
The Cross- A Reason

09/05/2015 12:14

Friend, when you look at the Cross that Jesus was crucified upon, now empty, do you see the reason behind it's significance?

God had a purpose when He sent His own Son to be brutally beaten and nailed to the criminal's cross.

Did God want His Son to suffer? The answer is "no."

God has choices, but He always chooses for the Good of Who He Is.

He created our souls. He created our world.

He cleansed it one time in the Flood. He could choose to do so again and all Heaven would see the wisdom in doing so.

Not a one of us is really worth saving. This is how the citizens of Heaven see us. We're so corrupt, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, accusing, lovers of self and not God.

The reason behind God's purpose is that Jesus, The Word of God, is our Creator and He stepped forward when God The Father was looking for "someone" to pay the price - be a sacrifice for the sins of all humanity.

Only the Son stepped forward. In other words, God Himself, stepped forward and said, "It must be this way."

Each soul is important to God. He did not like the Flood.

Friend, we are in perilous times, very similar to the times of the Flood. 

Jesus will come again but He will not enter our world as a babe and spend 33 years here walking among us and being an example to us of God's Love.

No, what He accomplished on the Cross as a Sacrifice for our sins changed the Law of God.

He added to the Law, and fulfilled the Law at the same time.

This time He will come as a Conquering Hero, wearing the Victor's Robes.

There was a reason for the Cross and it was to make a Way for all  who would believe, to have a future in Paradise. It is the Last Frontier, don't look back and find other ways - they are traps to keep you from God's Purpose, set by satan.

Before the Cross, Heaven was only for the Israelites (children of the Book), who believed in Almighty God and obeyed the Ten Commandments. And outsiders could convert to Judaism, and whole households could be saved according to the master of the house's belief.

But, Jesus died showing us that He says our souls were worth saving. All who believe in Him and what He did on the Cross ( His Sacrifice), have this right of being Redeemed, before the Great Throne of Judgment.

I know that He will say about me, "This one is Mine, Father."

Yet, I am not worthy - it is His Worthiness and Righteousness, and Blood shed at Calvary, that covers my unworthiness.

This "excuse" the Father will accept. No other will He accept, from those of us who have lived since the Son's Sacrifice. We are judged under the New Testament Law which includes the Old Testament Law.

This is the reason for the Cross, and the suffering of my Saviour. He loves my soul, His creation, and has pardoned me because I love Him and understand what He did for me.

I give thanks for His Mercy and Grace towards me, a sinner now forgiven.

This time now, is our last little bit of time to make a choice before He returns - according to the book of Revelation. 

Will He say about you, " Father, this one I know, this one is Mine."

Or will He say about you, " I did not know this one," or "This one made a false declaration of love, but I did not know them" or "This one belongs to satan because they denied Father, Son and Holy Spirit and ran after all the ways of satan.?"

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Revelation 4:11

09/03/2015 20:55

Scripture verse

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created. Rev. 4:11

Friend, God has All The Power and He is a Good God!  When we commit to Him, non-one can take us from His hand. 

We just need to realize that He is for us and He has a Plan for us and knows the Path we must take. It is fraught with danger because we have made it so by going down the many paths that have led to our frail state.

We all need His help and He is willing to give it to those who recognize Him, love Him, agree with Him and worship Him and thank Him, for His Goodnes that will flow from Him into our lives and those that we come in contact with when we live a Godly life. 

Yes, we will make mistakes, and stumble and fall, but soon we begin to see the error of the choices we make, begin to walk more uprightly, and exhibit signs of confidence in our Jesus, and are able to speak about the Way He made for us, to others. They will see the results of our new found belief and see that it is a desired thing.

Your walk with God can be a catalyst for many people who you will never know, to be brave and seek and find Jesus also.

God works behind the scenes weaving the great tapestry of our lives.

Let's thank Him in advance because He is now working for your good and has always been, even as bad things happened to you in your world.  Other's bad choices caused ripples of unhappiness and drama that He alowed because of the free will He gave to us as citizens of earth.

As we begin to praise Him when we get to know Him even in the slightest, we grow in knowledge and strengthen the small faith that results, that will grow like a mustard seed into a strong tree.

Use the above scripture Verse as your mantra for 30 days. Write the words and tape them to your dash board in the car and your mirrors where you dress and repeat them until full belief comes into your soul and spirit, growing and growing, stronger and stronger.

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The One Needful Thing

09/01/2015 09:11

Friend, the Lord calls us to prepare for our eternal destiny.

It is the one needful thing we should address in the short lifetime we have here.

We run around doing and thinking all kinds of things that keep us from considering our eternal destiny.

The Lord sees us scurrying about full of pride, scrambling up the ladder of worldly success, shoving others aside, stepping over the injured, climbing on the shoulders of people we see as opponents.

The Holy Spirit guides us according to the Will of our Redeemer, Jesus.  But, do we respond in agreement with Him? 

Mostly, no we do not. We say, "Wait a bit" or, "That doesn't apply to me."

Friend, think about this and ask God to show you Truth.

Is your eternal destiny something you should be preparing for?

