
It's A Choice

04/30/2015 11:11

Friend, God calls us and it is up to us to make the choice to be a believer in Him.  

He gives to us the gift of choosing Him.  It is our free will choice.  We can believe or deny His existence.

Both have consequences for our soul, spirit and flesh.

While we live, He is at work revealing Himself to us both when we are awake and asleep.

We will never be able to accuse Him of not caring, not loving, not helping, not showing Himself.

We will see when we stand before Him at the Judgement, that He was there and did do everything in His Power to get us to know He was God. And we will see how we turned our back to Him and lived our life in foolishness and unbelief.

We allow the daily complexities of life to become everything when they should be pushed aside in order to know the One who loves us.

When we choose Him as our God and Saviour we are able to live a more fulfilling life, one that has a spiritual base from where we make all our decisions about life.

We allow His Word to become the crux of the matter and are able to listen to it and find the answers we need for the best outcome to any issue that arises in our daily lives.

When we do this; we please Him; we grow in strength and courage to be the person God wants us to be; we find a Truth and Love like no other; we see the world in the Way God has planned; and we are able to discern right from wrong.

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04/29/2015 14:49

Friend, pride will keep us captive to the evil forces that are at work in this world - having been given this area of influence by Almighty God.

Pride is a killer of faith and belief because it places itself high above God in our lives.

God must be number one in your life.  It is the best place for Him and the safest one for your soul.

Pride must always be told to leave and shunned.

If you have pride, you must begin to govern it and reduce it's influence by prayer,  asking Jesus for help.

He will not deny you in this.

Probably our worst prideful attitude is the one where we think we are correct and "right" all the time no matter what the issue is.

Closely examine your attitude and see if there is pride ingrained in your personality.  Ask the Lord to show you when you are prideful.  The Spirit will convict you and then do your best to stop that type of behaviour or reaction.

Realize that you don't really lose anything by killing pride, but you gain so much in the Kingdom of God when you are able to rid yourself of pride.

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Meditation Verse Psalm 51:6

04/29/2015 11:33


Scripture.  Behold, Thou desirest Truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part Thou shall make me to know Wisdom. Psalm 51:6  KJV

King David wrote this verse from Chapter Fifty-one after the Prophet Nathan had convicted him of his sin with Bathsheba.  He broke the hold that sin had on him and David realized he needed to repent and he asked for God's Mercy.

David admits he is a sinner from when he was shaped inside the womb. 

He asks to be purged and to be forgiven.

We can use this whole chapter as a prayer to God. 

The words help us to acknowledge our state before God and how sin is abhorrent to God, how He can never accept sin.

It will help us to ask for forgiveness and purging of the sin in our life. 

It is so beautifully written, and the Spirit has included it as one worthy of us singing, praying aloud to God, and meditating upon for our growth in Godly matters and for Godly Wisdom.


Lord, thank You that You have shown us the way to ask for forgiveness. Help me to keep this Psalm 51 of David in my heart, and use the words to learn how to pray to You.  Amen.


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Eternal Life 1John 2:25

04/29/2015 10:57

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but, he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also. 1John 2:23

And this is the promise that He hath promised to us, even, eternal life.  1John 2:25

Friend, the Holy Scipture above, states that when we recognize the Son (Jesus), we receive the Father. And when Jesus died He sent the Holy Spirit to be with those who believe in Him.

So believers have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the Anchor (to their soul).

That is everything, friend, to have the help and care and love of the Trinity of God.  There is nothing they cannot do.  They are in charge of all things.  They own all things. Nothing in heaven or earth can do a thing without their approval.

Therefore evil can only operate according to the Law of God.  He allows what He allows according to the Goodness of who He is.  He sees the whole picture - all the parties involved. He knows our inmost parts and what is needed to help our soul.

We have to then look at our suffering as being part of God's Plan.  We somehow have come to a place of trial because God has designed our journey this way. Our sin brings consequences both in our earthly life and our spiritual life.

