
Meditation Verses Psalm 19:7-9

07/10/2015 10:44


Scripture.  The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.  The Statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart:  the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Psalm 19:7-9  KJV

David has discovered that the Law of God is perfect.  The perfection of who God is and what He stands for will convert a seeking heart.  It cannot deny the Truth it sees.  God is Good and at the same time, greatly to be feared.  He holds the soul of man in His hands and His Judgement is Just.

When we have a healthy fear of the Lord which is a recognition of Who He is, we have gained knowledge that is pure and will be an anchor that holds us to God as we live our daily life.

Let us live with the knowledge of a fearsome and all powerful God who loves us and has made a Way for us to be reconciled to Him so that any fear is converted to love and respect for Him.


Lord, thank You for Your Perfection and Power.  Help me to acknowledge these Godly qualities and place in me a desire to dive deeper into Your Word so that I may grow in Truth.  Amen.

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The Lord's Prayer

07/08/2015 14:21

Luke Chapter 11 verses 2-4  King James Bible

And He (Jesus) said unto them, When ye pray, say,

Our Father which art in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy Will be done, as it is in Heaven

so in earth.

Give us day by day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins;

for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us.

And lead us not into temptation;

but deliver us from evil.

Friend, notice that Jesus shows us how to address God - our Father which art in Heaven.

Then He says we should praise God - Hallowed be Thy Name (Your Name is Holy and I know it.)

We can then agree with God that His Kingdom and Will will be done just as in Heaven it is surely and most perfectly done.

Next we can ask for our needs - Give us daily our food and shelter and take care of all our human needs.

Then we admit we are a sinner and need forgiveness and we speak of how we will forgive others.

We then ask that the Lord be with us and help us to overcome temptation and not allow evil to be a driving force in our lives.

This attitude of prayer is one given to us by our Lord Jesus the Christ and therefore the Father will always hear this form of prayer said with a reverent heart.

Begin to use this simple prayer form to address the Father and believe that He will hear and respond to it.

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Stay The Course

07/08/2015 09:30

Friend, we must "stay the course" if we are to gain the prize of eternal Life with our King.

This life is hard and evil throws bad things at us all the time in order to keep us unbalanced mentally, spiritally and physically.

Satan attacks us mind, body and spirit and the Lord will sustain us if we stay the course with Him.  It is called faith and He will bolster our faith if we focus on Him and communicate with Him - listening for His voice and reading the Word to know His Way, Promises for us, and Plan for us.

His Way and Plan for us is always for our good. Yet evil does have power in this world and will tempt us and undermine us at every opportunity just as Satan tempted Jesus.  But our Lord, always answered the devil by quoting scripture. 

"It is written...." Jesus said, and He would quote the appropriate scripture.

This is a great lesson for us.  We too can quote scripture back at the devil when he tempts us. This is why it is of great benefit to study the Bible.  Once we know and place in our heart and mind certain scriptures, we will never fail to overcome the devil's wiles.

He will flee and leave us alone until the next time he sees we could be tempted.

So friend, stay the course and be strengthened by the renewing of your mind with Holy Scripture.

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Marvellous Happenings

07/07/2015 11:43

Friend, have you had something happen since you have been walking with Jesus that is so wonderful and unbelievable that you would have to call it a miracle - because to bring something to the fore that would never have been possible because of the many unbelieving people involved, was unimaginable?

Yes, me too!

These unimaginable outcomes, and marvellous happenings are nothing to God.  That is just a tiny part of what He can and will do for you.  Just stay believing and you will see more of the unimaginable happen.  You will look back in a year or two and see what He has accomplished because of your belief in Him.

He is the Miracle Worker.  Allow Him full rein to do what He sees fit; and you, be the follower!

Do not despise the humiliations from those you love or others, do not fret or fear about your circumstances!  Just believe that He is working out His good pleasure in you, and all things will come together in His Perfect Timing for your good.