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08/30/2015 10:40

Friend, there are so many testimonies, so many lives changed, so many people who have been saved - bought from a life of suffering, turmoil, indecisions, abuse, refusal to believe in a Holy God and numerous other worldly thinking - by Jesus's Sacrifice, so do not despair in the hole that you have dug for yourself, and wallow there.

Rather, look around and see that there is no hope and with that realization, look up and see that He is nailed to the Cross at Calvary for you and your situation.

He has made a Way where there seems to be no way out for you.

Reach up your arm and outstretch your hand and He will show you great things and save you from falling ever lower into the hole of insanity and helplessness.

He is your Help in any time of need.  Accept His Sacrifice for the sins you have committed, the biggest one being unbelief in Him.

Many are they who have a testimony of following after the world and all it's traps that were presented to them from childhood as "the way our family believes", or from adolescent/adult "know it all " thinking that led to following after every whim that was presented on television, movies, vidoes, games, books, music that lead to unbelief in a Holy God.

The Christian churches are full of believers who have come in from the world to be renewed and grow in Grace and receive Mercy.  You too, can be one of them.

Is your soul ready?  Meditate and think on who God is and you will come to the realization that he is Holy and must be Holy.

It's a decision, a choice. Choose soon, friend!

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08/28/2015 11:50

Friend, we communicate with God through prayer.

Some think they have to have long eloquent prayers to speak to Him.

But, this is not the case.

It's the state of the heart and mind that reveal themselves to God (and ourselves) when we pray, as the Holy Spirit repeats to Jesus (our Intercessor in Heaven), in great emotional Heavenly Language, our prayers.

So, just address Him (Jesus) and admit Who He Is in your own words, ( my Saviour, Lord, Father, God, ) and let your feelings and requests be known to Him, ending your prayer with "All things according to Your Will."

Simple - that's it!

When you need help immediately - "Father God, help me! In Your Holy Name, Jesus. Amen." 

When something happens that brings you joy or fulfills a need - "Thank You, Jesus, for meeting this need! Amen."

At other times pray for others and their needs and give thanks and send your love  to Him for all He does for you.

Let Him know you are seeing His Handiwork in your life and the life of others. He is not a far away God. 

He is right here. Picture Him walking beside you. Or you can follow Him, walking in His footsteps. Or you can take hold of the hem of His garment to stay connected to Him as you go about your day.

Always acknowledge Him in all you see and thank Him, too.

Put Him in His Righteous Place and that is at the Head of your life, the One who is over you in all things.

When you do these things, you will begin to change, into the soul He molds with loving hands.

Pray constantly. Let your life be a prayer - with never a moment unconnected from Him.

Bless you, friend.

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08/28/2015 11:30

Friend, think about repentance.

God insists that we have it, develop it and repent in full surrender to Him.

Have you done this?  Is it ongoing in your life? ( After all, we sin every day!)

God loves the humbleness that pervades our soul when we have a repentant heart.

After repentance comes renewal in Him. This is the heart He can speak to and hears what He is saying.

Many there are who think they have nothing to repent for, as all sinful actions or thoughts were the result of someone else's behaviour towards them. They had a bad childhood, they were poor and had to steal, they were treated badly by someone and had to become delinquent so others could see their pain, and feel their pain when they themselves became the abuser.

Friend, God knows it all and sees everything and knows your innermost workings.  He's waiting for you to repent and ask for His help.  You could have done it long ago , but you chose another path.

Now is the time to repent.  Those top layers of sinful thinking, and living that you know about are covers for a myriad number of layers that are yet to be uncovered.

The Holy Spirit wants to help you peel off the layers and look inward at the state of your soul.  He has the healing balm to apply when each layer is ripped off and thrown aside. 

Friend, allow the healing to begin.  Reach out to Jesus who died for your sins and ask Him to help you to know what to repent of first.  And then do it.

Be brave and courageous with the Spirit's help.  Stay the course and grow in Godly things. He will get rid of the pain.  You will remember, but no more with pain, just with the knowledge that the old path that was leading to death for your soul has been barbed wire closed to you. Now you are walking in the Garden of God and He is your Saviour.

Repent and be redeemed into the family of God.

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Expect Storms

08/25/2015 11:52

Friend, as believers in Jesus, we know that we will walk through storms.

God's Word tells us to expect storms. But He also tells us that He is there in the midst of the storm, and when we focus on Him, and allow Him to be the controller of the outcome, having patience with the process, He will accomplish His Will which is what we should be praying for.

Because He is a Good God, and He loves us, we can be fully committed to the process because He will be working things out for our good, and His Purpose, in both our life and the life of the others in the storm.

Rest in the knowledge that the trial will end when His will is accomplished.  It should not matter how long it takes.  He is working with other parties also and they may not be relinquishing their will to Him - this is what takes time when we know that we are in agreement with Him.

Don't worry or fear as He has it all worked out.  Picture yourself in a beautiful garden surrounded by fragrant flowers and colours with all your favourite animals scampering about in harmony with each other and you in the midst. 

This is your soul's secret garden to run to when the storms are upon you. Worship the Lord there.  He will come and meet you to fill you with spiritual food and water and to talk and advise you, hold your hand, and hug you to Him.

Stay close to Him and He will keep you safe in the storm.

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