
Choose Jesus

01/08/2024 09:41
We know that tribulations are with us throughout our lives here on earth. 
It becomes obvious at an early age that death, lack/poverty, abuse in many forms, and general society mayhem are part of life.
Life may be sweet and lovely for a while but suddenly anger, loud voices, people physically fighting each other are revealed before our childlike eyes.
At school we hear about wars, people killing each other for reasons not understood.
Fire and flood are every present to drive us from our homes.
Many are the dangers we learn from an early age.
These tribulations have entered God's perfect creation by the free will of man who chose to not believe in God's ability to keep them entertained.
Man sought to find out what the animal in the Garden had to say about the God they walked and talked with in the evenings; who showed them complete Love and Trust.
God did not tell them to stay away from the animal in the Garden that would deceive them; He had given the two newly created humans free will to choose Him; so He told them "DO NOT EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GARDEN."
That's it. He didn't badmouth the devil. He just said, "Don't eat that fruit."
They were perfect the way they were.
They had all they needed to make a good decision. They actually KNEW God, personally. 
Many were the conversations they had with Him.
We do this with our own earthly fathers. They warn us of dangers and types of people to avoid, but no, we run to the evil things and get hurt, burnt and abused!
Today we are subliminally bombarded with messages from the evil workers in this world; many of whom do not know they are being used. The money is flowing in, and they have their gain, so why worry about God and His Law!
But God's Holy Spirit is calling every soul to Jesus.
He says to us, "Jesus loves you and offers Salvation, Forgiveness, Redemption. Talk to Him. Eat no more of the offerings that evil parades before your eyes! Turn from your wicked ways. Receive Jesus into your life and all things will be made new for you."

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The Holy Spirit

01/07/2024 11:14

Friend, we believers have a Comforter for our soul's journey on this earth.

He is able to calm the raging seas of doubt and confusion; He surrounds us in the fires as a shield, we will not be singed though we find ourselves in a fire for a season.

When we focus on our Lord, The Comforter is ours to hold onto. He is present here on earth at our Lord's Good Pleasure as a Helper of mankind to show The Way, to reveal Jesus The Christ of God to us individually in our spirit.

Holy Spirit to mankind's individual spirit man. 

He works in the supernatural realm. He is knowable to us by our soul's heart.

He works to break the hardened shell, the brick walls we have put up to keep out harm.

He sees supernaturally the darkness within us and has the Answers we need. 

First is to shine God's Holy Light into the cracks He makes. That Light drives out darkness.

In the Light, we experience God's Love for us.

In the Light, many things are revealed to us.

We find Truth. We desire to know what He has to say; we begin to read His Word.

All these things come from The Holy Spirit who loves us and is gentle and all knowing.

He will run to anyone who is curious about who Jesus is; anyone who desires to know God's Truth; anyone who is totally spent and has no willpower to move into Heavenly thinking.

The Spirit says "come all ye who are weary and I will give you rest."


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New Year 2024

12/28/2023 10:38

Friend, Happy New Year to you!

Every year we get to think ahead for a bright and hope filled future; for we do not know the future in any way; which way it will go for us.

Depending on our outlook on life we may think "Oh just another dud of a year is coming my way; look at my current circumstances; nothing good will eventuate!" 

Or, we can choose to be filled with hope and determined to have a peace-filled year; to work hard, to greet others with respect no matter who they are; to forgive past grudges, and deeds done against us.

As a born again, spirit filled Bible believing Christian I have a knowing in my heart that God is Good and that I am on a Holy Path that leads to Everlasting Life with Him; belonging to Him in His Kingdom of which is all creation. My thoughts are full of Hope because I know The One who died for my sinful nature to be Holy, by Holy Law, Forgiven.

I know that even if sickness or unforseen tragedies befall me, I will always have Hope; knowing He is the calmer of storms; the healer of the ills of mankind, the provider of all my earthly and spiritual needs, the wise one who will guide me to Truth, Love and Peace.

Knowing these things, sets me free from worry and anxiety. It allows me to focus on "The One Who Loves" me.

He went willingly to The Cross, to be a Holy Sacrifice, to pay the price required, for me to be Forgiven. Before I had asked Him to forgive me, before I had repented of my sins; He did this for me (and for you.)

While I was a sinner, He offered Himself up to be Sacrificed, for His Blood to flow on the earth; so that one day, when I was ready to repent, The Grand Offer, would be available for me to receive; completed in totality for all sinners and all sin if they chose to accept The Holy Offer.

We were on Their Mind, (Father, Son, Spirit) when the Plan was made in Heaven with The Father; for Jesus The Son, to come to earth to be God's Holy Sacrifice; to suffer the punishment for all sin, the weight of which no-one else could bear; the blood of no-one else was Pure enough; being already sinfilled.

