
Jesus's Message

06/04/2023 12:52

Friend, Jesus is calling all men (includes women; all humankind,) to Himself!

It is a continual call since The Cross at Calvary's Hill in Jerusalem.

He came for such a time as then and now.

All men (humans) need a Saviour. 

God says before we are saved that we have inherited a sin nature from our parents, going right back to our first human relative, Adam.

He sees the whole picture of all our ancestors lives; how they did or did not love Him, right up to now. Every Good and Righteous thing and every sin filled thought or action.

In His Perfect Holy, Lawful, Wisdom and Timing, He sent His Son to die on the Cross as a Sacrifice to fulfil His Law; that said for us to sin was death, for only Purity; as that of His First man was created; Adam. 

Adam was created simpatico with Himself before Adam sinned against God's Command to refrain from eating of The Tree in the midst of The Garden..

When Adam sinned; it was so grevious to God, that it caused a break in relationship between Adam and God. Adam was now impure and God was still Holy Pure.

And so all since Adam have sinned against God because the sin nature entered Adam, and Eve, and all who would be born thereafter were born with a sin nature.

That's us.

The sin nature rules in the unsaved life.

When we come to Jesus; God recognises The Blood of His Son on us, that saves all who will come to The Son.

God no longer remembers those sins that were repented of and it is imputed to us; Righteousness through Jesus on The Cross.

That is The Message of The Cross; that Jesus died for us while we are sinners. 

Our sin nature has been given a Way to regain intimacy and personal relationship with God Himself through Jesus.

We cannot cleanse ourselves enough in order to please Him. After we accept by faith that He has cleansed us from unrighteousness by Jesus's  Death on the Cross, we must continue to repent of new sins, and by His Strength and Holy Spirit, overcome all habititual sins that we engage in.

Simply put; immediately we recognise we have sinned after receiving Forgiveness, we know sin is against Him, and we must repent of it, and ask for His help to overcome.

This is The Path of keeping Righteous before God; some call it progressive sanctification occuring throughout our life for we are sinfully inclined; needing Him daily to guide and help us stay on The Righteous Path of Salvation for our soul. 

He is faithful to do this for us, and we find after a time that by His Strength, we have totally overcome those sins.

We must trust in what Jesus accomplished for The Law, His Father, when He went to the Cross as a Sacrifice to please The Father, and The Law.

That is our Greatest Gift; that He died for us to be reunited with The Father and be heirs of Salvation, with Him in The Kingdom.

The only requirement is to repent. To be sick of our sinful lifestyle. To want and need to be Forgiven. To recognise we are a sinner through and through in need of a Saviour.

After this Holy Forgiveness we will have a desire to know Him more and more. A whole new world of discovery is there for us. Each journey is  unique but similar in that Jesus by His Spirit teaches, guides, directs, advises, helps, provides, cares and loves us unconditionlly because we have found we love Him.

And He responds to that. It's what He wants; you to recognise Him, that He holds all the Keys for you to have a spiritually fulfilling life with Him; trusting that He will do all things for you that is necessary for your physical journey through this world of time.


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06/04/2023 11:55

Friend, so many peope are doubters of Christ Jesus, God Almighty and His Holy Spirit.

They have not had an encounter with Him that they recognise.

If in the future they do become born again by The Spirit of God into fellowship with Jesus our King and Spiritual Brother Saviour God; they will look back after a few years of walking closely with Him, to reflect on His Goodness towards them, and discover that many times His Hand stayed some terrible evil, that was hovering around seeking to destroy the body; tarnish the spirit, and kill the beautiful soul that God has given to each human.

At that time of reflection of the past, a wonderful and amazing realisation will come upon us, that we have always been set aside for Him, to come into fellowship with The Son, The Word, The Creator.

The born again experience is a fully personal one. No two experiences are exactly the same, yet they are the same in many ways.

The personal experience we have with God Himself through His Son and Spirit is; Fully Holy and Spiritual. 

We become changed in the mind as we grow in Holy Spiritual Knowledge, Truth, and Wisdom.

The heart no longer listens to everything the brain wants to do. 

