
Prayer Confidence

04/27/2015 09:05

1st John 5:14 -15  And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His Will, He heareth us.  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

Friend, there are two things in the above scripture we should remember when praying to God.

First is that we are advised to "ask" God for our needs.

Second is that we should know that if we ask for anything and it is not according to His Will (Law), we ask amiss.

God is Law.  He created Law.  He keeps the scales of Justice perfectly balanced at all times.

He will not give something to us if the Law is going to be unbalanced.

He is Perfectly balanced.  He will not allow Himself to be unbalanced, like we are.

Get to know God and His Law and ask according to His Will, and firstly, He hears you, then He sets about getting your desire prepared and working things together for you to receive what you have asked for.  He does all this according to His Will.  So your way and the time it takes to get it done will be dependent on your cooperation with Him in the process of Him granting your prayer request.

Also, our requests will affect others and if they are not in His Will, your request may take some time to become a reality in your life, while He and the Spirit work in the lives of the other people who are connected to your need that you have asked help in.

But, friend, ask for all your needs, and know that He is a Good God, and will move mountains for you to have His Will in your life - which will bring you new Life and Hope, and Love, and Peace and all the Godly things that He can shower on you.

Pray in confidence and say, "All things according to Your Will, Lord, not mine.  I am your humble servant and will wait and know that You are working all things together for Your Good and my good. In Jesus's Holy Name, Amen." 

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Be An Overcomer

04/27/2015 08:38

Friend, in the world today we have come to believe that all must be allowed to be who they "want" to be.

It's a blanket statement that has seen many led to their death before knowing their Saviour.

Evil gets them in it's clutches and they enjoy their "uniqueness" so much that they will not listen to the Holy Spirit.

It takes a brave person to turn from wicked ways and say, "I have made a mistake, this is no longer for me.  I want Goodness and Light, and Love and Peace and Truth. Show me the way, God."

Today we say that you can be as evil as you want but many of us cry out when evil visits our door and comes in boldly and creates havoc - and stays, even overstays it's welcome.

Evil always has it's excuses as to why it must stay in the body it has been allowed to inhabit through a lack of Godly spirituality.

First comes, "It feels good for me." or "I was born this way."  Also,  "I'm going back to my culture or the ancient ways of my ancestors."

No, friend, these are not Truths of God.

Evil has won over their souls but God can do a makeover anytime we are willing. 

We can look up to God anytime and He is there, even in our wallowing.  We limit Him most of the time, but when we get up and call out, He will answer.

He is swift to help the brokenhearted, the lost, the lonely, the sick, the blind, the lame, those in poverty, when they call out to Him.

He gives comfort just by His Presence.  Knowing you are Loved with a Love that cannot compare to human love, is a great healer of the mind and heart and even the body.

Knowing that He is a Provider gives us the strength to go on in our work and be the best at what we do for we know He will make a way for us where there seems to be no way.

As we learn to come to Him for all our needs, and deny evil and it's pull on us, we grow in Grace and Mercy and receive showers of blessing from Heaven.  We are able to see them where before we saw nothing coming our way.

Now we have something to thank, praise and worship Him for.

Be an overcomer and you will know Great Love, Mercy and Grace.

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04/25/2015 19:53

Friend, trials reveal to our inner self, the true condition of our soul.

They can be a help to us because they reveal our lack of preparation and knowledge of spiritual things.

When we know and believe God's promises, His Words of encouragement and Truth we are able to stand and let the trial hit us full force and we will have the armour and tools/weapons to deal with the trial.  

Trials are necessary for this reason.  They show our lack.

We can go to the Holy Word to find our answers.  We can go to God in prayer and we can worship and praise Him to bring us closer to Him. 

The closer we get to Him, the more protected we are.  The more we know of Him the more we are attuned to evil's ways and the more we see adversity for what it is.

We find that excuses do not matter to God.  He sees past them and will not entertain them. He insists we deal with reality and spiritual things.  Excuses are just that, excuses - they are nothing, they carry no Truth and are therefore not valid.

We must overcome being an excuses person.  The world accepts it but Father God will not.

Be willing to cooperate with God as He leads you to Victory over excuses.

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Lean On Him

04/25/2015 13:01

Friend, we must learn to lean on Jesus.

Trying to keep our problems and struggles to ourselves will not bring a victory or good result.

God already knows them but we sometimes try to not bother our Lord with what we think may be a small problem.  Sometimes the problem is so big we can't see a way out, or maybe we are ashamed, but the Lord I can assure you, does see the way for you and is waiting for you to allow Him to be the One who leads you through the maze back to sanity and freedom from the problem.