Much has to be done behind the scenes.  Many souls have to be stirred to move and choose.  But always believe that He is working out His Plan for you.  Get up and go about your daily life with joy in your soul that Holy God is for  you.  See others as the Lord sees them.  He loves them - not their sin, but their soul.  He sees what they could achieve and He sees how they will come to believe. 

Will it be by the plough or will they take on the yoke of the Kind and Gentle King?

Be available to Him and in constant contact with Him so that you will have the opportunity to hear His Voice and obey.

Obey for what?  For spiritual growth and power in His Name, for eternal Life, for a place in the Kingdom to be a helper and not a lost soul that wanders into troubled waters at every turn.


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God's Word Is So Fine

07/07/2015 11:13

Friend, the Word of God is so finely precise, perfect and Holy.

Have you found this to be the case?  If not, I urge you to immerse yourself with an open mind to the reading of the Holy Bible in order to ascertain what most Christians have found to be Truth.

We're all on different levels in our spiritual growth and so some lag behind in their knowledge and some soar ahead, but it is up to people who have found Light, and Love and Life and Truth and Peace and Justness in those chapters and verses to share what they have found.

Let the wise and learned share what the Lord has revealed to them and let it be backed up by the word of God.

If you hear something or read something it is wise to search the scriptures to find out if that in fact is Truth.

I urge all who read this blog to search the scriptures to confirm what is written here.  I deliberately do not give every scripture so that readers will search to find if the Word of God confirms my findings.

If you do not have a Bible or cannot obtain one but have access to the internet, here is a site where you can read the Bible.

I hope you will find the "finely woven threads of gold" that are the Word of God and pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten your mind and spirit and speak to your heart of the Truth contained in the words, for you and your circumstances.


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Strong Tower

07/05/2015 10:19

Friend, our Lord is a Strong Tower to which we can run for safety or where we can live in safety.

The Strong Tower is not only a safe haven for us, but allows us to grow and run freely within the enclosure that is limitless, yet provides walls which cannot be breached by the enemy.

God's ministering angels are on constant duty to protect us from harm. we can walk freely wherever we go knowing they are our constant protectors, so long as we are constant with our Lord.

Our free will allows us to step out of the covering of the ministering holy angels and walk on our own and those angels, have to let us wander.  We break their power to protect us when we step free from Jesus.

Friend, stay in the Will of God and receive the protection, guidance and love of the Lord. Follow the Path He has laid for you and know that He "has your back."

Live, love and laugh because of the Love of God for you.  You have been set aside to be a son or daughter of the Kingdom, an heir with Christ Jesus!

Just trust Him.

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Human Reasoning

07/05/2015 09:18

Friend, we have been given a mind that is capable of reasoning for a purpose!

Animals do a small amount of reasoning, but they generally are predisposed to live and go about their daily business doing as other animals of their type - hunting for food, looking for shelter and water, following the herd.  They have been given certain attributes that allow them to operate in their animal tendencies.

They operate how God has intended and according to what sin has brought into the world.

But we humans have choices to make that are on a higher lifeform wavelength.  We are made so that we can recognize sin.

Though many of us have determined that some sin is not sin and have decided to not believe in a Holy God, in order to blindly follow our own sinful thinking.

All we do is fool our "self." Saying that something is not sinful; when it is to God, is just a denial of the Truth.

Our denial will never make God change His mind as to what sin is. We can get out and parade down the streets with banners and flags and in great numbers all we like, but it will not make sin "right" ever.

We have the freedom to sin as much as we like but God will never accept it. He has told us the Truth and He is not a person who will change His mind because of the "brilliant" ravings of a sinful person.

He is God and He is Truth and He owns the Law and He says what sin is and isn't.

When a human has gone down the path of destruction and still has his reasoning powers, having not sold them all to the evil one, he/she is able to reason that they have hit bottom and need to get out of that thinking in order to live.

This is the point when God's hand is "seen" and we can know that He truly does exist and has not abandoned us.

The same human reasoning that got us to the bottom of the pit will now reason us with the help of the Holy Spirit to the heights of faith and belief in Almighty God.

It's an amazing thing! Truly worthy of full surrender to God - for His Goodness and Mercy.

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