
Abundant Supply

05/13/2015 12:22

Friend, flowing from the Throne of Grace and Mercy are Love, Truth, Wisdom, Kindness, Generosity, and every other Good thing for our life here on earth and the Life to come.

There is an abundant supply of all we need, for each one of us who believes in Jesus.

The Lord is always seeking good for our lives. 

When we are far from Him in belief, we make it harder for Him to reach us.  We close ourselves up from the abundant supply of His Grace and Mercy and Love.

Why not, instead, turn around and face Him and open up your soul, spirit, heart and mind to Him?

Just get a glimpse of the Goodness of Who He is and you will see that the road ahead could be glorious for you.

When our will is not in a symbiotic relationship with the will of God, we will never receive all the blessings He has for us.

His blessings flow easily when unhindered by unbelief, arrogance, fear, anger, and hatred.  Ask Him for forgiveness and truly receive it from Him.  Believe that He died for your sins and has made a way for you to know Him and receive abundant supply for your life. 

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The Lord And I

05/11/2015 09:45

Friend, our spiritual life governs all that happens in the natural world.

Many people think it is the opposite, but put aside those thoughts for a little while and focus on your relationship or non-relationship with Jesus.

Having no relationship with Him allows evil to be your task master.  Evil will take you down paths that lead far from God. Evil has a mission to not allow you to know there is a God.  It first seeks to prove there is no God.

Why would this be beneficial to evil?  Because when you die not having believed, you, by default, belong to evil and have no argument that will be heard at the Judgement seat of Almighty God when the time comes.

When evil sees that you are beginning to think there is a God or you may be interested in knowing Jesus, it sets about to scoff and scorn and embarass those thoughts - a lot of times, in front of others.

Evil has it's own systems in the world, propped up by men and women in the world who have accomplished something and whom we admire for some trait, or have authority over us - even parents.

We often think that if someone has acheived some degree of success in a field we are attracted to then, they MUST be correct in their thinking.

Sometimes, we just have itching ears that want to hear how the Bible could not be true; how the story of Jesus is just a fairy tale and how there could not be a Creator.  We want our thought conclusions to be correct, after all we are so intelligent to have thought of these things - but friend, it is all evil guiding you along it's fateful path, using pride, ego, lies, envy, applause, the spotlight, denial and all other means at it's disposal to fool us.

The Lord wants you to know that He wants you to think about Truth.

Pure and Beautiful, Just and Wise, Clean and Holy, Truth.

The Lord looks upon the heart of man and knows all about us. He wants a right relationship with you and me.

It's just Him and you. He's trying to keep you from plunging into Hell, into the abyss that no souls can climb out of, once in there.

The truly evil and unrepentant heart cannot know God, because it has shut it's heart and mind off to the existence of God, or like satan, it hates God and thinks one day evil will win.

But, we have this new day to examine our lives and see whether God would be pleased with us.  We can look to the word of God and find out whether we have sin in our life that we did not know of.

If when you examine your life you have sorrow for the past, it is time to ask God for forgiveness and to repent of past ways and ask Him to help you to become the man or woman He desires.

Begin to read His Word in the Bible and you will know God's Truth, and be able to decipher your own faulty thinking from Truth, and know the changes you must make to get into right fellowship with the One who loves you and died so you would have a Way to Heaven.

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The Daily Walk

05/09/2015 10:34

Friend, remember to walk each day with the Lord.  Know that He is with you and His Spirit is available with tens of thousands of angels to put to work for you when you walk with Jesus as your Lord and Saviour God.

Have Joy in your heart for Almighty Father God loves you, and is guiding you along the Path of Life everlasting for your soul.

Be open to hear the voice of Father, Son and Spirit, and respond according to the inspiration you receive.  Do not deny it, as it will shrink away to nothing when you constanntly crowd it out with your own rationalizations.

Reject the old ways of thinking and reacting to your circumstances.  Be the changed soul that God desires.

Return to Him every time you recognize your mistake in thinking or reacting to daily troubles in the old patterns.

Each day when you arise and have thanked Him for your new day, decide to change the thing that He has asked you to. 

Maybe it is not saying His name as a swear word (in vain). Or removing anger towards someone who has hurt you.  Whatever He asks, set about to do it and you can go to Him and ask forgiveness when you fail -  just keep trying with His help. You will begin to overcome and will acquire a new area in your soul that the Lord can fill with spiritual things of value to you.

All our pride and sinful ways block the Lord's access to our spirit.  The sooner we get rid of these evil ways, the closer we get to having a fulfilling relationship with Jesus the lover of our soul.