There is nothing new to the Lord about your tribulation.  He always has His hands stretched out to you in Love.  He stands waiting for you to recognize Him and accept His help.

Repent of your ignorance and be a humble soul and receive Him.  Me, I run to Him, and you can too! 

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Now I Get It!

04/25/2015 12:44

Friend, are you one of the blessed ones?  Are you able to say, "I didn't get it, but now I get it.  God is real and He loves me and I am going to get to know Him!"?

Friend, this is a true blessing.  Praise God for your new knowledge and faith in the One who can do all things for you.  He can help you climb out of the high tree you have ascended and cannot climb back down, to reality.  He can move a mountain from your life if you allow Him.  He can reach down to the deepest depths and gently pull you up to safe ground.  He can simply put His arm around you and tell you He loves you and to follow Him, for a fulfilled life.

Whatever state you have managed to get yourself into, He can extract you from it if you are willing. 

Just give Him the reins and allow Him the freedom to be the Leader and Teacher and Guide of your soul, and He will give to you a Comforter and Counsellor to help your spirit.

Be a willing student.  Be anxious for nothing for He will provide all you need.  Just be the child who holds His hand and allows Him to be a Father.

Yes, Almighty God is your Father.  Your earthly father is a father of the flesh and may or may not have been a good one, but Almighty God the Father is a Good Father to His children.

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No Prayer Is In Vain

04/24/2015 16:36

Friend, today I am reminded that no prayer is spoken in vain.  It will be answered!

Go to the Cross; the feet of Jesus, at the Mercy Seat and cry out, knowing He hears and will bring things together for you according to His Will for you.  Accept His care and concern and Love and go forward in your day knowing your prayer has been heard.

His plans for us are always moving forward.  Nothing is still with the Lord.  He is full of movement, He is creating, He is alive and doing.  Nothing is stagnant in the spiritual world.

He has not forgotten you.  Are you repentant?  Are you focused on Him?  Is He your Love?

Yes?  Be sure then, that He is for you and not against you!

His Mercy is new every morning towards us.  When we wake, we are showered with Mercy and Love.

Walk in it today! Stay connected to Him and the benefits that are showered upon you daily. 

Praise Him and pray whenever you are reminded of Him. 

A simple, "Praise You, Lord!" said in absolute confidence that He is who He says He is, will keep you in His Presence and able to see with spiritual eyes.

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God's Truth Is Greater

04/23/2015 13:41

Friend, we all have a truth that we call our own.  It is derived from our experiences of and in the world.

Many say ,"My truth, is that there is no God," or "My truth is that I have to rely only on myself." We all have these truths.  I see them plastered all over facebook daily.

Everyone has their own truth even if they don't call it that.  It's just your own personal beliefs gathered from your personal and impersonal relations with the world.

Even if we don't buy into satan's lies it does not mean we are not a captive to him.

Only those who recognize that God's Truth is greater than their own truth have a Way out of captivity of the soul.

Yes, God's Truth is greater.  It must be and is a simple fact to believe in.  God is greater than mere man or animal or plant or earth for He is the Creator.

Someone like Stephen Hawking who is very intelligent and has a great ability to think and explore in his mind has not realized that there is a God who is the Designer/Creator of "Everything That Is."

So how can any of us mere mortals come to know God, if someone like Stephen Hawking has not factored God into his calculations? After all, he is considered a great intellect.

Friend, first comes hearing of the Word of God.  And this you are able to do on this blog. 

Take the plugs from your ears and hear what the Spirit is saying to you.

Stephen Hawking may think that God has abandoned him or that a good God would not have afflicted him so.

But, what if being afflicted in this way is the best way for Stephen Hawking to come to know God?

What if there was no other way for God to get through to Stephen Hawking?

God must be Perfect in all His Ways and I believe that He is and has been to Stephen Hawking.  He just won't take the plugs out or give up his pride or the great knowledge he has acquired and be a humble soul before the Throne of Grace.

I pray that He does, because if Stephen Hawking were to find God and know Jesus, He would have the most amazing testimony.  Many would listen to him and be saved.  Stephen Hawking could have a spiritual treasure trove of jewels and gems to place at the feet of Jesus in Heaven.

Now, he has none.  God is not going to be impressed with his knowledge.  God knows so much more than Stephen Hawking.  Stephen is only discovering what God has put in place.  He is not creating , God is.

God's Truth is greater - meditate on this.

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