It is important to say that He knows what's best and that you the lowly and humble (should be) baby Christian lay your life at the foot of the Cross and ask for forgiveness daily and begin to grow in the knowledge of who God is.

If we turn against God, there are consequences we don't like but when we turn to God, the consequences are of a different variety and have a meaning that is full of promise.

Imagine yourself placed on the scale of Justice.  Love & Truth on one side and you on the other.

God has to work from the core of your sin and begin to cleanse you in order to balance the scale. 

Be a willing volunteer for change and believe in Truth and Goodness and Love - all owned by God.

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04/29/2015 10:35

Friend, it's time to leave the flat ground and begin the journey uphill.

Spiritually we should be climbing up the mountain of learning.

Many of us get saved and accept the forgiveness and love but when the Spirit asks us to take one step in any direction or climb one step uphill, we balk and refuse to move, rather we stay where we are and enjoy those benefits until our spirit is called home.

Jesus asks us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  The reason being that this is the Way forward for us to receive all the benefits of God's Love for us. 

When we do not pay attention to the Holy Spirit we can fall behind and get lost again.  Almighty God does not want this for us.  His Son was sacrificed for us and if we fall away from belief then His Sacrifice was in vain for that soul.  It hurts the Father's heart.

Do not grieve the Holy Spirit or Father.

Stand up and look around at the souls who are moving uphill.

Break out of your crysalis shell and move!

Join them and learn to be a blessing, learn about the Trinity Godhead, learn how to overcome the bad habits and old spiritually unhealthy ways, learn how to pray and praise and worship.

God has been Merciful, He has given you this new day to begin to move towards Him in faith and joy.

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A Glad Heart

04/28/2015 10:13

Friend, let us have glad hearts!

Is your heart attuned to Godly things?

Does your mind long for more knowledge of spiritual matters?

Are you beginning to see with spiritual eyes?

Have your ears been unplugged to hear the word of God in a new way?

Are the words from your lips more spiritual?


Ah friend, Jesus loves you!  He has begun a new work in you and you are responding appropriately.

He wants you to have a glad heart.  You are the recipient of comfort and peace from the Lord.  He loves you and cares for your well-being.  He will protect you and keep you safe.

Your previous circumstances and beliefs have left a trail of muck that Jesus has to wade through and  bring you out of, so some of your new circumstances may look as though He has abandoned you and the devil will tell you He has, but stand firm in your faith; and Jesus, the new keeper of your soul will help you. 

Just be faithful and have a glad heart - one that is full of praise for what He is doing for you and one that will worship Jesus the love of your new life.

Praise and worship from a glad heart bring the Lord closer to us.

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Isaiah 30:18

04/28/2015 09:49

And therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of Justice. Blessed are all those who wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him.  Isaiah 30:18

Friend, He loves you.  He's waiting for any and all who will look to Him so He can be gracious to us. 

Negativity will keep Him from showing His loving-kindness to us.  When we are critical and negative we cannot see the Beauty of who He is.  We'll always see what He hasn't done for us.  We'll see where we think He should have acted for us, but did not.  We'll note all the times He wasn't there for us!

We think these things with a negative mind, when in fact He has been at work and He has done things, but the critic in us won't let us see His favour - we think we got that all by ourself.  Oh, the misery of our clawing and digging to get what we have! It's quite funny.

(There is true suffering but in the western world it does not compare to what other nations suffer.)

We give Him no thanks, or glory.

Rather, we should be expecting good things, and we should be hopeful and have a thankful heart and mind.

It's easy to change.  Did you wake up today?  "Thank You Jesus, for this new day!"

It's so simple.  Look around, do you have a roof over your head?  Be thankful, many don't - yet they too are thankful for what they do have.

Decide today to be hopeful and to long for Him to be gracious to you.  Expect that He will, because He longs for you to have this attitude.

And then be thankful to Him and tell Him why and there you go - you have a relationship with God.


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