The heart where Jesus now resides as Friend, Confidant and Saviour God, gets stronger and begins to take over the mind, which is easily controlled by evil forces; but because of the Presence of God in us, evil no longer has the authority it once had; which drove us to commit every sin it could. Evil has free reign before we are saved by God Himself; Jesus The Christ.

This new Spiritual Experience is the most difficult thing to explain in words to an unbeliever. 

But is our deepest need; that heretofore we had not recognised what it was. 

And now we feel satisfied with a longing to know more about Jesus, The Father and The Spirit.

He meets us at our deepest need from the Deepest Reaches of His Heart to ours; speaking Love to us that is all consuming; whole, Holy, Pure and full of Truth.

We may have felt an incompleteness, or a lack that we covered with our sinful pleasures; but we did not know what it was; because we mostly live by the flesh, before we come into personal relationship with Him.

It's the Spiritual Connection with The Father, Son and Spirit that our soul desires.

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How Good Is Our God

05/31/2023 20:57

Friend, we wander through life seeking to be all we can be; to have all we can have; to experience all that there is.

We want only what is perfect and good and we believe we deserve everything we want and see.

And some of us get all that; many times at the cost of other people's unhappiness, but most do not get or find these things.

There are people in the world who do not have a roof over their heads; have no food and others with many chidren to provide for as well.

So many humans who cannot take care of themselves because of disabilities; who live in countries where they are considered a burden so therefore no provision is made for them, from government coffers.

The plight of many is covered in hopelessness.

Yet we hear people speak of a Good God.

It seems incomprehensible to the human mind that a Good God would not help those people.

But, God is Good.

Man is not. Man has brought every evil way into this world by turning it's back on the Good God. How can the Good God work in the heart of an evil man or woman?

We have by our own choices for self will, created a world most of us, do not like.

But to blame God for giving us free will, that we have used inappropriately, is ridiculous.

God is not to blame for our unhappiness. 

We all know this world is a world of consequences. 

If the rain doesn't fall, plantlife dies.

If the rainfall is too great, floods occur.

If man was not on the earth, the earth would still be existing with consequences.

So we find ourselves heaped up with the many consequences of our choices in life.

Sometimes they become unbearable, and we reach out to "something" to help us.

The Bible speaks about a woman who suffered many years. We do not know the why of her ailment, but she was in great need, having paid monies to various physicians of the day to try many methods for a cure, for continual bleeding.

From her little village, she had heard of a man called Jesus who was healing people instantly from many diseases and ailments.

Miracles were occuring in front of people's eyes, and they were spreading the Good News of His Healing Powers.

The Jewish peoples knew He was from God; for no mortal had these powers; the lame to immediately walk; the blind to immediately see, the mad to immediately be sane; the paralytic to be whole leprosy to be cured and so much more.

This woman heard that Jesus would be near to where she could join the crowds seeking to see Him; and so she set out to be in His Presence; with faith in her heart and mind, that He would heal her.

But the crowd was heavy and deep, jostling and moving. 

Because of her ailment she was weak; so she placed herself in the crowd so that when He walked by, she could reach out to touch the Hem of His Garment/Robe; knowing she was not going to be able to keep up with the crowd and follow Him, to where He would eventually stop, perhaps surrounded by the huge crowd; uable to be seen, heard or in close contact.

She reached out in her faith filled belief for His Healing Powers, and was successful in touching a tiny fragment of His Robe, and was instantly healed.

Jesus stopped, knowing that Healing Virtue, had gone from Him to another, through their faith that He was God, and could heal miracously.

He asked "who has touched me?"

The crowd moved slightly to reveal this woman.

The woman came trembling and fell down before Him. She told Him in the presence of all, why she had touched Him; and that she was now cured.

And Jesus said, "Daughter, you must be encouraged by the faith of yourself; you are now Healed. Go in Peace." Luke 8:48 TPW

So we see here that by faith, she was healed. At the moment of touch, her faith was in it's most pure innocent form. No doubt was in her.

And we can know that God is Good, and that, from His Goodness, Healing Virtue and all Good Virtues, flow from Him; and we can receive them into ourselves by faith in Him.

Pure faith; and not a "false faith for a moment" to receive Goodness; will activate God's Goodness towards our need.

God is not fooled so do not mock Him.