We were chosen. Mankind, God's Creation because He called it Good and He will make it Good again. We have served a Purpose and the sin which we willingly undertook will be wiped out according to His Plan.

Only The Holy Blood would suffice to appease The Holy Law. This Holy Sacrifice has not been offered to Satan and his followers. Only mankind.

No blood of unclean animals would ever suffice to pay for the sins of all souls; as was used in The Temple in Jerusalem as a sign, to The Jews, that God required blood, for the payment for their sins.

The Jews showed their knowledge and acknowledgement of their sinful natures by bringing the purest unspotted animals to be slaughtered for their sins every year, knowing according to The Old Covenant, they would receive Forgiveness for their past year's sins.

Other sects and nations, creeds and so forth, knew that Pure Holy Blood was the only good sacrifice, and employed blood sacrifices (babies, innocent children, virgins,) also but those were instituted by Satan and they were sacrificing to him as if he were holy.

A New Covenant was needed. It had been built into God's Plan for mankind from the beginning, should man fall into the hands of evil, because we were placed on the earth safe from evil in The Garden of Eden; but yet, evil had a certain dominion over the earth as well, and man fell for it's charms - even though God had spoken to them about the fruit of that certain tree; "DO NOT EAT THEREOF." (Danger, Poison, Detour, Not good for you!)

Man could still be prospering in the Garden of Eden following the Holy Trajectory of Good but man chose something else. He listened and followed satan, instead of The Good God, that Adam and Eve knew intimately; and that caused our fall from God's Perfect Holy Law. Because we are of the family of Adam and Eve of whom sin entered the whole human experience thereafter. (That's what God was warning them about; sin would go into all generations, all flesh, all the earth.) 

Through Adam and Eve the earth itself has become sin infected; and all it's Perfection has been downgraded by sin infection.

This New Year you could have Hope from above, Peace from above, there could be Joy from above in your life, Wisdom could guide you, a New Path with a Friend who never sleeps and Loves your soul and spirit could be yours, and most of all; you could know what Holy Forgiveness is like.

Seek Salvation for your sin nature that tempts you and causes sorrow and pain. May this be the year of your Holy Redemption back to the One Who gave you the soul that is eternal and subject to Holy Law either the Old Covenant or The New Covenant.

We can choose to accept the New Covenant brought for us with The Father's Son's Blood.

Mankind has that Right because of Jesus Who paid The Lawful Price with His own flesh and blood.

It's just a matter of believing in your heart that Jesus died for you to have a New Life; and saying "Yes, Lord, I believe. Help me."

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Saved And Unsaved

12/16/2023 14:45

Friend, most people do not realise that God has a Way to show all creation which souls are His.

On earth we guess. 

Maybe someone is wearing a cross necklace; but is that just decoration sometimes used by unbelievers, to confuse, deceive, delude other humans.

Maybe someone goes to church every week and we consider them staunch Christians; but is their heart with God; or do they have doubts about God?

Maybe they sing praises in the church choir; or are they just getting choral training to further a career?

Maybe they send their children to Sunday School; but do they just want some peace on Sundays away from the children?

Many are the reasons we give to say this or that person is a saved soul.

But we do not know for sure.

We can only know whether our own soul has been redeemed.

Only God truly knows.

This world houses two types of souls that ultimately belong to God; all souls being His to Judge.

We could say the world is in a state of preparation for God's Ultimate Redemption of souls; taking back those souls which desire to be with Him.

When the Courts of Heaven are ready for The Great Judgment all of The Kingdom's occupants will be witness to the Judgment of earth souls; and all will see that The Judge is Righteous before The Law which is our God.

The two types of souls which have lived on the earth; saved and unsaved.

Believer and unbeliever.

Lover of God and hater/denier of God.

All creation is aware of the situation; the angels of God, the fallen angel demons; satan himself, all the inhabitants of The Kingdom of God!

God's Word says that the angels in Heaven rejoice for God whenever a soul accepts Jesus as Saviour.

They are immediately welcoming and have a new soul to minister to by The Spirit's leading.

When we accept Jesus as our Saviour King, we please The Father and The Law aspect of Himself.

We are then made Whole before The Holy Throne of Grace and Mercy.

The Blood of His Son, Jesus our Saviour, is The Holy Covering for our soul; that makes us identifiable as Redeemed, Saved by The Holy Sacrifice of Jesus at The Cross.

The Blood of Jesus is the "one thing" that we must have to be accepted into The Holy Kingdom and not have to stand before The Judge at The Judgment of sinners.

We all get a chance to know The Truth. This may be your chance. 

Do not take it lightly. 

Today, you are alive for another minute; you have a choice to make.

Accept The Spiritual Truth or stay with the earth's frivolity and foolishness taught to you by the satanic army which has no power, no truth.

