
The Glory Of God

10/10/2015 05:46

Friend, are you acquainted with the Glory of God?

Are you discovering His Beauty and Goodness?

Has the Spirit entered your heart; shown you that the Lord is Faithful, True and Holy?

You can be sure that He is not a Liar.

What is it that you are searching for? What has hurt your heart and mind that you find it so hard to open your ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to you, and eyes for the truth and Beauty He shows?

Now is the accepted time for your soul to have Salvation and be renewed and forgiven.

Grasp it and never let your soul be denied again. This is the thirst we all have, to be forgiven, to have a new life.

Open your eyes to the Glory of the Lord. Accept the Forgiveness that He offers. He will help you to overcome when you are tempted to return to the awful sin of your past.

Today is a new day in Christ, your Lord and Saviour. 

Psalm 24:8

Who is the King of Glory?  The Lord Strong and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in battle.

Friend, He will fight your battles for you. Just trust Him and release your hold on the battle. He is a Victorious Warrior against the evil that has overtaken you.

Just trust Him.

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10/08/2015 11:04

Friend, are you in sorrow? Do you see the sorrow in the world?

It is constant. More and more so it seems. Everyday the news is full of troubles and sorrow all around the world.

Evil is the author and carrier out of the deeds. It enters our hearts and deceives us into believing it's evil intent is for the best good of the whole world.

We see our young people being taken in and believing. Evil presents it's intentions to them as something worthwhile and keeps them so busy in the carrying out of it's plans that they do not have the time to hear the warnings from the Holy Spirit and God's Holy angels.

It's like their ears are stopped up. The mind cannot comprehend God's Way but seeks after the easy way that will bring their "self" some notoriety.

Jesus has His arms stretched out to these people. He is saying to them, "Turn to Me. See Me and what I have done for you. You can have life eternal. Do not do this deed. My Spirit can heal your spirit. Turn away from evil and become My child."

We bring Him much sorrow when we turn from Him and ignore His Love for us. We have been given free will and we make our own choices many times to our detriment.

When we choose His Will for our lives, we will have inner peace and joy because we are able to understand His Ways.

To choose to run our lives out of His Will is to choose sorrow and sadness in our inner being which gives us a confused mind that easily can be led astray by satan and his demonic army for their own purposes.

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10/07/2015 10:52

Friend, have you found the Lord to be faithful?

Even when we deny Him, turn our back to Him, walk away for a time from Him, we later see He was faithful to us all through our wanderings.

He is faithful. He loves us and shows through His Faithfulnes to us that He can be trusted.

There is not one human on this earth who is capable of being as faithful to us as the Lord Jesus.

When you understand this and it has happened to you, there is a "knowing" that you carry with you that can be a foundation stone of your belief.

The Lord is Faithful. It's like having a beautiful gem in your pocket that you carry with you everywhere.

When trials come, you put your hands in your pockets in despair and you feel that gem and you pull it out to find that it reminds you of God's Faithfulness to the world, to you, to all He has created.

Yes friend, He is Faithful. Never forget it.

Be faithful to Him for He is Faithful to you.

Never lose that connection again.

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Dangerous States Of Mind

09/29/2015 09:32

Friend, there are states of mind that are very dangerous for us to participate in, and we must be sure to turn from them quickly when the Spirit prompts us.

It is our duty to learn to hear the Spirit through the reading of God's Word, and writing it on our heart and mind.

It is so easy for us to enter into some form of sin either in thought or deed and talk ouselves into tolerance of the sin. Soon we expand the boundaries of that tolerance and we find ourselves deep in the murky and muddy mire of the sin.

We do ourselves a disservice when we allow this type of behaviour because we are only making it harder for the flesh to let go of the sin.  We become "addicted" to whatever it is; swearing, lust, gorging on bad foods, racist thinking, etc.  All the sins that hurt our Lord's heart and that in the end can destroy us - our flesh and spirit.

We should read His Word and find that He is all Truth and Love and would not condone any of the sins we have allowed our mind and body to partake in. Our progress in the spiritual life with our Saviour is marred when we continue allowing the sin that besets us, to continue.

