
Seek The Lord First

09/16/2015 21:02

Friend, are you fighting a battle with something of the body, mind, or outer world?

If you are doing it from your own strength and thinking that you won't bother the Lord, then the Bible, the Holy Word of God says you have made a mistake.

Always seek the Lord's Will, His Answers first.  He sees the whole scope of your issue.  He knows all the players in the problem.  Some will be demonic and you cannot fight them alone. 

You need Holy Spirit Power to get rid of them.

Others will be strongholds in your mind that you have learned because of an upbringing where you personally were not believing yourself to be a child of God, nor were your parents Godly, so you developed ways of looking at the world and the evil world has deceived you.

Many are the children of Godly parents, brought up in a Godly home and taught Godly teachings who go into the world and proudly debase and make a mockery of their Godly upbringing.  They only "played" a part and had a stony heart where the Word fell - but would not grow.

True healing and overcoming will be based on Holy Spirit inspiration. Anything short of that is of the flesh and the flesh is not Godly without being born again - by the atoning Power of God's Son, who died for our new life in Him.

Seek His Answer to your problem through prayer, supplication, and the reading of His Word. 

Be obedient to His Lead and stay strong in His Love. You will overcome and you will know that the way you are going is the Way that Jesus has made for you.

Allow Him to show you why you are in the position you find yourself in; and find the strength to agree with Him.

When you can look at the world through the eyes of Jesus, you will have an understanding that will be very helpful to your spiritual growth.

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Drink At The Fountain

09/16/2015 09:19

Deuteronomy 8:7

For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains of depths that spring out of valleys and hills.

Friend, this is your Word for today!

Jesus the Word of God is saying to you His beloved child that He has or will, bring you into the good land. In that land are fountains of water that will quench your thirst for everything your shirivelled soul needs to restore it.

Are you sick, tired, depressed?  He can and will restore with your approval.

Go to the Fountain of Life - Jesus, and be restored.

Today you can begin anew.  Today you can in one instant, shrug off the old world of regret, depression, diseases of the mind, stinking thinking, negativity, and unholiness that the world celebrates and draws us into, and begin a journey that is filled with great joy - and will form you into the soul that your spirit is thirsting to be.

If you are in a valley or on top of a mountain but feeling "why and what is life?" then make an informed decision to accept the answer that is given to you...

For the Lord thy God will bring you into the good land of inner joy, happiness and knowledge and ways that will quench the thirst and longing for something you know not what the answer is, and wash you clean in the calming and nurturing waters that spring from the valleys and hills you roam finding no solace - until you turn to Jesus to fill you and make you whole in Him. 

Friend, allow the Spirit to be heard. Rest in the knowledge that Jesus is Good all the time and all the time He is Good. He will not abandon you. He will be with you always. He will be working for your good at all times even when you do not see a way out of your mess, He will make a Way.

The Way may be a little difficult at times but it is designed especially for your soul and what it needs to become the person that He created you to be. You will get answers!

Be open to this new dynamic and be obedient and present every moment knowing He is surrounding you with His Holy angels to watch over you and care for you.

He loves you, friend! It is a good thing.

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Stay The Course

09/15/2015 14:54

Friend, have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and begun walking according to His Teachings?

Are you confused by the twists and turns that are taking place in your life?

It's because, Jesus is checking and correcting all the avenues you have wandered down, and is putting up roadblocks because you have given Him the right to return you to His fold.

Friend, let Him, do not strain against the yoke of Kindness and Love He has for you.  He knows the Way out of the issues that are dragging you down into darkness.  You think you know the way out but that is the easy way and you have much to learn along this "about turn" before you get to the main Highway to Heaven where all the multitudes are steadily walking forward, praising and glorifying Him.

You are here in this life and your journey has taken you far afield - off course so to speak. Acquiesce quickly and you will move faster on your journey. Be obedient to the Holy Spirit who works tirelessly with your spirit to teach, guide and direct.

Trust Him and the process, and you will grow in faith.

Abandon all the old thinking and be open to knowing everything that He allows - about Himself, the Son of God.

At all times, read the Bible and get to know what He has to say to you in those pages.

Never doubt the Love He has for you. Always remember He died for you to have this new life which is valued far above all the wealth and jewels of this world.

Stay the course, friend!

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Are You Free?

09/14/2015 20:37

Friend, ask yourself if you are truly free.

Go about today knowing there is freedom from fear, worry, and all the chains that have you bound to something earthly; some desire that is lustful, slothful, deceitful, and it can be yours.

You can have a freedom that is not of this world but will aid you mightily in this world. It is based on Love.

The owner of that Freedom, is Jesus the Son, who is God. He is not a prophet sent by God, but God Himself. He is not "a teacher."  He is Master Teacher!

He is above all people and above all things in the whole of creation and all things imagined and all things evil, devilish and belonging to darkness, because He is Pure and Holy Light and Love. 

Magicians wish they had His Power. But they are illusionists, that is all.  Musicians wish they had His Power, but they will fall on their knees when they hear the heavenly choir!

What the most accomplished human can do is nothing compared to Jesus. Yet many give them adulation. No, it is God who should get the adulation for giving them that gift. Without Him, they would not have the ability.

Many of us do realize that talented people have a Gift from God, but many of us think celebrated people have worked for their adulation and wealth, and we neglect to thank the One who gave them the ability.When we cheer them on or applaud them, it should be directed at God who gave them the talent.

Such as, "Praise God, for giving this gift that ministers to my spirit of Your Greatness and Power through this person  - who is just like myself in so many ways."