Satan is under Judgement. His sentence and punishment has been proclaimed thoughout God's creation of all things: and in God's Perfect Timing of His Law, we will all see his end, and that of his die hard followers, while the saved will join Jesus and rejoice.

God has spoken and it will come to pass for He has All The Power over all things He has created. He created none higher than Himself so satan definetly loses.


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Just A Sinner

12/16/2023 09:44

Friend, God loves you.

He wants to redeem you back to HIm. To do this our soul has to be in right-standing with Him.

To receive us unto Himself; we must be pure like Himself. 

He is Righteously Perfect, and we cannot attain that by our self will. 

We cannot discipline ourselves enough.

It is only by faith, that we are can become Righteous.

And that must be Perfectly Righteous as well.

Living on this earth we show our unrighteousness by following after our own evil desires. 

They have overtaken our mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit.

We have excommunicated our self (our soul) from Him. 

On earth by His Law there are two unseen realms at play that involve our soul.

We would define them as supernatural.

One of course is God the Holy realm, and the other is His adversary Satan the rebelling fallen angel Lucifer in the supernatural demonic realm.

The Bible doesn't hide this fact. It is woven throughout God's Word to us, as a warning, and because we are brought into this life with a soul that belongs to God, He has built into that soul the knowledge that He exists.

Everyone has it.

Along comes satan and his demomic army to quell those thoughts, to overcome our self will, block out anything to do with God, and destroy our soul, and body.

Satan is very good and accomplished at what He does. He has gathered many souls; by their own free will.

So we become sinners very quickly.

When we're children, it's laughed off as cute, rambunctious, headstrong, naughty; then as we become adults having had now been left to our own devices, many of us become criminal at worst, and rabid unbelievers at the least.

At a point in time of His choosing according to His Law, having given mankind time according to His Law, to recognise Him; God looked upon the earth and it's inhabitants of which, is all His creation; both earth and peoples; and He saw (knew) only small numbers of people walking righteously in faith; believing that there was a God; having never seen Him but having given thought to the earth, the peoples and all the workings therein; realized there is a Creator who is Perfect and Righteous, but not knowing Him.

One such person was Abraham who God declared righteous in faith that, there was a God and He must be Good and Righteous. He was the only one whose faith was Righteous before God.

God rewarded Abraham for his faithfulness, to make him the earthly father of many nations and peoples; through both of his sons Ishmael and Isaac.

As time went by Satan continued to be demonic; the father of liars, leading people into various cults and religions of which he was the one they worshipped and prayed to. This is still one of his modes of operandi.

Desperation was upon the earth. The Jewish peoples descended from Abraham and Sara were serving God as best they could. At the same time satan came into the minds of their temple leaders who detoured from the Scriptures by their own devising of additional words which were never said by God to them, but by satan, and the people were caught in rituals and regulations; revering and obeying them more than their God. 

To keep the people pure; the priests had devised overbearing rules, which only served to prove none could keep them. The people were burdened continually under the rules.

Then the time had come for the next phase of God's Lawful Plan for mankind. (caused by Adam and Eve's fall.) 

To save His favoured people the Israeli's, the Jews of Judah; He declared His Son be born into the earth in the confines of a human body; into the faithful line of Abraham descended from Adam.

The virgin girl Mary a faithful believer was chosen (from the beginning) to be the Mother of Jesus, Who would come to save His people first; and God knowing what would happen, but giving all time to be fulfilled in their ignorance, He then died for all mankind who would receive His Sacrifice with Holy Blood shed, for their sinful souls.

Only Holy Blood satisfies The Law. Pigs and goats, doves and sheep cannot - they are not Holy; coming from the sinfilled earth.

Since that Sacrifice on The Cross at Calvary, the only Way God will allow a soul to be Redeemed to Himself is through the accepting of Jesus as it's Saviour because of the Price He paid for their sin nature.  Jesus was God's Spotless Lamb; offered up to pay for the sins of mankind. If we cannot recognise what Jesus did for us then, we will be counted as belonging to satan.

This is so hard for many who are in love with their own self. Some do not know that they are actually following satan; and some do.

Our self; the ego eagerly bows down to satan because our ego is full of pride and arrogance. He is the father of these things. 

But if at any time, any soul independently, by The Holy Spirit's revealing constantly to them, wakes up and sees in a spiritual way, that they are following an evil desire, and evil thoughts that God will never tolerate in His Kingdom; chooses to accept what Jesus did on The Cross for them personally they will be counted as Righteous before God. 

This is me. I woke up. I saw the Beauty of The Cross and what it represents to God. I realised Jesus died for me and I could be made whole before God The Father if I surrendered my will to Him (kowing He is Gentle and Kind.)

By His Son's Sacrificial Blood, He made a New Covenant with mankind. All who would receive the King's Gift of new life and Redemption into the Holy Kingdom of Peace, may be a partaker by uttering a few simple words to God.