In fact, we hurt His Heart and become a problem child that cannot be trusted. Loved, yes, but still may not make it to Heaven because we have not acknowledged the Holy Spirit who works day and night with us to overcome.

This type of soul is depending on God's Love alone to get into Heaven, and once there will continue to live in sin because that is trully their choice.  But, God will not allow sin in Heaven. A sinful soul is untrustworthy.

Friend, if this is you; do not let evil rob you of your place in Heaven. Be strong and bring your soul into alignment with the Word of God - Jesus who died for you to be forgiven when you repent of your sinful ways.

John 15:10 If you keep My Commands, you will live in My Love.

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The Damned

09/26/2015 11:46

Friend, a great preacher called Charles Spurgeon, wrote the words above and they are worth repeating and thinking about.

"If then you will be damned, let me have this one thing as a consolation for your misery; that you are not damned for the lack of CALLING AFTER, you are not lost for the lack of WEEPING AFTER, and not lost for the lack of PRAYING AFTER."

He states that after all his scholarly studying of the Word of God and his knowledge gained from a close walk with Jesus who he has allowed to be his Master and Lord, that the lost who consider themselves the damned by God are not lost for the reasons they give, but they are called by the Trinity of God, and wept over by the Trinity, and prayed for by the angels and those directed on earth  to pray for the lost.

There will be no excuse at the Judgement that will be allowed along this line of thinking, for not believing. God is able to prove it to all who will be at the Judgement that they allowed themselves to be deceived.

He will prove to them that they were called, wept over, and prayed for, but they would not respond, thinking they could fool God!

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Turn Away

09/26/2015 11:23

Friend, we must turn away from the dark and resentful thoughts that weigh us down and depress our spirit.

This is satan's way of keeping us bound.

He makes us feel sorry for ourselves. He loves to go on about our weaknesses and lack of ability in some sphere of life. He sends out demons to entice us into ungodly ways and lifestyles. He fills our head with egotistical thoughts that tell us we deserve something that we don't have.

He has many ways and is always inventing more. But he is a liar and a cheat and a thief and it is your soul he is after. He holds nothing back from trying to acheive dominance of your soul.

He will act as a creature of light to fool those who seek after goodness and light in order to trap them.

Beware, beware, beware of satan and his army of demonic spirits who prowl around seeking whom they may destroy!

Don't let it be you friend. You can be a victor in Jesus, not the victim of the unholy devil.

Belief in the Son of God, Jesus, is the starting point for you to have an ally, whose name is Holy Spirit and Who is God also.

Right now you can be transformed into a believer by accepting the Gift of eternal life that Jesus is holding out to you.

Do you accept it, friend?

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Prayer Is Partnering With God!

09/26/2015 11:00

Friend, are you partnering with God in prayer?

The power of prayer is amazing. Believers everywhere have testimonies of answered prayer, ranging from a simple thing to more complex and miraculous answers.

Never neglect prayer. Connecting with the Holy Spirit who transfers them into the Heavenly Language that our Lord will respond to, is a life giving exercise in faith and belief for your soul.

Allowing yourself this pleasure, you will be renewed in the mind and your body will feel the stress dissipate - because you have made your requests known to God ( even though He already knew them) and shown Him that you are willing to cut the cord of ownership and give the problem to Him.

Asking for our needs to be met is totally allowable.  God wants us to ask. When we are wrong in our asking, we will know it in our spirit. We will know that we ask incorrectly and He will teach us how to ask correctly.

So, friend, just begin to pray and partner with God for the results that are allowed according to His Will, then stand aside and allow Him to bring about the change that you asked for.

Get into the practise of praying so that your day is filled with a new confidence in your spirit, and a humbleness in your soul, because you know that the Most High and Holy God of All Things is working things together for good, for you.

He may send ten thousand angels to watch over you and protect you from harm while He works to get the solution that is best for your soul. Just give your troubles to Him and walk forward in life and know that He is for you and be obedient to Him - do not continue in the same thought patterns that have placed you in the mess you have just asked Him to help you with.

Listen to the Holy Spirit when He checks you and do as He asks you to when He corrects you. He is doing the Lord's work and you must respond as a willing believer to get the desired outcome.

Partner with God, friend and you will not be sorry!

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