The Lord is waiting for you to recognize that He is the answer to all your needs and you must begin to rid yourself of all the evil excesses you have acquired. He will help you to do it.  Just ask - His Power is greater than the power of evil that pervades the world.

With Him you will overcome. 

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Meditation Verse James 4:12

05/08/2015 11:35


Scripture.  There is one Lawgiver; Who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?  James 4:12  KJV

James tells us that God alone is the Lawgiver who judges all and who will mete out  reward and punishment at the Judgement seat.

Meditating on this fact of the Bible will bring us into right relationship with Him.  He is the Great One.  We are not great when we stand before Him no matter how great the world says we are or have been.

We should never judge one another.  Having a soft heart and a loving demeanor helps us not to judge others.  We should consider each other to be equal in God's sight.  We're all sinners.  Some are saved by the Grace and Mercy of Jesus and others are not yet saved.

That is the only difference by which God judges us.  We're all His children, some in rebellion, some loving Him.


Lord, thank You that You are the Lawgiver.  Knowing You are in full control allows me to look to You and see the beauty of Who You are and humbly give my life to You.  Amen

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Be Alert To Satan

05/08/2015 11:00

Friend, we must be alert to the workings of satan, the enemy of God.

Satan works in the world to bring disharmony and keep our daily lives full of excesses that entice us away from God.  He seeks to manipulate and coerce and drag us into sin of all kinds.  The world is full of his works.  Every day he is using people to destroy us, so that we die without ever having heard the Word of God.

Satan distorts God's Word and uses people to deliver new messages to us.  He has introduced superstitions and black arts to confound us.  Whole belief systems are supported by satan.  He can appear as an angel of light and fool the unwise. (If you bow down to an image made by man, you have been fooled.)

Many people believe they are going to be with God when they die but they have allowed themselves to be fooled and God will prove it to them. They would not answer the call from Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  They went the path they desired while ignoring the Truth of the Spirit's voice.

They bought into the lie of satan and developed "stories" not Truth, for the masses who God says are goats and will be separated from His sheep when the time comes for Judgement.

Ask yourself, am I one of the goats or am I one of God's sheep who knows the Master's voice?

Hear the Spirit, open your mind, heart, eyes and ears and say, "Holy Spirit, I want to hear You and only You from now on."

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Humble & Contrite

05/08/2015 10:45

Friend, God dwells with humble and repentant hearts. 

The high and mighty, arrogant, selfish, boasters, He cannot dwell with, because their hearts are turned from Him and turned to their own evil ways - and the god of their world, satan.

In Isaiah 57:15 God says to us...I dwell in the high and Holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the heart of the contrite.

Isn't that a beautiful Word for your heart?  Your humble and contrite heart, the simpleness of who you are; He loves and dwells with to show you great things.

When we come to Him as a broken cup, one that can't hold the Life-giving Water for our soul, He mends us and pours into the cup all the Water we need, even to overflowing, if we will receive Him.

A contrite heart is one that weeps and agonizes over the sin and says to God, "Lord God, I am a sinner, help Thou, me!"

He will forgive that heart, because it wants to shun evil.  This is a starting place for God.  From here, He knows what to do - you must allow Him full rein.

He asks you to walk humbly, knowing you are a sinner saved by His Grace and Mercy.  In due time when you are ready by His standards, He will give you what He knows to be your new destiny.

Commune with Him in a secret place and meditate on how Great and Powerful your God is.

Stay humble and contrite.

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05/08/2015 10:26

Friend, put aside the murmurings of unbelief that flood your thoughts.

Give your soul a chance to know Truth, to find Wisdom and to enjoy constant companionship; with Joy and Love and Peace for the soul.

Isn't this what we all crave and search for?

The Holy Spirit is speaking with us all at every moment we are alive on this earth. Do we hear Him? 

Do you hear Him?

We must give ourselves a chance to recognize His voice in our mind and heart.

Start from the position that we are full of sin and can do no good thing ourselves. When we do good to someone else, it is the Spirit's encouragement, and His rationalizing that we hear. 

So take no thanks for what you have done. It is not you, but the Spirit.

How do you feel about that?

Do you want to take the credit yourself and deny the Spirit?

The Bible, God's Holy personal letter to us tells us that it is the Spirit. This then, is how the Lord interprets our good deeds. We get credit from God when we recognize that it is the Spirit; and give thanks and praise to God for the Spirit who works with us daily.

Friend, today, allow the Spirit to receive the glory for your good deeds. Take no thanks yourself. Place yourself in His good hands and allow His urgings to be fulfilled in your life today.

If you stumble or fall or are embarassed, take no heed, keep on the path of righteousness with the Spirit guiding and directing.

Praise Him and thank Him for His Goodness!

He will not take you down evil pathways.

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