Come to Jesus our Saviour with Love for Who He Is, and total surreder to Him; because He is Good.




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Measuring Self By Self

05/31/2023 13:35

Paul an Apostle of God, wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2 Corinthians 10:12 

We dare not make ourselves or compare ourselves with some that; commend themselves, but definetly they are measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are definetly not Understanding. TPW (The Pure Word Translation of Original Holy Scriptures.)

Paul is saying to the church at Corinth that the believers should not compare what they know to be Truth with those who are not believers in Christ Jesus. 

Paul says those unbelievers in Jesus are not in possession of Holy Understanding of The Scriptures; and of Who Jesus was, and what He did on The Cross.

This Word of Scripture is true today of all unbelievers.

They have great faith in what they have learned in the world about whatever has tickled their ears.

For many it is evolution that denies God and therefore our Lord and Saviour. Followers of evolution get lost for a lifetime in their pursuits to prove it. Satan leads them on a multitude of paths and alleyways that form great labyrinths to explore for each thought inserted by demonic forces. It all is a counterfeit of what God has done. They find things but put a different meaning to the why.

For others they prefer more benign gods that they can idolise and please by their own self might.

Still others deny any idol or Almighty God, believing they arrive here and die and that is it; so they believe they will enjoy and do their own thing to please the flesh, even if it hurts another.

Paul explains that we walk in the flesh but we should not live by the flesh because satan the rebellious ruler of this world will trap us to condemnation which leads to eternal conscious death of our soul. (The flesh dies and is no more but the soul lives on to experience separation from God (death of the soul) for eternity.)

We as believers must measure our self by the Perfection of Jesus our Saviour.

This leaves no space for ego or self will.

We must put them aside and let Him lead for He knows all things.

We cannot fully know the heart of another. The mind might be displayed to us by another's words and actions, but we cannot fully know the heart.

We may see hardness of heart because they have exhibited harsh words of anger; or they have been violent for the slightest hit to their ego; but that heart still has an empty space where Christ Jesus could reside, if He was invited in.

Never write anyone off. This doesn't mean letting them run the streets killing people. No that one must be separated for a time or sometimes a lifetime away from society.

Man's laws must be obeyed just as God's Law written on our heart must be obeyed.

Believers must be united with Christ in mind, body and soul. We must be happy within because He lives inside us. We must speak and have His Words flow as healing waters over the other. We must utter His Truths to correct wayward thinking so others have the ability to consider their own ways. We must encourage each other to pray and praise The One Who made a Way for us to be with Him in this life, and in the Life to come.



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His Grace His Power

05/30/2023 11:37

Friend, how wonderful in all His Ways, is our God!

There is no evil in Him. No darkness; for He Is Light.

Think brilliant all consuming Holy (Pure and Perfect) Light that emanates Pure Love and Truth.

When we see Him after this life on earth we will know without doubt that He holds all things together in Perfect Law.

Every scientist will be in awe of the amazing Laws they have never seen before; because they are invisible to the human eye. All the things they strove to understand and discover; they will understand that He is The Originator of all things; that He designed all things very intricately with His Holy Perfection.

Every artist will be blown away by the colours they see in Him Who Is Light.

None will be able to stand in His Presence. His Power, Grace, Love, Truth and Law will cause them to bow to His Majesty.

They will see that He sent Mercy to the earth in the form of His Son, for mankind to have a Way to be with Him; to rejoin to their Creator Father in Love and Purity even though they were sinful.

We will understand everything He was doing for us while we were in the flesh. We will know He offered His Mercy and Grace to us in bucketloads.

There will be two types of souls in Heaven on that Day. 

By then all the dead will be resurrected to stand before Him.

Jesus has the Keys to Hell and Hades; and they too will be there to witness all.

Some will be rejoicing, thanking and praising Him.

Others will be crying and moaning for themselves, begging, blaming others, but they will know it is to no avail for His Law stands as a Great Lamppost within Himself, that will not be moved.

At that time only Truth will prevail. No lie, no deceit, no delusion of reasoning, will be uttered before His Presence.

When His Judgment is passed we all, will know, that it is Just.

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The Ambition Of Evil

05/27/2023 15:08

Friend, fellow human, is there a disharmony within your "self?"

