Only the Son stepped forward. In other words, God Himself, stepped forward and said, "It must be this way."

Each soul is important to God. He did not like the Flood.

Friend, we are in perilous times, very similar to the times of the Flood. 

Jesus will come again but He will not enter our world as a babe and spend 33 years here walking among us and being an example to us of God's Love.

No, what He accomplished on the Cross as a Sacrifice for our sins changed the Law of God.

He added to the Law, and fulfilled the Law at the same time.

This time He will come as a Conquering Hero, wearing the Victor's Robes.

There was a reason for the Cross and it was to make a Way for all  who would believe, to have a future in Paradise. It is the Last Frontier, don't look back and find other ways - they are traps to keep you from God's Purpose, set by satan.

Before the Cross, Heaven was only for the Israelites (children of the Book), who believed in Almighty God and obeyed the Ten Commandments. And outsiders could convert to Judaism, and whole households could be saved according to the master of the house's belief.

But, Jesus died showing us that He says our souls were worth saving. All who believe in Him and what He did on the Cross ( His Sacrifice), have this right of being Redeemed, before the Great Throne of Judgment.

I know that He will say about me, "This one is Mine, Father."

Yet, I am not worthy - it is His Worthiness and Righteousness, and Blood shed at Calvary, that covers my unworthiness.

This "excuse" the Father will accept. No other will He accept, from those of us who have lived since the Son's Sacrifice. We are judged under the New Testament Law which includes the Old Testament Law.

This is the reason for the Cross, and the suffering of my Saviour. He loves my soul, His creation, and has pardoned me because I love Him and understand what He did for me.

I give thanks for His Mercy and Grace towards me, a sinner now forgiven.

This time now, is our last little bit of time to make a choice before He returns - according to the book of Revelation. 

Will He say about you, " Father, this one I know, this one is Mine."

Or will He say about you, " I did not know this one," or "This one made a false declaration of love, but I did not know them" or "This one belongs to satan because they denied Father, Son and Holy Spirit and ran after all the ways of satan.?"

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Revelation 4:11

09/03/2015 20:55

Scripture verse

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created. Rev. 4:11

Friend, God has All The Power and He is a Good God!  When we commit to Him, non-one can take us from His hand. 

We just need to realize that He is for us and He has a Plan for us and knows the Path we must take. It is fraught with danger because we have made it so by going down the many paths that have led to our frail state.

We all need His help and He is willing to give it to those who recognize Him, love Him, agree with Him and worship Him and thank Him, for His Goodnes that will flow from Him into our lives and those that we come in contact with when we live a Godly life. 

Yes, we will make mistakes, and stumble and fall, but soon we begin to see the error of the choices we make, begin to walk more uprightly, and exhibit signs of confidence in our Jesus, and are able to speak about the Way He made for us, to others. They will see the results of our new found belief and see that it is a desired thing.

Your walk with God can be a catalyst for many people who you will never know, to be brave and seek and find Jesus also.

God works behind the scenes weaving the great tapestry of our lives.

Let's thank Him in advance because He is now working for your good and has always been, even as bad things happened to you in your world.  Other's bad choices caused ripples of unhappiness and drama that He alowed because of the free will He gave to us as citizens of earth.

As we begin to praise Him when we get to know Him even in the slightest, we grow in knowledge and strengthen the small faith that results, that will grow like a mustard seed into a strong tree.

Use the above scripture Verse as your mantra for 30 days. Write the words and tape them to your dash board in the car and your mirrors where you dress and repeat them until full belief comes into your soul and spirit, growing and growing, stronger and stronger.

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The One Needful Thing

09/01/2015 09:11

Friend, the Lord calls us to prepare for our eternal destiny.

It is the one needful thing we should address in the short lifetime we have here.

We run around doing and thinking all kinds of things that keep us from considering our eternal destiny.

The Lord sees us scurrying about full of pride, scrambling up the ladder of worldly success, shoving others aside, stepping over the injured, climbing on the shoulders of people we see as opponents.

The Holy Spirit guides us according to the Will of our Redeemer, Jesus.  But, do we respond in agreement with Him? 

Mostly, no we do not. We say, "Wait a bit" or, "That doesn't apply to me."

Friend, think about this and ask God to show you Truth.

Is your eternal destiny something you should be preparing for?

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