Holy Forgiveness was offered to all in His Crucifixion and with the Resurrection He proved He was God. 

Each of us has been given a life and some time. We call it a life journey. 

We can come in our sin rags to The Cross, and look up knowing He is nailed there by our own sins. 

He's paying the price we should be paying.

Many of us are selfish and make this life all about ourselves. God will not interfere with that choice but He does have His Holy Spirit working around us at all times to tirelessly warn and guide each soul; even though we ignore Him.

But one day at the Judgment, we will not be able to point the finger and accuse God of not being there for us. 

He has covered in His Perfection every evil angle we will try to goad Him with. 

It simply won't work for He is Sovereign God.

Only by The Blood shed at The Cross by The Son of God, who is God, may we receive Eternal Life with Jesus, as a brother or sister. We've been grafted into the Vine.

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Soul's Account

12/15/2023 11:32

"So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Romans 14:12 KJV

Friend, by ourself, we cannot do anything Holy Good.  

We may do many good works here on earth but they are considered worldy good and have no value in Heaven. This is because the intent of the heart is not in line with the Righteousness of God.

Only those works done by believers after acknowledgeing The Son of God will be counted as Good. The rest of our good works will be treated as chaff and disposed of, not able to be recognised in The Kingdom.

Those will have no Righteousness in them. They were all self honoring in one way or another.

If God's Goodness is not in the doing of the work it is never for our good account.

When we surrender to Him and live for Him our heart will be in right balance with Him.

The good accomplished will honour Him not self.

In Revelationn3:15 - 22      Jesus says, " I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would that thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayeth, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and annoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke, and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.  To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His Throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what The Spirit saith unto the churches." KJV.

The Word of God is all the eyesalve we need. It is a beautiful balm. Read it often. It will correct every wrong thing in us. It teaches and guides. It shows everything our Lord has done for us. It tells the Holy Story we are meant to know. It is our heritage and genealogy.

Why do we not desire to know about our soul's Father? 

If we don't acknowledge Him, and accept all He has done for our soul to be reunited with Him; what more can He do?

By His Law there is nothing. 

He has done all that was required. 

It was a major event in our history when God brought His Son to this world as a baby to be our Saviour; and another when He closed the chapter so to speak when He allowed for us, for our sin of unbelief, to be the cause of a Holy Sacrifice to redeem us.

When we believe in Him, we wish to know Him; we wish to do what He says is Good. 

In this He Righteously judges; belief or unbelief.

Those who believe will be ushered into His Kingdom as sons and daughters, and those who do not will go to be with the one they followed even if they do not know his name. They will understand immediately it is Satan and God is Righteous in His Judgment. 

They will know when they see God that they were foolish with their soul but it was their self willed choice and a bad one. They will remember all the times multiplied by millions they were abhorred at the thought of God. A Godly friend, mother or father, grandparent, co-worker, music, prayers, all the myriad ways the Name of Jesus was revealed to them. But each time, met with a "Bah humbug!" 

Today, in an instant anyone can decide to find out about who Jesus really is. 

Christmas time is a time for opening the Gift of God; looking upon the babe in the manger, wondering about why God did this.

It was for you, and you, and you.......

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A Saviour Was Born

12/15/2023 10:41

Friend, the time to celebrate; and think anew on the wondrous, miraculous Plan of God: to give to mankind, His Own Son as a baby born in a lowly barn for animals, into a poor working family; is here.

Christmas time is here! It's for contemplating what God was doing to reveal Himself as a babe in a manger in Judea; in the City of David, called Bethlehem. It's a time to gather with family and friends and revel in gladness that we have a Saviour. Be kind to one another because He shows us His Kindness and Compassion. He knows better than we do what has caused us to fall into despairing times; to be born into this life. He sees into the generations before us.

To save us from all being cast aside into the fire, He divested Himself of Heavenly Holy Splendour and experienced the womb, the birth, the childhood, the teen the adulthood and never sinned; walked in Total Holy Righteousness in order to please the Law so that we could be Redeemed by His Blood.

He did this for us; the Baby born in a manger!

Luke 2:4-14

4And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

5To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with Child.

6And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

8And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you Good Tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Jesus is born our lowly Christ who reveals He is our annointed King.

He came to give Holy Light to us who sit in darkness (evil realm). The realm we can't see because it is so dark, disgusting and terroristic in nature against mankind. The one that works in fakery, delusion, trickery. The one that brings sickness and disease amongst us, mental tortures and hopelessness. 

We should be rejoicing every day, that Jesus came to rescue the souls of man!

At Christmas time, we celebrate His Birth; that He loves us so much that He would leave His Exalted position in Heaven to come as a babe with no visible means of support in this world, born in poverty to become our Great Saviour.

He is our Holy Gift from The Father. He gave His own Son. Born into a den of wickedness to shine in Glorious Righteousness and show us The Way.

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