Do you feel anxious, depressed and alone?

All of this inner turmoil is caused by a soul that has kicked it's Creator to the curb; made Him of no value to themselves.

It's caused by going one's own way; seeking to know self.

The only problem with that is that self is very vain. It builds itself up. Self is a "know-it-all!

Self wants to experience all that it "knows" it deserves. Everything that interests it's "self."

The ego of mankind has an unending need to be thought of as genius; beautiful, skilful, the best at all things.

It loves to argue it's case.

It tops everything that it does with "pride."

Self is very proud of itself; to the exclusion of all others. Even though it will agree with another that the other should be proud of what they say and do, it secretly thinks it is more deserving of the accolade.

The ambitions of evil will not stop. It never has enough of gaining ground for itself at all costs. It will lie, cheat and steal to overcome any pushback.

But the Prince of this world's invisible realm in the air; who is the King of evil; filled with pride that overflows into the earth realm, has evil intentions towards mankind. 

Satan is The Deceiver; The Liar of Liars; The Thief, The Murderer of mankind.

Satan is behind every evil thing committed in God's Creation.

By our own free will, we are caught here. By our own free will choices we are where we are whether we love where we are or not. In this lifetime, we have a free will choice to make to overcome satan.

By our own self-will we can do a little, but we can never get rid of the sin nature within us, that has been bred into us, over many generations of family pride and arrogance, mixed in with all the lusts indulged over millenia.

But The Father by His Son's Sacrifice to pay for all The Law of The Universes; Creation, requires a payment for sin, for sin is against God and The Law.

The Sacrifice of a Holy Entity in The Form of Jesus, would pay for everyone who would come to Him; because of His Payment for their sins.

The Law was fulfilled; made whole again when Jesus was Crucified. Jesus last Words were, " It is finished."

Satan knew at that moment, he was doomed. He did not understand what God had done, when He allowed Satan to work in the minds and hearts of the Jewish religious rulers; and he has ramped up his evil empire ever since, to try to overcome that error. He is really mad at God for checkmating him.

God's Law for the earth, was satisfied when Jesus took His last breath on The Cross. A new era in mankind's story began at that very moment.

Mankind was no longer under The Law of Moses although God being Holy, all those Laws are still in effect. But He, as Himself has added a New Covenant onto the Old Covenant; Law.

Now all who will by their own choice believe in the Sacrifice by Jesus of His own flesh for their sins; who will recognise they have a sinful nature that cannot be controlled by their own will, and give their will to Him; for Him to renew and refine; do receive Forgiveness of sins, fellowship with Jesus, all the Gifts and Benefits, that are theirs according to His Will, Way and Law.

In effect, Jesus has made a Way for us to be reunited with The Father; even while we are sinners.

We can stand at the foot of The Cross at any moment, wherever we are, at any moment, and symbolically look up, to see The One Who died there; and "see" with spiritual eyes of the heart and mind, Him Who Loves.

It should bring us to our knees in sorrow for how sinful we are; that He had to do this for us in order for us to not be annihilated and forgotten as a mistake. But God says He does not make mistakes, so something had to be done for any who would choose to love their Creator.

There is no other reason for Him to do this for us. We are sinners through and through. We hate God, we are prideful in ourselves. We sin in thought and deed many times each day.

We must recognise what He did for us. If we do not, will not, then it is an automatic denial of His Sovereign Authority; and we place ourselves in the hands of the only one we truly love, the enemy of God.

And God says, "That is your choice. I gave you Free Will to choose; and by My Law, you have that which you chose."

At the end of the Great Conflict, God will either say, He knows you, or He doesn't. This means relationship.

He knew you when you were on earth, because you were in relationship with Him, or you departed from Him, or you never chose Him.

When we choose by our own will to have nothing to do with Him; He will say, " I never knew you," when you "plead" your case.

And then all evil's ambitions will be realised. Satan and his demonic followers will come and take you as a pawn for their using, as they fall all over themselves laughing at you. 

Will you be esteemed in their company?

No, you will not. Not one human soul will be esteemed in Satan's domain. Your soul is not worth anything more than a pawn taken in the Great War with God by satan and his fallen from Grace and Mercy angels, now known as demons.

