
Test The Insights

05/20/2015 10:13

Friend, it is wise to test the insights we get to see if they line up with God's Word.

This is why it is necessary to know God's Word, the Holy Bible; to have read all the words of Jesus and the prophets and disciples and apostles.

In those chapters and verses are our answers for life.

When we hear or see something with our mind's eye we must check to see if it is Godly or from the pit of hell, disguised as Godly.

When it is something we want to hear, we must be especially careful as we could be led down a path of unrighteousness, thinking it is the Path of Righteousness.

Many could the years be that we tread that path thinking it is righteous; following our own ungodly insights; allowing ourselves to be fooled, lied to and corrupted by evil.

When we take those paths, God does through the Spirit, never stop prodding us away from the danger, but sadly, we will in our own righteousness, continue on.

Be the friend of Jesus who says, "Yes, Master, Your Way, not mine. According to Your Will always, Lord."

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The Source Of Joy

05/20/2015 09:55

Friend, Jesus is the source of True Joy.

We carry sadnesses around with us; trials and struggles follow us everywhere we go. 

We cannot escape sufferings.

But, friend, with God, we can experience a Joy that seeps deep into our psyche and offers Hope.

This Hope, settles Joy in our soul.

Having Hope allows us to bear the trial with a knowledge that God is for us and will not abandon us; and in the trial, we can gain spiritual ground, if we repent and listen to the Spirit.

Hear what He is saying to you!  Be still and ask God to show you the lesson to be learned in the trial.

Friend, then be brave and make the changes that the Spirit tells you to.  Practice them daily. Change is hard when old habits are ingrained, but they can be eliminated from our life.

One by one, flick them away. Make the effort to choose the new Way that the Spirit has guided you towards.

Soon you will see them coming, rearing their ugly head, and you will know to bear down on them with determination to overcome and rid them from your new life with Christ.

He will help you through these days when you have a heart of repentance and a humble mind that is listening to the Holy Spirit.

Thank Him for His Forgiveness and your new life in Him.

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The Mercy, Grace and Wisdom of God

05/18/2015 12:12

Friend, the Mercy, Grace and Wisdom of God trumps everything in our lives.  Even when we do not believe in God, these three attributes of His nature are at work, also are others, like Love and Truth.

Think about how His Mercy and Grace sustains us.  How the Wisdom of His choices for us is always the best for our future, yet addresses the sins of the past also.

Do not cut yourself off from these Mercies from the Throne of Grace.

Instead, allow His choices for your life today to be foremost in your thoughts.

Put your "self" aside today and focus on what He want for you to acheive.  Perhaps it is just a stillness so you will grow accustomed to seeing with new eyes, hearing with new ears and feeling with a new heart and mind?

The world teaches us to be manipulative, envious, boasters, proud, selfish, liars, deniers of Truth. But, what does it give us in return?  Sorrow, loss of friends, love, things we need to survive and a big load of lies.

We will have sorrow and loss when we walk with Jesus also but it is tinged with a knowledge that surpasses understanding and we are girded up by God's Holy angels who are sent to comfort and help us.

When you accept this help things move along and we find; healing, joy for the heart, beautiful knowledge and truth for the mind to think about, seeing the humanity of everyone which brings to us to shed anger and hatred towards others, the ability to hear God's Word properly and see the new meanings that are meant just for our ears.

It's a new life of peace and joy and truth, knowing that; God is with us everywhere we go, He is protecting us, He loves us, He wants the best for us, He will guide us, He will make a Way where we cannot see a way, He is on our side.

When we die, our soul will reside with Him and we will have joy unspeakable, our tears will be no more because we will be able to see Him.

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Romans 8;6

05/14/2015 13:19

Romans 8:6

Following after the Holy Spirit leads to life and peace, but following after the old nature, leads to death, because the old sinful nature within us is against God. It never did obey God's Laws and it never will.

Friend, this scripture says it all.

It is necessary for us to be a follower of the Holy Spirit, Father and Son to have life and peace, after our flesh dies.

The Spirit does not lead us on the wrong path.  He knows our ways and has a full view of all the paths we might take, but only He knows the right Path that leads to everlasting Life with the Son.

Many are the paths that lead us away from God but in amongst those paths is the real Path that is the Righteous Path.

God is clear on this in His Word. 