But, friend, He offers to us a freedom that gives us an inkling of His Power. Believers see prayer answered and know it is His doing, His answer, while the rest of the world calls it karma, fate and so on.

Believers recognize through the Holy Spirit's guidance and revelation to our spirit, great things as we go through our days unencumbered by the world's stupidity and evil. 

Does it touch us and affect us? Yes.

But we recognize that Jesus has allowed man to exercise his free will choices and we see the foolishness of those choices play out in our lives and the lives of those around us, yet we have a knowledge within us, that fills us with calm, comfort, peace, and the ability to discern God's hand at work in the midst of the chaos. And we know then to be thankful and grateful and when to praise Him.

Seek after this inner freedom for yourself and ask Jesus to fill you with His Holy Spirit and surround you with His Holy angels to protect you and guide you to the Path - that will fill you with the knowledge that your spirit and soul are free from the madness of this world, and that will guarantee you have a home in Heaven.

Christians are just passing through this world and we are to be like a savoury flavouring to add a dash of that "salt" to the lives of others we meet and sup with.

Do you have the freedom described?  This question is worth much meditation.

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A Deadly Desire

09/12/2015 06:33

Friend, the world encourages us to be self assertive.

To Heaven this is a deadly desire. We are like ants scurrying around walking all over each with the purpose to be above others, to be better than, to have more than, to seek ways to take what others have, to accumulate things.

The need to rise above, to enter another "class," to call ourself "better than" is part and parcel of how this world is engineered by satan.

God calls us to the simpler Path. On that Path many of us will be given the ability to have great riches like Solomon but it should never be desired, only accepted and used for the Glory of God.

God owns all the riches of the world. Satan must work according to God's Law. He cannot do what God will not allow. He too, is governed by God. God knows his every move.

The antidote to his evil is belief in the Son and a life lived according to God's Will for us.

A humble spirit before God and an accepting of His Authority, and His Goodness open the doors to Heaven.

Remove from self the desire for recognition and appreciation, and instead recognize and appreciate other's goodness. Do not encourage ungodliness in anyone.


Dear Father God, Thank You  for Your Son! I praise the Name of Jesus! Lord, I recognize this trait in myself and ask You to aid me with Your Mercy and Grace to remove this deadly desire from my life and help me to help others and not enable them to fall deeper into this deadly desire. I want to overcome this and receive the prize of eternal life with You. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I Pray for deliverance. Amen.

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Jesus Comforts The Broken

09/12/2015 05:40

Friend, are you seeking comfort for the loneliness, the brokenness, sadness, grief, emptiness,?

Do you feel unloved, uncared for, bullied, shunned?

People can be so mean and unkind!

In these times everybody is looking out for themselves. The spirit of selfishness is rife in this world. We are indoctrinated into this mindset from early ages.

Parents no longer discipline selfish behaviour; mainly because they do not see that it is selfish.

Yes, we should bring out the best in a child but that child has been given to us for care and nurture by the Lord and we have a responsibility to be a Godly parent; not an indulger or encourager in selfishness.

Without rules and boundaries our children's minds do not get aligned properly into Godliness and they can easily be taken over by the forces of darkness that lurk about seeking to kill and destroy.

Be ever mindful of the God who is the creator of their soul and spirit who seeks to have a relationship with you. He will fill you with power and wisdom to help you guide and direct your children onto the path of Righteousness.

Otherwise your children will go into the world and cause themselves much harm spiritually; and cause you, the parent, much anguish.

Be a good shepherd to them as He is the Good Shepherd to you and when they grow to leave the nest they will recognize His Voice. They will hear when He warns them of danger and be able to  know the Way of escape.

But friend, if you are at this stage already, and are experiencing pain, depression, brokenness, then Jesus is here for you. He will comfort you. Turn to Him and ask for forgiveness for all your wrong choices, for not looking to Him sooner, and receive Forgiveness, Comfort, Mercy and Grace for the future.

Become the strong wise and loving parent who is committed to the Word of God, who teaches through example and love the way to eternal life.

This life is truly a fleeting time when measured against eternity. But God says it is enough time for us to see His Glory and turn to Him as the Master of our Soul.

Do not waste another second, but turn to Him now and accept the Free Gift of Salvation that the Saviour is handing you in His outstretched arms that were nailed to the Cross for your sins.

Can you see that it is a Sacrificial offering that is unmerited by you? Do you see the Great Love that He must have for your soul? 

But, friend, God will not be mocked. Deny Him to your own peril. This is offered now in this world and will not be offered to you again. This is the end of the line. Choose soon.


Father God, Holy is Your Name. Thank You for the Gift of Salvation. I accept the Sacrifice of Your Son, Yeshua Jesus and ask Him to reside in my heart to show me the Way out of the mirey mud I am stuck in. I freely give to You, my soul and spirit, and only desire to have You as my guide. Please surround me with Your Holy angels to protect me from stumbling on the Godly Path of Righteousness. Fill me with Your Love as I go about my daily chores and comfort my soul. Remove from me the chains that bind me to the sinful ways I have fallen into and free me to be able to absorb Your Word and understand Your Ways. In Jesus's Holy Name. Amen

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Jehovah, Yahweh, Elohim

09/09/2015 10:09

Friend, today remember these three names of God.

Jehovah. Yahweh. Elohim.

The Always Existing Creator of All Things.

"I always have been, I always am, I always will be, Jehovah," says the Lord God.

He spoke and the universe was created. He is The Creator, The Great Designer and Architect of All Things.

Before anything was created, He was existent.

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