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Are You In Need

05/20/2023 12:59

Friend, all of humanity is in need.

The earth groans with our sin.

We are in dire need of someone to help us.

Our needs are overwhelming.

Eight billion souls in need of some kind.

Many may have funds to help them with the flesh, but are desolate in soul and spirit.

Most are in need of funds; not knowing where to go for help for the soul and spirit.

Others deny the need saying they themselves can make their own way to have all their needs fulfilled.

The needs for humans range from work, career, relationships, physical body, financial, emotional and spiritual.

We try all kinds of self devised ways to get these needs fulfilled. 

Since ancient times, man has tried to make sense of it's existence; the meaning of life on earth.

By observing the world around us, we have created for ourselves the need to worship idols. Gods to ask for rain for our crop, for the sun to come out during flooding; for the volcano to stay dormant, a god to give us favour in our endeavours, and so on.

Within our inner selves, many of us know there is One God even above all others we idolise in the world. Many like to "play the field," joining every group, church, thought, and cult.

In our inner selves, we understand we are not good enough to approach The One True God; so we devise our own gods, and hope those minor cult-type gods created by self, will go to The One True God for us, as an intermediary.

There are the deniers and the doubters also.

But we live and die by His Will, His Plan, His Law and Way.

God says though, that we know that God should be honoured. He is our Creator, who gives life in the flesh to us, and takes the flesh life. 

Yet He has kept a place for Himself in the soul, because it is of Himself; that has a need to be filled; and He is the Onlly One who is able to fill and satisfy that place of Honour.

Many try with demonic sexual lusts to fulfill that place; others alcoholic spirits, to deaden the demons; still others get caught in the addictive demonic "recreational" drug worlds.

Many are the ways that lead to the problems of life that we use to ignore His Holy Spirit, Who is pursuing our soul for God.

We are not above Him! Nothing is above Him.

His Will, will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. 

He knows my and your, every move that we could ever possibly make. 

And His Law governs how He will respond.

He is ultimately The God Who Is. He's everywhere and knows everything.

He exists now, always will and always has. 

It is from Him, His Thought, His Design, His Self, His Will, His Law(s), that we exist.

He Is Perfect; what we call Holy; fully whole in every aspect known and unknown by us.

We should only be afraid of Him if we have not recognised Him; and, begun the journey to know Who He Is. 

In this journey of discovery, He reveals to us that since we are not obedient to His Will, which gives us everything we need; we must accept the Price that we owe for our sins; paid for by His Son Who we know as Jesus; by His Law.

Jesus, The Great and Mighty Warrior, Who went to The simple rugged wood Cross; made Holy by His Sacrifice for us for all Heaven to see; with Love and Truth in His Heart for us, not anger and hurt, but humble, innocent; willing to fulfil the Law and Will of The Father.

Jesus came forward to The Father, "I'll go, send Me." He wanted to save mankind (as many as would come to Him) from the Punishment called for in God's Holy Law. 

(This conversation of Law could have been decided before man was created, and built into our existence then, or it could have been said much later. It doesn't matter when it was constructed.)

That is; the soul's eviction from Heaven and placement in the Lake of Fire that does not kill or destroy but burns it continually.

The Father agreed that His Son would be The One Who would go to the Cross. There was no created being who met the requirements of The Holy Law of God in The Courts of Heaven.

It could only be God Himself, Who would come to make Righteous His Own Law.

In the Perfection of time, Jesus came to earth. 

We dishonoured Him. We had Him crucified.

The Israelites and the Gentiles showed The Father how truly wicked we were by the horrific things we did to His Son, and how we did not care about The Father or Son.

But God knows those who love Him.

Are you among them?

He is offering you Forgiveness for all your sins, the biggest one and the unforgiveable one is unbelief in Him.

The Door to Eternal Life has not closed yet.

You can come as you are; whatever state that is.

There is a wide and deep chasm between believers and unbelievers.

It can only be crossed by walking across the Great Cross laid down to carry you from one existence to the other; in a spiritual sense.

Look at The Cross and think/meditate upon it's meaning for it is filled with meaning to be revealed to you as your soul and spirit is willing to hear.


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