Romans 7:16 - 17

Don't you realize that you can choose your own master? You can choose sin (with death) or else obedience (with acquittal). The one to whom you offer yourself- he will take you and he will be your master. (Jesus or satan)

Romans 7:1b

When a person dies the Law no longer holds him in it's power.

Romans 7:11 (Apostle Paul admitting to being a sinner.)

Sin fooled me by taking the good Laws of God and using them to make me guilty of death. But still, you see the Law itself was wholly right and good.

Friend, when we die, our choice has been already made.  We no longer have an opportunity to be with God and part of His Kingdom if we have not chosen in this life to believe in the Son, Jesus the Christ.

Romans 8:10

Yet, even though Christ lives within you, your body will die because of sin; but your spirit will live, for Christ has pardoned it.

Today these words have told you the Truth

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Psalms 1:1-6

05/13/2015 12:41

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men's advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God.  But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on His laws and thinking about ways to follow Him more closely.

They are like trees along a river bank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper.

But, for sinners, what a different story! They blow away like chaff before the wind. They are not safe on Judgment Day; they shall not stand among the Godly.

For the Lord watches over all the plans and paths of Godly men, but the paths of the godless lead to doom.

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Abundant Supply

05/13/2015 12:22

Friend, flowing from the Throne of Grace and Mercy are Love, Truth, Wisdom, Kindness, Generosity, and every other Good thing for our life here on earth and the Life to come.

There is an abundant supply of all we need, for each one of us who believes in Jesus.

The Lord is always seeking good for our lives. 

When we are far from Him in belief, we make it harder for Him to reach us.  We close ourselves up from the abundant supply of His Grace and Mercy and Love.

Why not, instead, turn around and face Him and open up your soul, spirit, heart and mind to Him?

Just get a glimpse of the Goodness of Who He is and you will see that the road ahead could be glorious for you.

When our will is not in a symbiotic relationship with the will of God, we will never receive all the blessings He has for us.

His blessings flow easily when unhindered by unbelief, arrogance, fear, anger, and hatred.  Ask Him for forgiveness and truly receive it from Him.  Believe that He died for your sins and has made a way for you to know Him and receive abundant supply for your life. 

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The Lord And I

05/11/2015 09:45

Friend, our spiritual life governs all that happens in the natural world.

Many people think it is the opposite, but put aside those thoughts for a little while and focus on your relationship or non-relationship with Jesus.

Having no relationship with Him allows evil to be your task master.  Evil will take you down paths that lead far from God. Evil has a mission to not allow you to know there is a God.  It first seeks to prove there is no God.

Why would this be beneficial to evil?  Because when you die not having believed, you, by default, belong to evil and have no argument that will be heard at the Judgement seat of Almighty God when the time comes.

When evil sees that you are beginning to think there is a God or you may be interested in knowing Jesus, it sets about to scoff and scorn and embarass those thoughts - a lot of times, in front of others.

Evil has it's own systems in the world, propped up by men and women in the world who have accomplished something and whom we admire for some trait, or have authority over us - even parents.

We often think that if someone has acheived some degree of success in a field we are attracted to then, they MUST be correct in their thinking.

Sometimes, we just have itching ears that want to hear how the Bible could not be true; how the story of Jesus is just a fairy tale and how there could not be a Creator.  We want our thought conclusions to be correct, after all we are so intelligent to have thought of these things - but friend, it is all evil guiding you along it's fateful path, using pride, ego, lies, envy, applause, the spotlight, denial and all other means at it's disposal to fool us.

The Lord wants you to know that He wants you to think about Truth.

Pure and Beautiful, Just and Wise, Clean and Holy, Truth.

The Lord looks upon the heart of man and knows all about us. He wants a right relationship with you and me.

It's just Him and you. He's trying to keep you from plunging into Hell, into the abyss that no souls can climb out of, once in there.

The truly evil and unrepentant heart cannot know God, because it has shut it's heart and mind off to the existence of God, or like satan, it hates God and thinks one day evil will win.

But, we have this new day to examine our lives and see whether God would be pleased with us.  We can look to the word of God and find out whether we have sin in our life that we did not know of.

If when you examine your life you have sorrow for the past, it is time to ask God for forgiveness and to repent of past ways and ask Him to help you to become the man or woman He desires.

Begin to read His Word in the Bible and you will know God's Truth, and be able to decipher your own faulty thinking from Truth, and know the changes you must make to get into right fellowship with the One who loves you and died so you would have a Way to Heaven.

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